Friday 23 September 2016

Pastoral Morning

My drive to work is relatively short. I do not have to deal with traffic jams or catch public transit. I get to travel on back roads in total silence if I choose.

Today was overcast and a little cooler. It seemed a bit more like Autumn. I decided to pull over in a few spots to take pictures of the beautifully colour coordinated animals I see most mornings.

There are many more sheep than this, but these were closest to the road.

The same farmer keeps these cattle. They match the sheep very well. Even his sheep dog is this colour.

A little farther down the road I see this beauty.

These are his friends. They were a little farther away, so I played around with zooming in. I love when they are all out in the field together.

The trees have only just begun to change colour, little bits here and there. I am so glad that I get to drive through the countryside every day. I don't know how people commute to the city, spend hours on a highway, drive along congested roads. Some mornings I might meet four or five other vehicles at the most. I am much more contented when I am surrounded by wildflowers, birdsong, and a big dose of "green".


  1. A great blog as usual. I never tire of looking of sheep especially when they're on the dinner treble. Lol.

    1. Thanks, Treey. I am not fond of lamb. Not even with mint jelly.

    2. Sorry about the spelling, but I've got predictive text.

  2. Jenn, Your drive is a pleasant one. I used to drive 25 miles to work...but in winter it would seem like a hundred and twenty. I hated snow, heavy rains and fog...the worst for driving. My sister and I rode to work a lot together...if we were in the same dept.or shift. We would take turns driving. Once I went into the trades...we never got to ride together. But I could visit her on my break. :) Wishing you a great weekend, xoxo, Susie

    1. Even though my drive is short, I've still gone through some pretty awful snow storms as well. Have a good weekend, too, Susie!

  3. I have woods and a steep road into the valley to the river for my daily trip. We're both fortunate. Good to see milkweed along your verges.

    1. I think people are much more conscious of milkweed these days. There is quite a bit behind our property, but I still only saw two monarchs this year.

  4. Oh what a lovely commute, and photos! I live in a city and walk to work everyday, which is lovely. I don't think I'd do well driving and sitting in traffic.

    1. Walking to work is good, too. Thanks for visiting my blog! -Jenn

  5. what a lovely view; you are very lucky. I wish I was near something so lovely and pastoral. :)

  6. We drove down from North Bay on Friday. Their fall colors are way ahead of ours!

    1. I've noticed more colour in just the last couple of days. But yes, colours increase the farther north you go.

  7. I like all the coordinated animals. :-)

    I work in home support so have to drive to and from homes in my city all day. It is so exhausting. I can't imagine if I lived in a city any bigger than the one I live in. My dream is to move to one of the smaller islands nearby and retire.

  8. You have such a lovely, peaceful view on your way to work. Sure beats the urban, concrete jungle!

  9. The trees are starting to change here in Maine. Most young people seem too busy to see them. It is good to slow down
    the Ol'Buzzard
