Sunday 6 February 2022

Sunday, February 6, 2022 - What's Goin' On

 "What's Goin' On", I'm tellin' you what's goin' on. Do you have Marvin Gaye in your head yet? I am sitting here, propped up on pillows on my bed, waiting for one hour to be up. 

For those of you who have been with me for a while, you may recall that at a very late age in life, I decided to get Invisaligns (like braces for your teeth, but plastic trays that you change every week that gradually straighten your teeth). I wore those buggers for more than two years, driving back and forth to the orthodontist every few weeks rain, or shine, snow storm or calm, forty-five minutes from home, or rushing from work to catch the last appointment. The trays are kept in place with buttons or attachments glued onto the fronts of your teeth, strategically. Also you may enjoy the placement of a small metal (again glued in place) post around which a tiny elastic band is wrapped, hooked onto your tray in order to pull things in a general direction. 

About a week ago, I was on my last tray and decided I'd had just about enough, regardless of how much my orthodontist coerced me into yet another twelve weeks (the whole thing has already been paid for, so it's not like he's trying to get extra money, just perfection). I did my drive in blowing snow and had my little "buttons" or attachments ground off my teeth (an interesting odor is created as this happens, hot chemical mixed with bone????). It didn't hurt, but she really had to reef on that little metal post to pry it off! My final trays, or retainers were waiting for me, but alas, they just didn't fit well, in fact I couldn't even get the bottom ones on. So the lovely lady scanned my teeth and ordered a new set (again, this is already all paid for, didn't cost me more). 

I waited about a week, and then my new retainers were available for pick up. I also mentioned to the lovely lady that I wanted to make a dentist appointment so that I could get my teeth really cleaned well and stains removed (the attachments which are super hard glue like substances stain as well as around the attachments), and she informed me that they had a product that I could just put inside my retainers that would take any remaining stains away for only $20.00. Well, hey! That sounds better than an almost $200 cost of going to the dentist (now that we are both retired we are trying to see if we can manage without paying for dental insurance - we shall see). 

And that brings us around to me sitting propped up by pillows on my bed, creating a blog post, waiting for the one hour to be up as I passively whiten my teeth. 

As well, after I picked up my retainers, I decided to continue on my journey to a nearby city to go to Winners (a discount clothing store here in Canada). I have been doing some supply teaching recently and I wanted to find maybe another couple of nice tops that I could wear for supplying at a good price. I haven't purchased clothes for myself for quite a while. 

Sometimes it's a "good Winner's day|" and sometimes it's a "bad Winner's day". Yesterday was a good one. I had time to myself to look through the racks and gather up a bunch of clothes to try on at leisure. I did NOT find any wintery tops that suited me, but I am completely prepared for warm weather now! For a subtotal of $178.93 I found six articles of clothing and one pair of shoes. Because I live in Canada, tax must be paid, so with the 13% HST (harmonized sales tax, a blend of GST, which is the goods and services tax, and the provincial sales tax). If you don't enjoy paying taxes, it's best you don't live in Canada. The tax came to $23.26, so the whole thing came to $202.19. I am well aware that there are women out there who wouldn't bat an eye at paying that entire amount for just one dress, but I have never been able to be one of those women. I felt good about what I was able to come away with.

Because I have nothing better to do, here are pictures of what I purchased:

These are both light weight and flowy. You can't tell, but the shirt pictured on the right has gold bits in amongst the flowery design. I love gold, but not too flashy. 

I also love green - many shades of green, and that sleeveless top is a sagey green colour and is also a nice weight and flows. The "dress" on the right is not photographing well, it looks more red in the picture than it is , it's in fact a deeper pink. This would be a great cover-up at the pool, or I would wear stretchy black or white shorts underneath as it is cut up the sides quite a bit.

The dress on the left looks a lot cuter worn, than it does laying on that blanket. It ties around the waist, and is again, that nice flowy polyester / spandex blend that hangs well and doesn't wrinkle. This is a pretty bold choice for me, I don't normally wear this much colour - I'm a neutrals kind of gal, but it's fun for summer and was less than $20.  The shirt on the right is more of a rich coral colour than it looks in the picture. The buttons are gold coloured. Love gold. I'd choose gold over silver every time.

