Monday 23 March 2020

Oh Come On!!!

My new header picture was taken yesterday. Here is my world this morning:

I know. I know!!!! I'm Canadian. This should not surprise me. But come on!! If you're going to be stuck on your property, it would be lovely to sit in the Spring sunshine and have a cup of coffee on the porch (see what I did there?).

Sigh. In light of this, I had a comfort food breakfast. Fried egg sandwich with lettuce and ketchup. Want one?


  1. I'm in one of those moods to~day..
    "I feel like a million dollars...ALL green
    and crinkly". :). :).

    I must say, l much prefer the snow header,
    than a bunch of chickens..once you've seen
    one've seen them all..(English joke)..

    Leave you with a little song from 1945..couple
    years before l was born..remember it well..! :).

    1. Your link didn't end up being a clickable link, but thanks for thinking of it. What was the song? I'm familiar with many of the older songs. My father was very much a musical man and I've always loved the "Big Band" sound.

    2. Just a silly little song..
      It was "Footprints in the Snow" by Bill Monroe..
      I'd imagine if you Googled it..

      There is a more modern version by Roger Miller..2010.
      This might work...

  2. Yeah snow ... Canadian ... March ... it still sucks. I came downstairs singing "it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas" I received a prompt & firm "stop it" from Mr Man. Yum to your breakfast, although I'll take tea thank you. Did you read that all the parks are being closed, so my walks are curtailed to the yard & neighbourhood.

    1. Definitely no Christmas Carols, please. :) I didn't know about the parks, but I'm in a miniscule little village, so that would have no impact on me.

  3. I know you are in Canada...but that is not fair!!
    The fried egg sandwich looks good xx

  4. Oh yes, we sometimes get snow in late, even in April, and today we have hard frost, again. I would love to join you for a fried egg sandwich with ketchup, but no lettuce for me please. Thanks Jenn.

    1. Oh, gosh, we do, too. I remember one year when it snowed on Mother's Day which here, is in about the 2nd week of May. I was just kind of hoping that bad news would balance out with good. I'd make you a fried egg sandwich (without lettuce).

  5. Your sandwich looks delicious. I love seeing the chickens. Sorry about the snow. I hope Spring returns soon. You be safe and have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

    p.s. That puzzles looks like fun.

    1. Thanks, Edna. We never really had Spring yet. But a few hardy perennials were just starting to break through the soil.

  6. We haven't got snow in Lincolnshire but we did have a heavy frost this morning. I guess that doesn't qualify for a fried egg sandwich.

  7. Love the chooks in your photo. I am sorry you got snow. We got more yesterday but ours doesn't leave until late April and the lakes etc don't thaw til mid May. But I do love living in Canada. I hope your snow leaves quickly.

    1. Where do you live Marjorie? (In general terms, don't need to know exactly!) This has been a very mild winter. We, of course, have had snow into April. It is calling for "warmer" temperatures this week, so fingers crossed.

    2. Near the border of Manitoba and north of Minnesota. We are often left off Ontario maps.

    3. Oh, now that's not right! I knew a guy in university who came from... um hang on, I have to look at a map...Kenora, Ontario. That's the northernmost person I knew. Well, apart from a guy from teacher's college who went to Northern Quebec to teach for a year in Kuujjuaq.

  8. Well we have rain today! Greek version of snow. Spring is here so they say but we still haven't seen many signs yet. Still, rather rain than your snow. You must be tired of seeing yet more of the damn stuff, specially since you did have some lovely days.
    What's for tea?

    1. Tea (supper) is going to be meatloaf (digging through the freezer, thawing a couple packages of ground beef / ground pork), broccoli before it gets too old, mashed potatoes. You?

  9. Love your chickens! Wish I had some now so I didn't have to go to the store! Winter has come back to Minnesota too. Hopefully we'll have an early spring. Take care!

