Sunday 18 February 2024

Sunday, February 18, 2024

 "Fool's Spring" is definitely over and winter has returned. We have had a tremendous amount of snow over the past couple of days with more coming today. The drive way was shoveled twice yesterday and will need shoveling again today. (We have a big double driveway that normally is cleared by a man with a tractor and snowblower and we pay him for it, but I think he is on holidays right now.) 

Yesterday I spent a lot of time cleaning the house - really cleaning. Tub scrubbing, taking everything off dressers and night tables and thoroughly dusting. I bought the Method brand wood cleaner a while ago and like it. It has an almond extract scent, one I can tolerate. Many cleansers are too scented for me, sending me into a post nasal coughing fit. 

Scooter sheds in clumps (long haired cat) and I am forever picking up after him. I call our upstairs hallway the path of fur. I also baked an apple cake. 

Today, we are all getting together (us, the "kids", and Nana) for a little visit and early supper (Nana gets antsy, thinking she should return back "home", which is her nursing home, so we try to eat earlier). It will be cabbage roll casserole and garlic toast tonight. Apple cake is for dessert.  I'll make the casserole today, ahead of time. 

Thanks to everyone who commented about the air fryer. So far, I think I have realized that I am using it for too long each time. However long it says on a package to put something in the oven is definitely too long in the air fryer. I have made frozen pre-cooked chicken wings (I don't really like wings, but son does) which were o.k., frozen french fries which were stupendously better than done on a cookie sheet in the oven, Marc Angelo pork souvlaki which I over cooked the first time and was better with less time the next, and pieces of fish which I breaded myself which were pretty good. 

I am glad I did not go out and purchase a new one. I see the air fryer as something like my bread maker and instant pot. Used a lot at the beginning until the novelty wears off and then I get tired of how much space it takes up on the counter and re-arrange something in the pantry and store it away, then rediscover it again months later...

Tomorrow is Family Day, a made-up holiday in February. I have no idea why we have it, but we do. I decided to have the get together today, so the working kids could feel like they truly had a day off to do absolutely nothing tomorrow. 

I purchased some root touch up for my hair. I've dyed my own hair now for quite a few years. It usually looks fine. I go for a "dark blonde" which is actually more like light brown. I decided to break things up a bit and bought a highlighting kit. It even has the cap with the little holes to pull the strands through. We shall see how that goes. I might, perhaps, give you a before and after (but only if it turns out o.k.) I've highlighted my hair before, years ago. It turned out all right. I just won't go crazy and pull the hair through every little hole in the cap, that might be a bit too much. Any other brave souls out there who colour their own hair, or have even dabbled in highlights?

I have been substitute teaching a bit here and there. For the last couple of years, the government allowed retired teachers to sub. a bigger amount of days before it affected their pensions. This year, however, they kept the number of days at the minimum amount, so I have to be careful and spread my days out over the course of the school year. It is silly that they haven't increased the amount again because schools are still having to bring in "emergency" people. That means it could be anybody from a university student without a teaching degree or to someone's grandma. She could be the nicest lady, but regardless she has had no training and doesn't know the ins and outs of the rules we must abide by in teaching. 

I've spent enough time at the computer (yes, I'm using an old desk top right now), and must carry out fresh water for the chickens' heated water bucket, making my way through my path in the snow. I hope you all have a good rest of your weekend and happy Family Day to any Canadians out there!


  1. Glad you're getting better results with your air fryer now!

  2. I haven’t tried my air fryer on air fry mode yet but use it everyday on toast mode and on bake mode. I also use reheat quite often. I don’t use my big oven anymore as it takes so long to preheat. The airfryer preheats in just seconds. I am cooking just for myself so it is very useful for me. Here in my part of Toronto we have had hardly any snow yet. The roads are bare as are the sidewalks complements of the city plows. I just remembered that tomorrow was a holiday so got myself out to the grocery store to buy some couscous so I can make a salad tomorrow. I don’t like holidays now that everyday is a holiday for me. I do hope you have a nice day tomorrow and hope your chickens are warm and happy. Gigi

    1. I've not even considered using it to do anything except air fry! Hmmmm, I need to rethink things now.

  3. Although Australia doesn't have a formal Family Day Holiday, we certainly had other days when parents and children could picnic together, or go to the beach together. But eventually our sons said: thank you so much for lovely days out together, but we would rather go out with our friends.

  4. The air-fryer that was just an air-fryer went the way of the bread machine, juice maker, etc. - just as you said. But the air-fryer that is also a toaster oven is used daily here. We also have an Aga which is always on... so preheating is never needed, but our Breville is good for everything from toast to French fries to baked goods. And things that could go in the microwave come out crispier in it (likeTaquitos, hot pockets, chicken nuggets - grandkids favorites).
    And yes, in college I used to dye my own hair... it was very dark brown, but had a lot of red in it that I didn't care for at the time (little did I know that my kids would end up with red hair). Now it's almost completely white, so I don't bother anymore.

    1. I seem to remember seeing pictures of you when you were younger on your blog with your dark hair.

  5. I would love an air fryer but I am too cheap to buy one. I will find one at the thrift store when the excitement is over. That is what happened with my bread machine brand new in the box free, and my rice cooker new in the box free. Our recycling center has a swap shop a lovely room that you put what you don't want for someone else to take. I also thrift and have a dehydrator from there for 5.00
    I use to color my own hair all the time during covid I decided to go gray there are times I wish I hadn't done it but on the whole I do like it.
    IT is crazy they limit you on teaching my friend is in the same situation she is a teaching nurse and a retired health teacher. she is teaching on the college level now and has to be very careful of her hours.

    1. I got my air fryer for $40 from Facebook Marketplace, so a good deal and it was barely used. Yes, your friend would be in the same position as I am regarding her hours. I am very careful and keep a running tally on a sheet by the computer and double check all my paystubs.

