Monday 24 January 2022

What to listen to While Walking on the Treadmill

 Now that my back is starting to feel better, I am trying to walk every day. When I first started, I literally could do about ten to fifteen minutes on the treadmill and I had to stop because of the pain in my S.I. joint, etc. , but little by little and with tons of stretches and exercises and acupuncture and massage, I have been increasing my walking, sometimes just by one more minute a day. 

Walking on the treadmill is incredibly boring, even for just fifteen or twenty minutes, so I have been listening to music that I have gathered on playlists. I do this on Spotify for which I pay about ten dollars a month so I can listen without advertisements popping in every couple of songs. I am picky about my songs. I don't like playlists that a suggested to me. However I am now getting quite tired of my playlists, too. 

I am not a podcast person. I don't like suggested podcasts. I don't need podcasts to listen to during the day just to fill the void, nor do I need them while driving somewhere (because let's face it, where am I driving besides the grocery store and the physiotherapist?). I do, however, need something to listen to while walking on the treadmill. 

I remembered how much I love the shows (do you call them shows? ) that Terry O'Reilly did on CBC radio called, "Under the Influence". Here's the link to where you can find them. O'Reilly was an advertising copywriter and had his own advertising company. He puts out the most amazingly interesting podcasts / radio shows about marketing and advertising, including information about well known ad campaigns, or products, or people who promoted products. I have never been bored with any of the ones I have heard on the radio. They are just filled with neat facts that you never knew before.

Tonight I listened to one about products that were named after the people who invented them. It was called Brands are People Too.  It was so interesting! O'Reilly has a great delivery too. 

Each podcast is about 27 minutes long which is just about the most I can walk right now, so it's perfect. Now, honestly, when people recommend something to me that I "just have to listen to" or "just have to read", I almost never do. I like to decide for myself, or discover for myself. I don't even like it when husband reads some bit of news that he's discovered. I usually reply, "Yes, I know. I have the same news feed that you do." So obviously, it's up to you. Listen, or don't, but I'm glad I now have oodles of interesting things to listen to that I won't likely become bored with any time soon.


  1. Walking on a treadmill really does sound like a punishment!

  2. Walking on a treadmill must be like the hamster in a wheel, but we guess with the climate you have it is that or hibernate. Good to read that you are on the road to a recovery - does all this exercise make the problem go away and never come back? Or will you have to do preventative stuff forever?

    1. Walking outside right now is something totally different. I don't really want to take the chance of the slippery ice/ snow underfoot, having to catch myself, etc. I will always have lower back issues (arthritis and prone to S.I. joint problems), so I would be wise to keep up some level of walking and daily stretching.

  3. If you search in Spotify using BPM you can get playlists of songs that are at the pace you want to walk. I find it easier to treadmill this way. Try "100 BPM" or "walk 100 BPM" and see if that is a good speed. Go up or down in increments of 10. Good luck.

    1. I am quite particular about the songs I listen to, so pre-made playlists are not a great option for me. Thanks, though.

  4. When I use my treadmill downstairs it is right in the corner of Harvey's man cave and there is a TV handy to watch. So that is what I do.

    God bless.

  5. That is good news that your back (SI joint) is improving. Finding what motivates you on the treadmill is important to keep it going. I would vote a treadmill minute is longer than a microwave minute. Mr Man set up a small screen & DVD player in front of my treadmill, so my latest joy is to get travel DVDs from the library & while my body is walking no where, my eyes are on walk about in the highlands of Scotland or the rain forest of Fiji; my inexpensive "Pelaton" (col). ... Mary-Lou =^[..]^=

    1. Ha ha, you wouldn't want a Pelaton right now, would you?!

    2. absolutely not ... the price is way beyond my means, especially since I like to eat - oh those food prices!! We'll be taking turns to eat soon.

  6. A treadmill minute is definitely longer. But very good news about the improvement in your back. Those radio shows sound really interesting. I heard one on NPR by the Freakonomics guy about Trader Joe's, which we have here and about why the brand is so strong. I love TJ's but didn't know a lot of the backstory so it was really fun. But overall, I agree with you on podcasts. So happy you can walk again!

    1. It sounds pathetic that I couldn't go more than a few minutes, but I'm glad that I can do this amount now. We don't have Trader Joe's here, but I know what you are referring to.

  7. I'm a fan of "Under the Influence" too! It's always fun and informative to listen to any of his programs!

    1. He never fails to hook me in to listening to the whole thing. I’ve sat in parking lots and listened to the radio programme until it was done, then gone on to do my shopping.

  8. I listen to music as I ride my exercycle. I have found that "The Walker" by Fitz and the Tantrums really gets me going! I listen on YouTube.