  10. At least it enforces social distancing.

    1. It might. Lots of Canadians aren't deterred by a little snow.

  11. We had more snow over night, too. But ours was still thick on the ground so our chickens are still wearing their galoshes and snowshoes in the deeper parts they can get to. Also, hubby came in after chores this morning to report a couple of hens have made a nest on the floor of the chicken house and already have a clutch of eggs in it. We need some replacement hens for next winter so, although it seems early, we're going to let them sit on the eggs and hope for the best. We had egg sandwiches for breakfast a couple of mornings ago. So good!

    1. I didn't even let my hens out today. No roosters anymore here (yay!!!!), so now chicks possible. Please take pics if you do hatch some out!

  12. We had some snow the other day but gone now. Today, just wet and soggy out. But yesterday was spring. Next time we get sun, I'll happily ship you a fresh batch along with a few doughnuts. Made by the way, with Canadian Organic Sprouted Spelt. YUM. Stay safe, take care.

    1. Awwww, thanks!! I'd never say no to sunshine, or a doughnut, for that matter.

  13. Ack!! We've had cold drizzly rain, but no snow. Feein' for ya. However, we will be jealous of you this summer when we're sweltering in the lower 48.

  14. We had the same kind of weather here. One day sunshine and warmer temps and then yesterday 3 inches of snow. So crazy. It is suppose to warm up again and hopefully Spring will be here to stay. Stay in and warm and safe.

    1. You too! Yes, I think it will melt in a day or so.

  15. It's snowing here today too in Connecticut, but not much is sticking. Pretty chickens!

    1. Thanks, I'll tell them when I go back out later today. :)

  16. OMG, woman, why did you ruin that fried egg sandwich with LETTUCE?

    1. Why don't you tell me how you really feel? Ha ha, I like the crunch! I've always liked the combination of smooth / soft with crunch when it comes to food. Hence my adoration of the Smarties Blizzard.

  17. It shouldn't surprise me I woke up to it in Michigan either, but it did. And I said things...

    1. Were they words like, "oh goody!", or "I'm so blessed", or "I can't wait to go out and play in it!"

  18. Fried egg, tomato, mayo, on toast. Awesome.

    1. Hmmmm I would create a toasted tomato sandwich like that, minus the egg, with salt and pepper, too. But not now, only when tomatoes are at their prime - right out of the garden. Sigh. It'll happen.

  19. I won't tell you how 'cold' it is here then. ;)

    Fried eggs on most things make them taste better.

    1. Well, sure. (Actually, I really only like fried egg sandwiches).

  20. Well that's my breakfast question sorted! Sans sauce and lettuce, I'm afraid. Just lashings of butter, s&p. Commiserations on your snow. Our beach-worthy sunny weekend has morphed into rain. All I can say is thank heavens the drought broke before we all needed to be washing our hands twenty-five times a day!

    1. Kind of a purist with fried egg sandwiches?

    2. Oh, I did splash out and fancy it up with some parsley!

  21. Like the sandwich! Now I'm craving. We had some too but nothing like most of my blog friends. It looked like snow, but when I went outdoors, it felt like rain. The car was bare.
    I put a lawn chair on the porch today. It's wet, but once the sun comes out it will dry. As soon as it does I'll be sitting on it with my tea, maybe wearing a parka, but that's okay, WE'RE CANADIAN!

    1. I've already thought about getting the cushions out for a couple of outdoor chairs. Just want to feel the sun!

  22. I used to love eggs with ketchup! I'll have one, yes, with lots of cheese please. Oh Jenn, same crap today here too, 5cm of snow...I say it every year, but really, I'm SO SICK OF IT.

  23. Pass on the sandwich, and the weather. We're just having inches of rain. Spring already!

  24. You and I are in the same boat, my friend - and yes, I would love to be able to have my coffee out on the deck....for that matter I could move my laptop out there and work from the deck in the sunshine!! Sadly instead I am at my kitchen counter, which is still preferable to my office, ha ha - so I'm not complaining. Stay safe!!

    1. How was your day today? The sun actually came out for a while here.

  25. Soooo Canadian... We had a little bit of snow but it melted very quickly. I want to see sunshine and warmer weather!
