Wednesday 24 October 2018

What's Your Sign?

I was reading Rachel's blog and got to thinking about how she mentioned her sign (Aries, if I recall). I've always played around a little bit with looking up what my "star sign" is known for and much of it is fairly close to accurate (see how I danced around that?) We went out for a quick Chinese food night and sat at the tables with the paper Chinese zodiac signs on it (I'm year of the horse if you are interested) and we all read what they were and who we were best suited to enjoy, or be in conflict with. I guess I'm not good with my daughter (Horse and rat), according to a paper place mat anyway.

I'm not so sure that the descriptors for Horse are really me, certainly not heroic, no comment on hypocritical!

However my zodiac sign is Cancer. Here are some things that are used to describe Cancers. I would say they are quite true of me.

I think my favourite, however, is this one:

Yes that one really made me laugh. Do NOT expect me to offer up some of my Smarties Blizzard to you. Sorry.

The whole concept of astrology and zodiac signs is one I do struggle with. As you may know, I'm not a religious person, I generally feel that you make your decisions and choices in life and I'm not big on pre-destination and the phrase, "it was meant to be" just about sends me into apoplexy, but at the same time, I find it fun to find out about my 'sign'. I don't read daily horoscopes because that's just silly to think each day could be predicted (and they are all so vague and easily applied).

Chime in with your own opinions. Hogwash, or are you a "typical" example of your star sign?


  1. I don't really believe in astrology, but I do find it seems to have me down to a tee. I'm a wood monkey and also, Aquarius. They're fairly similar. One of my favorite Aquarian stories is how all of the twelve signs are having a serious discussion about something important. Each has a well thought out comment. Aquarius says, "Oh, look! Is that a bird?" I'm afraid this is all too true.

  2. I've seen better descriptions of the Chinese signs.

  3. I think Astrology is great for fun but don't run your life by it. My sign? Cock-a-doodle-doo!

  4. Seems that I'm a bit of a monkey. Nah, I don't believe in astrology.

  5. I am so Aries I find it embarrassing at times! I am more typical than every typical description you will ever read.

  6. I'm a dragon. They got me half right and that goes for my star sign too. I'm a sagittarian but defintely not a typical one. I don't believe in the star signs and their predictions but it is fun to read them. Didn't they discover a new star or sign recent.y. I remember there being some hype about it and then it was forgotten

  7. Jenn I'm with you on the "if it's meant to be ..." the other one that drives me up the wall is "it is what it is ..." I do not follow either zodiacs. ... Mary-Lou =^..^=

  8. I'm not a follower of zodiacs, though I have looked at the typical characteristics just out of curiosity. In the Chinese one I'm a rooster and that is a fair description of me in lots of ways. I'm also a Capricorn and quite typical from the descriptions I've seen. The one thing I read that cracked me up was here, where under dislikes it listed "Almost everything at some point". Ha, ha ... that's me to a T! I also saw "a Capricorn needs all of their paperwork in perfect order, their documents clean, and their file impeccable." Yep, guilty as charged. It worked well in my career as a lawyer, but my need for order drives my family nuts sometimes.

  9. I'm a Pisces and Horse, and while I don't believe any of it, I chime pretty closely with supposed Piscean traits. There was a cafe nearby called Monkey & Leo and for several years I couldn't understand why the owner picked the name as it didn't really "flow", then my small niece saw it one day and said "that's me!" and the penny finally dropped.

  10. I don't really believe any of it. But many years ago I served on a committee and we found out one week that out of the ten of us eight of us were Scorpio (bossy, taking ever etc.)
    I am born in the year of the Monkey, or so my neighbour tells me (she is really into it.)

  11. That is a cute Chinese zodiac. You are a good writer, love stopping by here.

  12. Definitely hogwash, but fun anyway. My husband and I are both Libras and our daughter is a Cancer.

  13. My dragon sign is so contrary to my nature! I used to read the horoscopes but not anymore, it's all a crock.

  14. OMG how funny, Just as you read the good qualities you have the next line pulls the rug out from under you. LOL Makes us sounds like nice losers. LOL I liked reading it and the comments. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  15. Apparently, I'm a dragon and I am sure there are many who would agree. I think it's fun but, as Debra She Who Seeks says, I don't run my life by it. I don't run my life at all, frankly... :)

  16. Astrology is fun but not to be taken seriously. Both my girls are cancer signs and that last image is very true! LOL You might get a tiny taste of food if you ask for it but that's about it :) I'm an Aquarius and the snake sign in Chiness Zodiac. My older daughter is the monkey and the younger one is the ox. And the descriptions of those for both my girls are not very accurate.

    1. My birthday is July 15th. Do I share a birthday with one of your daughters?

  17. I am a Pisces and it fits me fo a T. Actually, I am a double Pisces. But, I don’t really believe that astrological signs have a lot of validity. I think I am who I am because of Nature and Nurture.

  18. I am a PIG apparently a WOOD PIG and a LIBRA..... anyone is welcome to figure out that combination.

  19. I'm a Monkey and my sweetie is a Tiger...hmmmmm!! I'm also a Pisces! Fun!!

  20. I'm a Horse and Libra. My mother was also a Libra and we were as different as chalk and cheese!

  21. Even though a lot of you don't really believe it, I find it interesting that we seem to know what our zodiac sign is. I agree that the first image that I put in (with the Chinese signs, year of the _______) isn't the best description. It's just one I found quickly on the internet. Actually, the paper placemat was better! I should have taken a picture of that!

  22. I am a Horse, Virgo, and someone wrote a book several years back that gave the personality of the combined signs. It was very interesting and acutely accurate.
    I am like most, I don't live my life by it, but find it entertaining sometimes.

  23. I agree. I'm not into these things, nor religious, nor do I believe in 'fate' etc. But it is fun to look at such.

    My Birthday is March 26th, so I am on the cusp of Pices/Aries. Pices is the fish going both ways, which to me, means not very sure of one's self. That was me, when younger. Aries is the Ram of course. And this is me, older. ,-) So..... That fits. ,-)


  24. Being on the cusp, I get to pick and choose :) I'm Gemini/Cancer, my birthday being on Summer Solstice.

  25. Interesting! I loved the one about sharing food!

    I used to do quite a bit of astrology -- I tried doing my own charts but the math baffled me but I still have loads of books on transits and angles. The main thing I learned doing that is the newspaper stuff is too general. When you look at a real astrological chart, with all the signs in place and their angles to one another, it can tell you quite a lot about personality. I'm still not so convinced on prediction. But you can have your birth sign in one spot but if you've loads of planets and/or ascendant in another sign, you may well carry more characteristics of that one than your birth sign. This seems to hold true for both Rick and me. The other thing that's interesting is that if you look at the charts of others and how their planets and yours overlay or aspect you can often "predict" the challenges of a relationship. Comes in handy with kids!
