Sunday 9 February 2020

Sunday, February 9, 2020

My house smells liked burned food. For supper I made parmesan crusted fish (don't be impressed, it came out of a package), reheated some left over basmati rice with a can of Italian seasonsed  tomatoes, and roasted sweet and spicy cauliflower. I love cauliflower, husband does not. So this was for me. The sauce that you toss the cauliflower pieces in was made from maple syrup, sriracha sauce, pepper and olive oil. Even though I roasted the cauliflower on parchment paper (don't you love parchment paper?), some of the sauce still caramelized and burned and leaked beyond the parchment paper onto the baking sheet. Hence the burned food smell. The cauliflower was still yummy and quite spicy. I have enough for some leftovers for myself either to take as part of my lunch tomorrow, or with whatever I make for supper tomorrow night.

When I was packing up Christmas this year, I decided to weed out a few unwanted, tired, unused items like garland that we didn't use or ornaments that had been gifts but didn't really match with our dΓ©cor, etc. I boxed them up with the intention of donating them. Today the weather ended up being better than predicted (cold, but no snow falling), so I decided to go to the closest Value Village (which incidentally is 40 minutes away). I also gathered up a handful of books (paperbacks that I'll never read again), and a coat of my daughter's from when she was in elementary school.

I have a couple of co-workers that seem to find all sorts of good items at Value Village, so I thought I would have a wander around after I stopped off at the donation drop-off. I don't know how they find the things they do... I was not impressed or tempted by anything and the whole place had an aura of "old dingy musty things". So, I went to Winners and Homesense. Sometimes I have great luck at Winners, but not this time. Maybe I just wasn't into the whole shopping mode. I did find a pair of shoes (more for warm weather wear) and a pair of cushy socks. A quick stop a Walmart for hair colour, because my roots are coming in nice and grey, and I was on my way home.

I haven't been reading a lot recently, apart from the latest Louise Penny. From some blogger suggestions and a little research (e.g. if you like Caroline Graham, you'd like...) I had picked up a couple of Elly Griffith (Griffin?) books from the library but they've been sitting at the bedside for a while, in fact I had to renew them because I'd had them so long. I started one last night and was enjoying it, but was also realizing I had the book in my hand and my eyes were closed for a while, so put it down and went to sleep.

In a week's time, daughter comes home for 'reading week' from university. She and her dad have been pursuing looking for her first car. He gives his opinion, she gives hers, and round and round they go. They did look at one (used, of course, being sold by the owner), but there were problems that couldn't be overlooked. She doesn't have an unlimited budget, but we want her to have something safe and reliable, but not necessarily beautiful! Ha ha. So perhaps there will be a bit more car looking this coming week when she has more time. Son then comes home the following week for his reading week from college. Too bad they weren't on the same week.

Being Sunday night, it's another new episode of Curse of Oak Island. If I can stay awake, I'll see if they finally find that bloody money pit! I'm guessing it's already been found but everyone involved with the show has signed a confidentiality agreement to not talk about it or reveal anything, as the episodes come out later.

What about you? Do you have a good used clothing / items store in your area? Do you like cauliflower? Do you fall asleep with a book in your hand?


  1. No we don't have any good used places where I live. I love cauliflower and I'm going to try one of the roasted spicy hot recipes. I've have often fallen asleep while reading and the book eventually falls and smacks me in the face.

  2. Yes, yes, and yes. :o) Love these newsy posts of yours.

    Just an aside, when we owned and ran a restaurant (in another life) we had a gal who waitressed for us and whenever she wasn't on the job, she dressed like she just stepped out of a fashion magazine. I asked her where she shopped for her clothes because I don't think I ever saw her in the same outfit more than once. She confided that she got 90% of her clothes at our local resale shop attached to our recycling center.

    1. Wow that must have been a great used clothing store! I think some shops which are consignment stores are much better - quality items. Many moons ago, when I lived in the city to go to university, there was a really lovely used clothing store with beautiful clothing. Such was not the case today.

  3. Once a year I take a load of clothes to our free store. Usually the clothes sit in the back of my Jeep for six months as I try to catch the store open. I like califlower. I think my husband would appreciate your recipe. I don't fall asleep with a book in my hand, as my husband and I go to bed and snuggle for half an hour before our bedtime. It is a great tradition.