  6. I worked for the feds so never enjoyed a Family Day. Here it is the start of a week off for the kids. Good thing, as it is giving my daughter and grandson a chance to get into a new/normal routine. He spent last week in hospital and was diagnosed with epilepsy after two scary events. The docs prescribed anti-seizure meds and I'm hopeful those incidents are behind him and his mom.

    It seems to me the government of your province (and mine) seem to consider teachers mere babysitters so it doesn't matter who sits in on a class. Which is ridiculous on so many levels.

    1. I hope your grandson does well on his meds. It may be something he outgrows, hopefully. Fewer and fewer people want to go into the profession and more are leaving teaching. There are a ton of reasons for this but it's best that I not get into it.

  7. Your Family Day sounds like a lovely gathering to share a nice meal and enjoy being together. Late season snow is never welcomed especially when everyone is looking forward to Spring. Our snow is nearly gone but we could get another blast of winter snow any day. February is unpredictable. Air fryers seem to require lots of know-how to get consistent ideal results. I think I'll pass on a purchase.

    1. This snow is not unusual right now at all. But we just got a lot all at once which makes it a little tough to keep ahead of it. We did have a nice time yesterday and Nana did o.k. with the visit.

  8. A family day sounds a good idea.
    I think I will pass on an air fryer unless I see one going for a song! Not really enough bench room here yet anyway!!,
    We are having a few milder days now..but you do wonder What Next?!

    1. That's the thing with these mini-appliances, they take up valuable kitchen space, so unless you will really use them, they are often not worth it.

  9. It's Family Day here too, and I wouldn't have realized it unless I read it on several blogs lol...I'm clueless. I've been dying my own hair for years. Every 3 weeks now to keep the roots hidden, either that or I just wear my hat! I permed my hair once and it was a DISASTER lol

    1. I was never brave enough to perm my hair, but being an 80's girl I had my share of spiral perms over the years!

  10. I'm like you and color my own hair and I cut it also. Tonight I may have gotten a little too liberal with the scissors. We will see what I think tomorrow. When I am done teaching, I think I will be done done. I will have worked for 34 years in education. Enough is enough, but I have 5 years, 9 months, and 11 days before I get there.

    1. I'm not one to cut my hair. I know it would be wonky! When I retired, I had been teaching for 31 years full time and had always said I would never come back for supply teaching, but financially it helps us and I don't feel like I'm taking an opportunity away from a new grad. They have more work than they can do! (I see you have the count down started to retirement! I used to do that, too!)

  11. Tomorrow is a holiday here, too, President's Day. It began as Lincoln's birthday,, when I was a child.
    Years ago my sister's girlfriend offered to "high light" her hair with that strands through the plastic cap method. Her entire head of hair was blond, and a disaster because it was long, down her back. She was a blond for a long time.

  12. Happy Family Day. Wasn't this made into a holiday to get us something between New Year's & Easter breaks? I am not enjoying our second winter! Glad to read that you are having some success with your air fryer & I'll look for that furniture polish, I like the scent of almonds. It's too bad Doug is limiting your time in the classroom. ... Mary-Lou =^..^=

    1. I'm pretty sure I bought it an an Independent Grocer (so some place where they sell P.C. products).

  13. I love that lost of seasons - we seem to be in mud season right now.

    1. Ahh, mud season. Our fool's spring involved a lot of mud. It is now covered in snow, but it will be waiting for us...

  14. You've been busy and productive -- and it sounds like good family fun time, too. I know that second winter bit. We're much the same but with less snow that you. Just the cold. I like the idea of a Family Day holiday! You guys have some good ones (and I like your Thanksgiving date better than ours!). Hearing 'apple cake' reminds me that I haven't made one in ages. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. It was so good, and so easy (the apple cake). Yes, I always thought the American Thanksgiving was too close to Christmas.

  15. Family day will be a quiet day with a long dog walk here, or bliss as I like to think of it. We hardly have any snow here in Edmonton which is strange and very scary, a very dry summer on the horizon.
    I retire in June after 38 years of nursing but I will still be working casual, hopefully just one day a week, enough to enjoy but not too much to be exhausted all the time. I don't understand short sighted government and bureaucracy thinking about limiting the number of days a retired teacher can work. Here the problem is travel nurses who are paid twice as much as the rest of us and jobs not being posted.

    1. I imagine the bottom line is money. It is far "cheaper" to bring in an unqualified person than to pay me (but I'll be honest, I don't make a whole lot for one day of substitute teaching). It has always been about money, never about what's best for the students, but I'm sure as a nurse you can speak on your side of things.

  16. I think we are just coming out of third winter now. Still cold, but the sun is shining and the snow seems to be melting a little bit. However things are still icy. I used to love Family Day when our boys were in school as we could do some crafts or reading together and not be rushed.

    God bless.

  17. I liked the list. It made me smile. Here in PHoenix there is a season called 'fire' apparently not so in your part of the woods.

  18. Love, love love your header pic!
    We are finally getting some decent winter, but fear it will not last, as rain is in the forecast. Hope you had a lovely day with your family.

  19. I really don't know what to think about the teaching situation. My daughter is a teacher so I get her insight. Here in BC there has been plenty of noise about lack of teachers and It has been reported that there are a huge number of vacancies. When you go on the school job boards every single listing is either for "on call" or for riculously part time like two days. In some cases several part time jobs are in the same district and it would seem to make sense to combine them into full time positions. Many teachers can't afford to take these jobs with no security or not enough hours and no benefits. It makes me think the administration has designed the system to leave jobs unfilled and thus save money.

  20. We are well into second or third winter this morning but this afternoon will be third spring.