Lastly, shoes. To begin with, I am a very difficult fit. I try and try and try shoes until I find something that will fit perfectly. I am a size 9 and rather narrow, but I also have to have at least a wee bit of a heel because perfectly flat messes with my knee (long story, doesn't matter). I also have to have a sturdy, hard heel under me, not these new squishy, sink-down-into-it foot beds that you seem to find on so many slippers and shoes nowadays. Immediate knee pain if I have that under foot. So, I was very surprised that these Sketchers sandals were perfect. Normally Sketchers have that squishy foot bed and I know they will be a disaster. However, these are hard, not too high, and the straps are soft and ever so slightly stretchy. I have to had something that will grip onto my narrowish foot to prevent it from sliding around, yet can't rub or I turn into an old woman with multiple band aids in strategic spots on my foot. Always an attractive look.

I have always envied women who could just slip on a pair of shoes and they fit them well, never blistering, never sliding around, just happy in their shoes. These little sandals will be great with a dress, shorts, capris...

My back is now 96% better and a huge shout out to all the professionals who manipulated, pushed, prodded, squished, and punctured my body. It's been a long haul (15 weeks, or almost 4 months for anyone who ever has a similar mishap with their body), but I can gladly say I feel so much better. There were times when I was angry at the world, or felt like this "would be my life forever", but perseverance paid off.

I am almost at my allotted stain removal hour, so I shall bid you adieu for now.


  1. You write so well, Jenn. I feel as if I was with you through your dental visits and then shopping! Such good news that you are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel on your teeth straightening experience and healed back problem . . . plus, a really good shopping experience!

    1. Thanks, M.P.! Lights at ends of tunnels are great, just as long as they aren't that LAST light at the end of the tunnel - Ha ha!

  2. I do sympathize with the orthodontic issues. I got my braces on when I was 41. I had a bad TMJ problem so had jaw surgery followed by a year of physiotherapy - then the braces went on. Not for individual teeth but to line up my bite with my new jaw position. 3 years with a full set of "train tracks"! But have to say - in the end it was all worth it - the TMJ pain used to be so bad! I hope it will all be worth it for you.

    As for Winners - I've rarely had good luck - just don't have the patience to go through the racks of clothing - but you did really well! If I don't lose some of the Covid weight gain before the Summer I will have to do some shopping - I'm so out of practise now and have no real desire to head back - it will be an interesting year.
    As for shoe shopping - the bane of my existence! I have very odd feet and shoe shopping has always been difficult - and expensive! I am so envious of women who can walk into a shop and just decide to buy something because it looks good - I have to go with "it fits" - then - how doe sit look?

    1. I gained some throughout Covid as well but none of these clothes are form fitting and will be fine even if I lose some weight.

  3. Tops are cute, Jenn. And I really like the shoes! I'm not much of a shopper, so I tend to stick with what I already have and only buy when needed for something special. Besides, we haven't gone anywhere in 2 years... so no need.

    1. I love that I’m back to supply teaching, so I figured some new clothes wouldn’t go amiss.

  4. Lovely to see someone else's shopping. Nice selection.

    1. I didn’t know if it was weird to show them, or not!

  5. Happy whitening. What a pain, huh? My one grandgirl wore braces for six years but has such perfect, beautiful teeth now. As much as she hated them she is glad now that she suffered through it.
    Love the clothes! You did really good for that $ amount! xo Diana

  6. I like your purchases Jenn. I never seem to have much luck with shopping these days. I asked my physio this week if wearing bad shoes had caused my knee problem and she said maybe! I am now thinking more seriously about footwear each day and not really knowing what is best. So many decisions to make. I have never found buying shoes easy. However, the exercises she gave me are changing things - the pain seems to more around now! Good luck with the teeth.

    1. Thanks, Rachel. Many “professionals “ have agreed that my broken toe in the summer which caused me to walk differently likely then caused the muscle imbalances that led to my back issues. And yes, as you work through Physio it will likely activate other muscles that have weakened over time and you’ll notice it. ( of course, your physiotherapist will know better).

  7. I too found your essay on your choppers charming.
    I buy the same shoes over and over when they wear out.

    1. Oh that makes me a little sad for you ( same shoes) but if it works and you’re happy with them, good for you!

  8. I was truly blessed in life because my teeth just naturally grew in straight, with a good bite. How that happened, I don't know because everyone else in my family is plagued with underbites and/or snaggle teeth. Guess I lucked out and got some good recessive genes!