    1. I think I just got the recipe from Pinterest! Nothing special.

  4. There used to be a wonderful used place called The Treasure Loft in our area but at the end of the '90s the woman who was running it retired. I think she was well into her 80s. Their prices were so good. When I went to other thrift stores I would refuse to buy anything from them because I thought their prices were too high.....And they had all sorts of other treasures, great books and ceramics and odds and ends....I love cauliflower! I love it raw dipped in a mix of mayonnaise and ketchup and I love it in all sorts of recipes. Your sounds good though I imagine you like spicy more than I do at the moment....I read my Kindle as I am falling asleep, lying on my side propping it up on pillows... Sometimes it takes me a few minutes to realize that my eyes are closed because my mind keeps giving me words but as they get sillier I realize they are not from the book....And then I fall asleep.

    1. I have never mixed mayonnaise and ketchup before. I'll have to give it a try! I have a Kobo, but never use it anymore. I just enjoy a book in hand I guess.

  5. I used to fall asleep reading...
    Roasted cauliflower sounds good..we love the Kiwi roasted veggies, hot or cold, so I will add some cauliflower next time.

    1. Not sure what you mean by kiwi roasted vegetables. (In my mind I'm picturing the kiwi fruit but that can't be right!)

  6. I adore roasted cauliflower. We had some last night, added parmesan and a splash of lemon for the final five minutes, delicious. I shall have to try your recipe. I always fall asleep reading and have to try and put my Kindle down before it crashes to the floor. Just finished reading The Truth About Sharks and Pigeons, the craziest book I have ever read. I wouldn't recommend it.

    1. You're another Kindle reader, I see. Parmesan and lemon would also be excellent - I'll try that, too.

  7. We have many used clothing shops. I do like cauliflower and I always fall asleep when reading in bed, which is why I never do (try to read in bed).

    1. Husband's grandmother volunteered in a charity shop in northern England, I think it was run by the S.P.C.A. or whatever the British equivalent to that is.

  8. Just got back from town, enjoying a lemon tea,
    with honey..catching up with a few Blogs..
    What a lovely little read, if someone mentions
    food or cats..l'm there like a shot..! :).
    I love the taste of any leftovers..great fun to
    mix and match..stir and fry..! :).
    Just one thing..take care when reheating leftover
    rice..! It can cause a tummy problem..! :(.
    And..Yes! Love cauliflower..Especially cauliflower
    cheese..! Or even raw..! :).

    Used clothing..Yes! My 60's wardrobe would put most
    ladies wardrobes to shame, and there still in the
    best condition ever, colour, shape, style etc..
    I don't have a washing machine, horrid things, they
    ruin cloths for a pass time..o.k. for sheets, quilt
    covers etc l suppose..never had one, never will..!
    I wash everything by hand..Job done!

    HeHe! Goodness! The only place l fall asleep is..
    in BED! :).
    I don't read books l'm afraid..Patience..or lack
    of it..wish l could, but l can' l just wait
    for the film to come out..!
    So, l've just enjoyed The Irishman on Netflix...
    Three and half hours of it..Pot of tea, a few
    sandwiches, feet up..Job done..! :o).

    1. I have heard good things about The Irishman. Haven't watched it yet. I couldn't imagine hand washing everything.

  9. It's always hit or miss, what we find in the charity stores. The better consignment stores have better things -- and higher prices. But it sounds like a good day out, even if not productive shopping-wise. Some days it just doesn't happen, does it? I dumped off 9 bags at the charity shop this weekend and it felt good. The bad part? No one can tell I got rid of anything.

    I like cauliflower; it hates me! But your sauce sounds like it might be good on lots of things!

    1. I love getting rid of stuff - nine bags is quite virtuous!

  10. Yes, yes and yes. I like my cauliflower with a little butter on it. You have a great time with your kids. Hugs, Edna B.

  11. I always try the thrift stores first when I need a garment. Like you, I find them hit or miss. Some folks complain about the profits from these stores, but I prefer the reuse option to buying new.

    1. I watched an amazing documentary on the amount of used clothing that's out there and how a whole bunch of it goes to other countries, and THEY don't even want it! It was amazing!

  12. Curse of Oak Island. I don't think we get that here. Or if we do I've missed it. Thank goodness.

    1. It is a show about the theory that "treasure" was buried on a small island (Oak Island) off the coast of Nova Scotia and over a couple of centuries various people have tried to locate it amidst tunnels with booby trapped flood tunnels, etc. It's interesting, but I'm ready for them to just find the treasure already!

  13. Hi Jenn... I've really lowered the bar when it comes to "good" weather.No matter how cold and rainy it is, it's is a great day if there is no snow. I am now off to check out Elly Griffin and Curse of Oak Island. Thanks for the tips. Have a great week.

