Sunday 26 June 2022

Sunday, June 26, 2022

 We've been experiencing a lovely stretch of nice hot weather. Perhaps some rain today which is fine by me for my gardens could use it. It was so hot yesterday that we spent a nice chunk of the afternoon in the pool. Our pool is heated only by some husband-made solar heating system so it takes some good heat to get it to a temperature that suits me. It was 83 degrees yesterday, so that's good!

The school year is wrapping up. Students attend until Wednesday the 29th. Teachers have one P.D. day, the 30th, to clean and re-organize their classrooms. I've been surprisingly busy with supply teaching this past week, and am booked for Monday and Tuesday. I've been part of two playdays (fun outdoor activities throughout the day, usually run by the older grades).  Then Friday is Canada Day, July 1st. I'd like to go somewhere to watch fireworks, as the last two years, of course, have been cancelled. 

The gardens are lovely right now. Many peonies were beaten down by previous rains, but the beautiful pink ones are still showing their colour. The delphiniums are on the cusp of blooming. This year, I have taken to bringing in a very tiny bouquet of blooms to put in a sweet little vase on the bathroom counter. I generally like an uncluttered counter top in the bathroom, but realized how just a small bit of my flowers made me happy each time I looked at them. Here are some dianthus that I cut last night. (I'm pretty sure they are dianthus, correct me if I'm wrong).

Previously I've had three peony blooms, mock orange, lilac, and siberian iris. The scent of the peonies filled the room. Do you bring flowers into the house from your garden?

This morning I brewed up some fresh hummingbird syrup. I have intentions of planting out two new hanging pots for the front porch, as the ones from Mother's Day have an unfortunate case of tiny aphids and are almost beyond saving. Two doses of insecticidal soap haven't made a difference. I shall cut them back to the extreme and dose them again, setting them away from other plants and hope for the best. Maybe I can bring them back to life. 

I continue to try my best to not spend, time gas fill-ups to the "cheapest" price (it is now $1.98 a litre, but I had to put gas in when it was well over $2.00), and look at the grocery store flyers for the best sales. It is beyond me how some people are managing right now (and I know many are not). 

Later I will have a zen hour or so, sitting on my little stool, weeding in my vegetable garden. I have now realized that my carrots have been nibbled off and I shall have to replant and sufficiently cover them. (Rabbits!!!). I am currently sitting at the computer in the kitchen and looking at my many lists I have made of things that need doing, but not stressing about them because it will all get done (or not) eventually. 

Tuesday 21 June 2022

Ode to the Triangle Fly


Ode to the Triangle Fly

Triangle fly,  I despise thee.

Your presence is felt

in late June and July,

Your evil bite shall be dealt.

Some call you deer fly, 

Horse fly by others.

Your kind could be called

Truly evil mother futhers.

You literally follow me

As I work the homestead.

Alighting occasionally

Upon my hot head.

I try and I try 

Unsuccessfully to swat you.

Your persistence is commendable, 

'Tis your only virtue.

When at last you do bite

And I feel your impaction,

With my hand I do smash you

With great satisfaction.

Alas it is too late

The damage is felt

As my skin raises up

In a great itchy welt.

They say everything

Is on Earth for a reason.

Yet I see no benefit 

Of you in this season.

And so triangle fly,

What I am asking of you,

Is to leave me alone. 

I bid you adieu.

God, how I hate them. -Jenn

Saturday 11 June 2022

Amish Auction

 This morning we went just a couple of minutes drive down the road to the twenty-second annual Amish auction that raises money for their schools. The place was hopping when we got there at about 9:20 in the morning and was twice as full when we left an hour or so later!

It’s a consignment sale for tools, horse equipment, and furniture. As well there were plants, baked goods, and many quilts. The quilts get auctioned off as well. 

There are horses for auction, everything from wee little ponies ( and two little donkeys) to sleek ex- race horses for buggy use. 

We were hoping for Apple fritters, but settled for donuts and cinnamons buns!

Breakfast of champions!

There was also a big food tent for hamburgers, sausage on a bun, or slices of pie if you wished. Kettle corn was being cooked up in big vats. Rows of picnic tables, porta-potties, and hand washing stations provided comfort if necessary. There was a schedule for what was being auctioned and when. We weren't interested in buying anything, (but if I had a little barn, that donkey would have come home with me!) apart from baked goods. 

Car parking was provided in a cut hay field, complete with little guys in their straw hats directing traffic. Buggy parking was closer to the actual sale area. This is what it looked like when we came in the morning. 

These two pictures, above, were taken as we were leaving. There was also "horse parking" in a barn. We joked about, what if you took the wrong horse? I mean, I've walked up to the wrong Toyota Rav 4 in a parking lot before, there are so many that look just like mine! 