    1. It happens. My daughter has lovely teeth, and son had braces.

  9. Good job at Winners. I'm like you, and refuse to pay full retail prices on clothing. As for shoes, I have a high arch and most shoes are uncomfortable. If I lived somewhere warm enough I'd be barefoot most of the time.

    Good luck with the stain remover.

    1. I’m realizing now that maybe there aren’t as many people who find comfortable shoes easily. I can’t do bare feet, though, again with a knee issue.

  10. Gorgeous frockery and I was so hoping to see the gnashers! I've just complained to nobody in particular about my own teeth losing their whiteness - I blame all the fruit I ate in 2017 getting thin!

    1. As someone who has never liked her teeth, and now with continued mask requirements, it’s going to be very strange for me to be able to smile full on and not feel self- conscious. Have you tried any tooth whitening products? The most I’ve really done has been whitening tooth paste which never did much.

  11. Unless you recently had your teeth cleaned (like less than 6 months), I am surprised that they suggested a teeth whitening gel instead of a cleaning. The whitening gels we have available these days is fantastic. It whitens and does not create sensitivity like they used to. Congratulations on finishing your Invisalign wonderful!
    I have been looking for a few skirts for winter, but have had little luck. I'm still planning on trying to sew my own. Not sure how that will go, but I'm going to give it a try. My sister has the same complaint I do (mostly about ready made and the fabric it's made of), but said it can be such a PIA, she's sticking to quilting and other crafty fabric stuff. I do like your picks, and a nice bargain they are! Now, come on spring and summer......

    1. I did have a thorough cleaning in September but of course still had all my attachments on my teeth. The orthodontist is a separate entity from the dentist. I used to sew A LOT when I was in my teens and early twenties but there were so many choices of fabrics and patterns back then. (The eighties).I think it was also less expensive.

  12. Your clothes selections are really nice!! I have pretty much changed to Skechers for the majority of my shoes. So comfortable and they seem to last forever!


  13. I LOVE Sketchers footwear. Other than Birkenstocks, it's the only footwear line I can wear comfortably with my wonky knees. My sister put me on to the brand. Now I've got my feller in them too. He loves them. Love Winners! Glad we have one in the town next to us!

    1. I always thought I couldn’t wear Birkenstock’s but then I tried the ones that go between your two toes, and husband made an extra hole in the strap so it fit a little bit tighter.

  14. Invisalign has worked very well for you. Now if we can get rid of the masks, smiling becomes even better. I miss seeing smiling faces, don't you? You did hit the jackpot finding many lovely outfits. The colors are great and you've added nicely to your wardrobe. Sketchers shoes are always comfy and your new black sandal will go with everything.

    1. I do miss seeing people’s entire faces. Especially students. I must say that masks do hide a double chin nicely! Ha ha

  15. Those dresses are fabulous! Love them all.

  16. The clothes are lovely but I really want to see your new smile! Did the stain remover stuff work?

    1. I've only done the one application so far. It will take a few to work its magic, apparently. I'm about to do another one now.

  17. Love the cloths selection and the shoes. I too have a real problem with shoes down to very wide feet. They are short in length and wide across. I wear flip flops all summer and boots all winter as I can't find shoes to fit. I used to wear the sort similar to what you have there but in recent years can't find more comfortable than flip flops or toe posts you might call them.

    1. I really like boots, too. I both short and tall ones.

  18. A nice haul from Winners. Glad to hear your back is at 96% improvement & now with those whiter teeth, maybe time for a date night for Valentine's Day :)

  19. That’s a nice haul from Winner’s. I don’t normally have much luck there.

    1. There are times when I walk away empty handed. Also, I probably only go about four times a year (it's not particularly close by).

  20. Great clothing finds and a terrific price. I love the shoes. I hate shoes. Trying them on is torture with my orthotics and they might seem fine in the store and one wearing and I'm a mess. You did so well! Glad the back is much improved and the teeth white!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. Yes, I'm now quite sure that these imaginary women who prance gleefully into shoe stores with not a care in the world are few and far between. Many of us are a difficult fit.

  21. What a very colourful selection! Its good to hear that your back is so much better and you can get back to supplying, which you seem to really enjoy. I'm with you on the shoe issue...I love footwear, but have to be very selective because of orthotics.

  22. You came away with some lovely clothing. Nice hearing that your back is better and you are subbing once again.

    God bless.
