Tuesday 19 December 2023

Dec. 19, 2023

 It's one of those contemplative, calm, quiet mornings. 

As you can see from the Santa "calendar", it is December the 19th and if you look beyond, out the kitchen window above the sink, we got a little snow yesterday. 

There is the official measurement of snow. Not much, and will likely be gone in a day or so, according to the forecast, but it helps to keep it feeling "Christmasy".

I'm having my "Melozio" coffee (Nespresso) this morning. Usually I just have instant coffee, but I felt like a little something special, so this is using the coffee maker the kids got us a couple of years ago, with cream. It's sitting beside the old computer screen in the corner of the kitchen.

Murphy is having a drink of water after breakfast.

Scooter is grooming, waiting for Murph to get out of the way. Life is tough when you are fluffy. 

I still have to get dressed out of my pajamas and robe and go out and turn on the light in the chicken coop and add food to their feeder. The sander just came down our road. We are on a dead end road in our little village and every year the snow removal equipment rips the grass apart on the edges of the road and digs great caverns into the road itself. We are on a tiny bit of a rise and I guess it's just too tough to raise the blade a bit. But what do I know, I've never driven a salter, sander, or plough. 

I'm in that odd funk whereby you prepare, prepare, prepare and anticipate and then it's over and you don't know what to do, as we had our gathering two days ago (our immediate family) because daughter and fiance leave this Friday to the Great White North. It was a fantastic day, however, with good food, laughter, two Christmas movies, and a game. So now I wait until our little gathering on Christmas Eve day where we will have my mother-in-law with husband and son and I for a smaller dinner, I'm thinking ham, and we will give her some presents and take her back to her nursing home. Dementia is getting rougher on her. I'm not sure how this will go... Then on Christmas Day, we drive a couple of hours to a city where we are gathering at my brother and sister-in-law's home for my side of the family's get together. 

This is where I get a bit maudlin - last year was SO traumatic with my cancer diagnosis and various treatments and my sister being in ICU and us driving like a bat out of hell to get to her bedside, being told that "this was it". In fact, it was a year ago on the 16th that it happened for her. A very different Christmas. She did recover with all the bumps and delays from being in an induced coma and being hooked up to so many machines. It took way too many weeks to finally discover that she was deathly allergic to ibuprofen and that's why her body went into shock / sepsis. I, of course, recovered and got the all clear from the doctor and go on with my forever changed life, taking drugs which will assist me in not getting cancer again and being reminded to live my life fully whenever I turn down an opportunity, or think I shouldn't splurge on the "good stuff", or feel guilty for spending an afternoon reading instead of doing something productive. 

So, this year we have lots to be thankful for, lots of looking back and being glad that's over with. Ironically, both sister and brother have had leg surgery this month (or very end of November for sister, I believe), so they will be the hobbling siblings at Christmas. I must be very careful in my clumsiness and not bump into either one of them! But they will recover in the weeks to come and will have, eventually, less pain and new mobility and will also have a "new lease on life". I have two older brothers and my older sister and I am glad that we can all get together and that it will be something to look forward to. We've not always seen eye to eye and gotten along perfectly over the years, but time mellows things and relationships change and sometimes hardships bring people closer together (and sometimes not). There will be some cousins, but not all, as some live quite far away now. Everyone has two children in my family, my two brothers, my sister and myself. 

I am rambling on, aren't I? It's time to wrap this up and start reading your blogs and seeing what's happening in your lives... 


  1. Jenn glad that this year everyone in the family seem to be healthy, happy & maybe just a little bit wobbly. Life can change so dramatically in an instant. Taking the time to read is never wasted time, IMO. Just like our flower gardens, winter is a good time to rest, & develop under that blanket of snow. Plus both of us have cats that are the Zen masters of rest to teach us (col). And speaking of snow, we also got a skiff of snow, just enough to know it is winter - but oh that wind, it's too much, too bitter. Happy Christmas to you & yours, safe travels. ... Mary-Lou =^..^=

  2. Aw..but a lovely, cozy ramble it was. Enjoyed that. Love that mug. Just the shape and size I am always looking for with a big, sturdy handle one can get one's hand in. All the best to you, Jenn. Happy New Year.

  3. Yes, a much better Christmas for all concerned this year! Enjoy every moment of it!

  4. We got about six inches. It was like a snow globe blowing around when I crawled out of my nest, but the sun is shining now. Looks like lots of sunshine over the next week so it won't last. I live on a dead end road with small rises along the way. Our road gets torn to rats too. The bits of turf that get torn up often end up frozen into a berm at the ends of our lanes. The guy across and us are the worst victims of that. We will have a dinner celebration with my partners family toward New Year. Christmas will be just the two of us.

  5. Yes, I remember how difficult your last December was! What a time your family had. I am so glad this year is smoother.
    Not much happening here either, as I go through this round of Covid. My own fault for forgetting to get a vaccine.

  6. A lovely peek into your life. Wishing you and all your family a merry Xmas and may any bumps be passing.

  7. It has been a rough old year for many .
    Better to have several smaller get togethers than one huge splurge..enjoy every one

  8. Such lovely pictures, so peaceful.

    God bless.

  9. Having several holiday celebrations sounds ideal vs. one large gathering. Several smaller group celebrations seems more intimate for everyone. Enjoy.

  10. Oh my, we've had more snow than you. A couple inches here. That will change for sure. You keep on having a better year, this year and next.

  11. Lots of good healing happened this year in your family.
    We gather at our daughters on christmas day with her inlaws it all works out just fine. My side of the family is a very lost cause I just move on.
    My husband's family will gather after Christms
    Merry Christmas

  12. In my humble opinion, it's worth working on the sibling relationships. I'm glad everyone's doing better this year! Down here, 20 miles from the southern shore of Lake Ontario, we got a bit of snow, three inches or so. The trees are like Narnia, and I baked cookies. :)

  13. My mum and dad were very close to their first cousins, but I didn't see them as often. The various family weddings would have had squillions of guests, had everyone been invited. Sad, isn't it.

  14. One of my daughters lives north of Huntsville and can’t drive because of health and other one lives near Lindsay. She usually has to go to husbands family for Christmas leaving me alone for Christmas. I was just going to pick up a turkey dinner from the local pub on Xmas day then my daughter informed me that they along with my grandson, liked the idea of a pub lunch and would be coming down to see me. So we are all going to have pub lunch with no expectations and no one has to cook. Gigi

  15. You and your family sure had a stressful year! I am glad that things have settled down and wish you all a new year of good health and fun adventures!

  16. I love quite, contemplative day. It is also fun to go for walks with a fresh skiff of snow to see what kind of creatures are out and about.

  17. I send many good wishes for wonderful holiday celebrations -- and yes, living every day to the max. You've had one heck of a year -- a physical and emotional rollercoaster. I'm glad you can celebrate together -- all of you in one way or another (or one place or another). We leave for several days with the kidlets so I may not be back on blog much before Christmas. So, I wish you and your family the most beautiful and merriest of Christmases.

  18. The Great White North sounds like a frontier land of adventure for only the intrepid! Good for you for splashing out on your fancier coffee and cream, it's super delicious as I've discovered this year. Ye olde milk is a boring thing of the past :)