The quilts were displayed in a large tent. There were also many benches for people to sit on when the quilt auctions started. 

I loved looking at the horses. This mother and foal pair caught my eye. They were for sale. I wonder how much they will end up selling for?

Some of the buggy horses were gorgeous, all shined up for the event with their Showsheen. Did you know that the young Amish men like to purchase race horses as their buggy horses? It's similar to a young men wanting a sports car or muscle car. 

I'm always drawn to the draft horses. 

I don't think this pair was for sale as they had no numbers on them. They were gentle giants. 

This one obliged by turning and looking at me for a picture! I so enjoyed going to the sale. I was in my happy place with the smell of horses and fried onions wafting around me. 

We're home now and after another cup of coffee, I'm changing into shorts as the temperature is heating up and I've a good day of yard work ahead of me. Tons of rain mean lots of whipper-snipping and weeding. 

Tuesday 7 June 2022

Coronation Street Detour

 For any other Coronation Street watchers, are you also fast- forwarding through great chunks of your recorded episodes? Ughh! Give me the old episodes. Is it new writers? Is it what they think what the public wants? Just curious.

Sunday 5 June 2022


 Today, as I was sitting on my porch, bird song in the air, the faint hum of a lawnmower in the distance, the air not too cool, but not too hot moving the leaves around, I realized I was in a state of pure contentment. I was just "being" and it felt wonderful. 

This is not a usual state for me. I'm usually not in the moment, often thinking of what I should be doing, or planning on what to do later, going over something in my head, bugged about something, or chastising myself for something I should have done differently. But today, in that moment, I was content. It would be nice to be in that state more frequently. I'll have to work on that (yes, I realize the irony).

June is just nice. I've always liked June. From a work perspective, June was that last month of school, things were wrapping up, the weather was nicer, kids were excited at the prospect of summer holidays, colleagues were hanging in there, some by the skin of their teeth. 

But a June flower garden just can't be ignored. It is a garden of gorgeous colours, soft textures, emerging texture and scent. June vegetable gardens in my area aren't all that exciting. Seeds are in the ground, just a few are germinating, small garden centre plants have been put in the soil in the hopes that "last frost dates for your area" are accurate. 

This year I decided to plant in plots, or rectangles like I did last year. I seem to be able to cram more in a small space and if planned properly, I can reach beds from different sides while staying on the path(s), thereby not compressing the soil too much and using space wisely. I planned it out with string and my wooden tomato stakes. 

As you can see, it is mostly "ground" right now. The plants you can see are those which I started from seed, or purchased from a garden centre. There are tiny cages over and around my zucchini (trying to Murphy-proof them). The rectangular wooden things you see are bunny protection. There is chicken wire on top. I lay these on top of things I plant from seed which take a little longer to grow and which are enticing to the MANY rabbits in the area. I try to keep the covers on until the plants are big enough so they wouldn't be completely decimated if a wascally wabbit tried to have a midnight snack. 

We have had this engraved rock for more than twenty-five years from days long ago when we actually had a store that featured garden accessories. This year I decided to make it true. 

In one section of my vegetable garden, I have decided I wanted a little herb garden. I bought a couple of individual herbs from a garden centre, and then when I was walking up to a Giant Tiger (a store here in Canada), I saw they had collections of herbs planted in one large round pot. They was on sale, so I bought one, then pried everything apart individually and ended up with a nice collection of herbs. I have basil, chives, parsley, oregano, and thyme. 

Yesterday I planted all of my containers (pots, urns, and window boxes). In an effort to be more economical in these times of absolutely ridiculous prices, I purchased three cheap hanging plants from Food Basics: ivy geraniums, standard geraniums and licorice plant. They looked a little sad and unkempt, but I knew I could bring them back to life. I then took the hangers off, took the plants out of their pots and divided them, putting them in a variety of my containers. I also bought some wave petunias and "spikes" from Walmart, as well as some impatiens and coleus for shady spots. I dug out some creeping jenny vine that had starting growing where I used to pile cuttings and spent plants by the chicken coop to use for trailing plants.

This is what we refer to as "the shed" but it's more like a garage. I spent a lot of time edging and digging out grass and weeds underneath the window boxes. I think it looks much neater that way.

I'm looking forward to when everything fills in and trails nicely. 

A June flower garden just can't be ignored. It is a garden of gorgeous colours, soft textures, emerging texture and scent. Next, I'll show you some of the same perennials and flowering shrubs I've no doubt shown you every other June since I started this blog, but they always make me contented, so hopefully they'll do the same for you.

Enjoy your upcoming week, everyone.