  9. What about audio books by your favorite author(s)? Back problems are a real bugger to get over (and stay over!), but you've been so very proactive so the credit goes to you for actively pursuing it. Although, I know a few people who seem to be more apt to just complain rather than go to the time and trouble of healing themselves. A gold star to you, Jenn. Keep on doing what needs to be done!

    1. I’m quite old fashioned when it comes to books. I’m a book-in-hand kind of reader but I do know there are lots who listen to audio books while they walk!

  10. As I was reading about your use of the treadmill, I started to wonder if that might be something I'd stick to and then reality hit. I have a very poor track record for using exercise equipment. With the exception of a tread mill, we've had it all. My husband is a retired Phys. Ed. teacher who has happily acted as my personal trainer in the past and each time, I've grown tired of his workouts within days. Walking is the one form of exercise I can stick to. I can do it when I choose, and most importantly, I can daydream to my hearts music or recordings of any kind required.

    1. As the old question goes, “Do you know what the best piece of exercise equipment is?” , it’s the one you actually use. So really, if a person can find even one form of moving their body, they’re way ahead of those who do nothing at all🙂

  11. Using the treadmill seems to be helping your back and that's important. You've built some great stamina. Come Spring and the gardening season you should be 100%.

  12. I do think all of it has helped (Physio, massage, chiro, walking, and to a very small extent painkillers). But I definitely need to be a smarter gardener. I just can’t do the marathon sessions anymore and I just might treat myself to one of those fancy kneeler/ sittter things!

  13. I used to watch tv at the gym but there was a time when we couldn’t touch the remotes so I started to read. I don’t run so I’m not bouncing up and down and I make sure I don’t have to hold the pages down. Now I’d rather read than watch the tv.

    1. Oh my! You are far more skilled than I! I’m sure I couldn’t read and walk at the same time!

  14. I used to like walking on our treadmill. Unfortunately it's broken, unfixable and gone for recycling. We have a stationary bike but it's not the same.
    You definitely need to listen to something that you have chosen. I rarely like others recommendations. I used to watch CSI episodes on TV . That was before iPhones and YouTube. Whatever I listen to now has to be narrated in a loud clear voice.

    1. CSI sounds good! I don’t enjoy a bike. We used to have an elliptical trainer but it was a rather cheap model and was a bit clunky. It never felt right and we sold it years ago.

  15. I agree with Sue, walking on a treadmill sounds like punishment to me. I wish I could walk anywhere though currently. Being down for 8 weeks or longer and non weight bearing is awful.

  16. Another Terry O'Reilly fan here! I listen to him on my Saturday morning jaunts to the grocery store. I have several times stayed in the car until he is finished.

  17. I'm not ready to begin walking yet, but better be, darn soon.

  18. Music is key to me working out or doing chores

    1. Working out, yes. But I’m good with quiet at other times.

  19. I'll have to look for this show you've mentioned. It sounds interesting. I don't own a treadmill so spend my timing walking circuits in my house. My dad did it too when the weather was too miserable to be outdoors. Mom said he wore a path in the carpet. :)

    I enjoy some podcasts - two favorites are Things the British Stole, and Somebody Knows Something - both CBC podcasts. They keep my mind off the boring routine of walking in circles. :)

    1. Try those links I included if you want. They should work. I’m picturing you walking around your house!

  20. Good for you for working your way up on the treadmill and that your back is starting to feel better. I'll have to check out that podcast with Terry O'Reilly. I read while I do my 35 minutes on the treadmill. I use my tablet and borrow e-books from our library. It does help pass the time :)


  21. I also listen to a 'treadmill' list that I created for my walking time. I have three of them for different levels of intensity. Right now I am not walking on it at all because of some inflammatory issues. Hope to be back at it soon. xo Diana

  22. I think it's great that you stick to walking on the treadmill. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

  23. I didn't know you hurt your back Jenn! Wishing you a speedy recovery! I agree that the treadmill is boring. When I used to go to the gym way back when, I hated it. I opted for the elliptical. Now I do some light weight aerobics every morning, and that keeps my interest!

  24. I'm with you about the treadmill! BORING! We don't have our treadmill anymore so I walk outside which can be pretty boring too! Podcasts and books really help but not as much as having someone take the walk for me. Have a great week and hope you back is better!

  25. good for you for walking daily! I can not think of anything better for you.

  26. You sound like me. I am super picky about what I listen to. I hate listening to people talk, because that is what I do all day. I talk to kids, staff, and lots of different bosses. I just want music. I hope you get your back fixed. I highly recommend yoga. Take care.

  27. This sounds so interesting! I spent the first half of my working life in advertising, so I think I will see if I can access the podcast. I am with you, though, on podcasts. I do listen occasionally to Terry Gross on NPR, but the rest leave me cold. Glad you are on the mend!
