Tuesday 16 October 2018

The "Family Tradition" continues, or when you find something in your wine

Yesterday, after I put in a full day at work, went to a MUCH needed hair appointment, came home, and started thinking about supper, I went to pour myself a glass of wine. Yes, it was Monday, don't judge me.

I'm a classy gal, so I reached for my box of wine on the counter (also known as Cardboardeaux!). When the wine is almost empty, one must open the box of wine so one can extract the vacuum sealed inner plastic bag, cut a little hole in a top corner and pour the remaining dregs out into a glass. Waste not, want not. So, I pried open the top of the box and went to reach in to push the little spout back into the box so I could pull out the bag.

Here is what I saw.

I laughed and laughed. A genuine, full, hearty laugh. It was that damned head, again. If you are not familiar with this family tradition, you can read this.

Later, husband found me and said, "I see you have a glass of wine."  He could barely contain his grin. He was so proud of this one. The box wasn't even opened! He had shoved the spout back into the box, pushed the head inside, pulled the spout back out and waited patiently until he KNEW I would get to the last bit of wine and pull the bag out. I gotta admit, it WAS a good one! Ha, ha, then I had the head, and had to come up with a sneaky spot to hide it. It could either be found by husband or son.  Mwaa Ha Ha… where will it turn up next?!?!


  1. Excellent family tradition. We passed a buckeye for years.

    1. Is a buckeye like a chestnut? That's a small thing to keep playing the game with. At least this head is large enough that we don't lose it! Sometimes it takes so long to find, we kind of forget about it.

  2. lol. My husband and I have a Freak one-legged doll that we hide on each other.

  3. Nothing like a good family tradition.

  4. It is a great time of year to do this, perfect!

    1. It isn't just limited to Hallowe'en time. Any time is a good time for a severed head.

  5. Oh my goodness, we have done something similar over the years!! We've even mailed our "something" to family members. :)

    1. I seem to recall mailing the head to our daughter at university one year when we thought she needed a pick-me-up care package.

  6. Your hubby is a brilliant player.

  7. Oh I love this. I have just got to do this at Christmas when my girls arrive.

    1. I think he put the head in after the wine had been partially consumed, when there was room.

  8. Oh this made me laugh Jenn. We used to have a shirt sleeve with a severed hand on the end of it that used to turn up in all sorts of places. No matter how much I prepared my self for it's appearance it always nearly gave me a heart attack.

    1. Severed hand, severed head... tomato, tomahto. Either one is fun to find and hide!

  9. I love those traditional jokes. We used to have them at family Christmases. One item passed between one family and another for years. I also love 'Cardboardaux'!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I was typing that I had stolen the term "Cardboardeaux" then realized that I had better see if I got the spelling remotely close to the actual spelling... anyway, you have now given me an idea for a Christmas gift.

  10. Too funny. The Mister and I have a similar gag going. Have a wonderful week. Who says we can't drink wine on Monday? Especially boxed wine?

  11. LOL.. it's great to have fun together in these little ways - we can always use a laugh, right?

  12. What fun! My partner and his brother have an elf they do foolishness like this with. He's turned up in a rag bag, my knitting cabinet, in my B-I-L bed (big secret how he got there as it's all the way in Hamilton, hahaa)

  13. That's fantastic! I am still laughing!

  14. Get him back, Use a sharpie to draw a spider on the toilet paper. My hubby nearly went through the roof. Too funny!

  15. No matter that (in your case) I would have known about "The Head" family tradition, I would still have screamed like a little girl upon spying it in the box. (Your husband really DID pull a good one though!)

    Reminds me of a prank pulled on our daughter who has always had a terrible fear of spiders. She was house/baby sitting for friends who went away for the weekend and left her in charge of their house and 9 year old daughter who knew of our daughter's fear of spiders. The 9 year old put a fake big, black, hairy tarantula in the bed where our daughter would be sleeping so that when she threw back the top covers to get in bed at night, there was the tarantula smack dab on the bottom sheet. The prank did not go over very well.

  16. HAHAHAHA! I love this. What a fun family tradition. This made me laugh out loud :) Families that are weird together, are happy together.

    We don't have an unusual tradition but we do have a skeleton sitting on the sofa bed couch in the spare bedroom. He's been sitting on our furniture out in the open since Halloween of 2004 or 2005. We've named him Mr. Bones and consider him part of our family :)

  17. Wine in the morning is a good tradition
    the Ol'Buzzard

  18. love the tradition and your choice of wine, lol. Does Moscato come boxed I'm wondering.

  19. Like many of the others …
    I am still laughing :)

    All the best Jan

  20. OMG that's funny! Also love the name "Cardbordeaux," LOL!

  21. I knew I loved you guys. Now I know for sure. Cardbordeaux... I'm going to have to take that one to Cork Poppers next week!
