Sunday 22 March 2020

First Full Week of Distancing

Well, I'm not really distancing, I'm pretty much isolating. Today has held the excitement of cleaning the upstairs toilet, sweeping the mudroom, vacuuming the den, and taking out a bit of household garbage to the big black garbage can in the carport. Hold on to your hats, people. This is pure adrenalin! Actually, I don't know why I'm bothering to clean. It's not like we're having company over. Anyway.... to maintain the upbeat atmosphere of today's post, I shall share with you...

puzzle progress of March, 2020...

There is a great deal of sky, green foliage, and brick work left. I shall persevere.

And now for some cat therapy, I give you Scooter "in a box, in a box".

I woke him up. I'm annoying that way.

You can add whatever caption you want here. It is my opinion that Scooter, if he were human, would not swear, so that likely wouldn't be part of what he's thinking right now. He's kind of simple.

Have a good Sunday and for crying out loud, get away from other people, besides those with whom you are already habitating (is that a word?).


  1. Lizzie has been in quarantine for 90 months. She gets by. (She does have staff and when we run out of food the staff will pay the price.) Here's to Scooter, to you (good grief, you're productive. I have to get with the program!)

  2. Oh, poor Lizzie. Scooter is still allowed to "socialize". I don't think he really sees anyone besides squirrels, the chickens through the fence, and maybe orange cat. We may send him out if we need anything. Please don't be impressed by my productivity. It tends to be short lived.

  3. I like your puzzle and ah sweet Scooter. He's probably thinking, woman what happened to social distancing!

    My cupboards are once again organized. I am thinking that social distancing of my plastic containers needs to be in put place - those darn things multiply like crazy. ... Mary-Lou =^..^=

    1. How's your lid to bottom of container ratio doing?

  4. "Duh. Have I missed something?"

  5. Cats would be really good at social distancing. You only have to mark a circle on the floor and they'll sit in it.

    1. Normal cats would. Scooter's a bit odd. He does not like to sit on laps. So he's already a bit of a "distancer".

  6. That puzzle is really coming along! Does Scooter help you by walking across it and batting around the pieces? Cats are considerate like that.

    1. Actually, he's very good about not doing that. We had a cat, Samson (R.I.P.) who knocked things off of counter tops, etc. He broke my black watch by doing that.

  7. Caption: 'You want somethin', Ma?'

    Very pretty puzzle. I haven't worked a puzzle in . . . um, ah, well, . . . since I was a teenager. (And we all know that's been a long, long time!) But then maybe complicated blocks in quilting can be called a puzzle, too. I just left my quilt room because I needed a break from a new block I'm working on that the book should have labeled, "Difficult. May be damaging to your brain cells."

    1. Oh, I have no doubt your brain gets a spatial work-out every time you work on a quilt!

  8. That photo of Scooter really made my day! LOL Cats have a way of making us smile :)

    1. They do, don't they? Would love to see yours on your blog sometime! Take care, Martha!

  9. Sounds like me. The highlight of the weekend was taking out the rubbish but at least our bins are up the road and round the corner.

  10. SUCH a cat. A box within a box is great, but any cat worth its salt would tell you a box within a box within a box would be even better.

    1. Absolutely perfect! You truly did make me laugh out loud on that one!

  11. Great advice, we need calm, I am feeling a bit stressed.

  12. or maybe helpless is the word.

    1. I doubt you're the only one. I've been telling my husband that I've been having weird, disturbing dreams for the past week now.

  13. It's going to get harder isn't it? I'm thinking I might be very creative and productive. On the other hand I might just become a sloth for a few months.

    1. I had all these ideas of things I could tackle here at home without having to go out to get anything. I haven't done any of them.... yet.

  14. I love your puzzle... and the cat pics! Our Ghost doesn't sit on laps either... but she will lay by my side or at our feet... or stare at you until you get up and give her that spot. As for Scooter's caption, I feel it would be, "....yee-ees? do you want something?"

    1. Funny isn't it, how some cats are lap cats and some aren't? Our cat Nelly was ridiculous. You could barely sit down before she had jumped up on you.

    2. Tux was like that. Sometimes he was a pain, but I miss him just the same.

  15. How come cats just love boxes..and bags!

  16. The picture of the cat in a box in a box is perfect and just totally describes cat behaviour.

    Know what you mean about cleaning. My cleaning lady has stopped coming because I am self isolating (and in any case her husband is in the at risk category) and no one is crossing the threshold so don't see a lot of point. I did vacuum up some crumbs from the rug and tomorrow intend to give the bathroom a good clean - exciting stuff as you say.

    1. I have mostly wood floors, etc., but my rug in the den shows how my cat loses his fur not in individual strands, but in great giant clumps!

  17. I’m also doing a jigsaw puzzle. It’s a 1000 piece puzzle and it’s become a bit of a meditative distraction in these crazy times. I also have two dogs who are helping to keep me sane. At the moment one of them is hiding behind my guitar and the other one is ripping up paper! I think it might be time to go out into the garden so we can all get some fresh air 😀

    1. Guitar - I was just saying to the son, hey, wanna learn to play guitar? I'm I know it has a broken string (I think from son!!) but I'm pretty sure I have a spare string. I have no idea how to fix it, but that's what Youtube is for! Hopefully it's the correct string. Do I sound like I know what I'm talking about??

    2. OMG what happened to that reply?? I was saying I have a guitar that I bought on a whim and it's been stored away... then the rest of the reply makes sense.

  18. "Who are you and what do you want? Go away, I'm busy" sounds like a good caption.

  19. My cats' response is "get that flashy box away from me". ZZZZzzzzz

    Stay well!

    1. Sleep is a cat's job! I wish I could sleep like a cat!

  20. Most cats would not swear. They're eager to please too, when fully awake.

    1. Scooter tries his best. He brings us live mice sometimes.

  21. I'm cleaning my apt. = spreading it out by doing one room a day - more for something to do.
    All my friends seem to be cooking & baking - now we're all worried about gaining too much weight! :-)
    I've got a puzzle that I'm setting up tomorrow. Your's looks like a Trisha Romance picture.

    1. I know who Trish Romance is, but this isn't one of hers. The only things I have baked have been in an effort to make freezer space, but they barely put a dent: zucchini muffins and strawberry / rhubarb crisp.

  22. Snap! Snap! Snap! I was up at six this morning..
    Early breakfast..then l hit into my bedroom..
    Sheets, quilt, hoover..general clean round..Sheets
    are now out on the line, should be dry shortly, and
    then l shall play with my iron..! :).
    Goodness! A woman's work is never done..and l should
    know..l've played both parts for many years, my daughter
    who is now 43..still sends me a Mother's Day card..HeHe! :).

    Ah! That's the first time l've seen Scooter..He's lovely..
    And..Yeah! Strange how pussy~cats love boxes..! ;O).

    1. Oh! Just seen Scooter's caption bit...
      "Hurry up Mum, l'm in the middle
      of a dream, chasing mice". :o).

    2. I can't remember the last time I ironed. You are obviously in England with your Mother's Day comment. Here in Canada, Mother's Day is in May. Happy Mother's Day to you!

  23. In a box, in a box. OMG. Cuteness OVERLOAD. I love it.

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