    1. Try Ann Cleeves, too. She's a great mystery writer as well.

  14. My daughters love going to the vintage shops and always come out with treasures....I'm like you, all I see are old things and the smell....I can't take it.I have picked up some cocktail glasses and port glasses, but never any clothing. Oh and last year I got a set of pretty winter bread plates from England - 4 for $2, you can't go wrong there!

    1. Actually I did find four lovely small dessert bowls last year which I use fairly often.

  15. I do like cauliflower and I love parchment paper! As for falling asleep at bedtime with a book or falling asleep while watching a Netflix movie on my iPhone - happens all the time.

    1. So I'm not alone! (Don't watch movies on my phone, though. I want a bigger screen).

  16. I fall asleep with a book, looking at a magazine, or when trying to watch something on TV. Once I fell asleep sitting at the sewing machine. I get up early and rarely sit down during the day, then can't stay awake at night. :) Occasionally I find a few things at the Goodwill store here in town. My favorite style clothes are usually no longer in style, so I do pretty good. :)

    1. Having read your blog, I know you do a lot of sewing. Try not to fall asleep while actually sewing - get your foot off the peddle first, ok?

  17. It has been so long since I needed clothes! I keep jeans on hand, and a pair of "good jeans", and a pair of very nice pants, for funerals, for instance.
    Love cauliflower.
    I no longer read in bed. No one around to take off my glasses when I fall asleep.

    1. I wear reading glasses now, so I know what you mean!

  18. Ha! It's true that one must be in the shopping mode to find good stuff, or so it seems to me. Lately I've had a run of good luck at our local thrifts. Not for clothes, as I don't buy them very often, only when something is needed. And yes, I love cauliflower, and no, I don't fall asleep with a book. I just can't get into novels anymore, and most of my reading is research :)

    1. You do find lots of neat things, as I've seen in your blog!

  19. We have a line of used clothing stores here in Nova Scotia called Frenchys. That's where most people go and they have good stuff. Oh and we PVR oak island. Since it's only at 11pm here. We went to the island last fall. Very interesting. We got our tickets to go again this year.

    1. I lived in Nova Scotia for a year many many years ago, and I seem to remember a great used clothing store. Can't remember if it was called Frenchy's. That is so interesting that you have been to Oak Island!!

  20. The cauliflower dish does sound yummy! Bummer about the burnt parchment paper, however.

    May your daughter find a solid, used car within budget without too much hassle!

  21. I like roasted cauliflower or any veg roasted. I too have been very disappointed in Value Village of late. There are two second hand shops in the city next to us that sells fairly good quality women's clothing & I have had some luck there.

  22. Yes, I do love parchment paper! It has saved a lot of scrubbing :) And has kept some baking trays from being ruined.

    That cauliflower dish sounds delicious. That's something I would be into.

    We have a few places close by to donate to. I gather up items throughout the year and we drop them off. These items can be enjoyed by others and our home remains clutter-free!

  23. I love cauliflower but I've never had it roasted. It sounds very good!

    I'm a thrift store shopper and have found some really good deals. Like Winners it takes patience and time. Just this past week I got a brand new queen sized sheet for my daughter for less than $10 at Salvation Army thrift store, and some yarn at Value Village for a similar price. I often go there for off season clothing. My best deal though was a rain jacket for $15 that normally would sell for close to $60. It is in almost new condition.

  24. We have several thrift (or charity as some UK folks call them) in our area. One small one that benefits pet rescue is close bu our apt. A Salvation Army family store is a bit further, but within walking distance on nicer days. And a third is driving distance. We have donated to all of these. yes to falling asleep with a book which lately has been the Kindle so no loud thud to the floor as it just turns itself off.have also managed some "finds" but most of the time have been a looker vs. a shopper. Still it is always fun and cost nothing to look around. yes, we both like cauliflower and roast it with just olive oil, salt & pepper and turmeric seasoning.

  25. That show aggravates me because I just keep thinking - are you EVER gonna find it? LOL - I have a stack beside the bed too of books I want to read. I go through phases where I'll go through several books, really enjoy reading them, and then I don't read for a while. When I find myself drifting off to sleep I put it down. I also love cauliflower, and the husband won't eat it! Frustrating, so I don't make it often.

  26. I am not a fan of Value Village either...and I do a LOT of thrifty shopping...We have a few Christian thrift shops on our cottage drive, and we have pretty good luck at these. things,pottery,paperbacks...and a few clothes for my grandchildren...
    enjoy your weekend!!
    Linda :o)

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