Monday 11 February 2019

No more, please

Brace thineself:

Here we go again, people. This is getting old.


  1. I know, I know! It was supposed to moderate here by Wednesday but now the forecast says not until next Monday! NOOOOOOOOO!

  2. And I was going to complain about a little more rain. Roll on spring. It is coming you know, sometime

  3. Ugh, I'm sorry! We have a little sleet and freezing rain here this morning, but it's not to amount to much. Makes for a potentially treacherous trip to work this morning! A lot different than just two weeks ago when we were just walking to the barn!

  4. We're in the path of the same storm....they told us it would start around midnight hadn't started at 3am Tuesday but when I finally cracked my eyes open (and the blinds) at seven it was snowing. Still nothing that would keep me home but it has started. It's February in Ontario up your boots....more to come no doubt.

  5. Welcome to winter! ;o) The snow we were to expect first of this week hasn't materialized. Maybe it's stuck in a holding pattern over you!

  6. Jenn, I can truly sympathize with you. Our winter started so mildly and I was truly loving it...then it went bad and has been nasty about everyday since. Come on springtime...I keep saying to myself. LOL. Blessings, stay warm and safe, xoxo, Susie

  7. A few thumbnails back I told Karen we're finally on the warm side. Warm and rain. C'mon rain.

  8. So tired of this! We are getting a huge dump of snow this afternoon into tomorrow. Bleh...

  9. Ugh! The snow started here again a couple of hours ago and is coming down steadily. Schools are closing early and probably won't be open tomorrow. I know it's winter and to be expected, but these big storms make life so difficult! I love living where we experience all 4 seasons, but winter is at the bottom of on my list.

  10. Same here! If it wasn't for starting seeds in the utility room and planning my spring garden I'd go stir crazy!!

  11. Stay warm and safe!

  12. I am totally with you. I'm sitting here, watching the snow pile up and trying to decide whether to shovel now, or wait until all the ice and sleet is done in the morning and then shovel it off, or just hibernate until April.

  13. Pfff too much snow...i hope spring Will come soon...take care and warmmmm love Ria 💕

  14. I understand...

    We are in snow and sleet too....

    Began at noon, so schools didn't even bother to open...



  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Sorry, just meant to say I stayed home and baked cookies!

  17.'s what happened. Of course, I went into work. The weather didn't actually pan out to be as horrible as first predicted. I have no idea about other parts of Ontario, however. What I do know, is that I've been at home for a time now, just ate supper (pasta) and I've been listening to the freezing rain hitting the east side of the house. I looked at the radar and it is gorgeous! By that I mean, there is a huge magenta splotch (indicating freezing rain), some green (indicating rain) all surrounded by some nice dark blue (snow). Husband just declared, "Bad stuff is on the way."
    Thanks for all the comments. It's always fun and games in this part of Ontario, but obviously, there are other areas with equally joyous weather.

  18. Oh dear. We have wind and rain. So much rain. I am so afraid it will turn off and be dry this summer. We've got standing water even here on top of our ridge.

  19. We have the same thing going on over here in Maine. I don't mind the snow but this sux.
    the Ol'Buzzard
