Monday 7 October 2019

October 7th

I'm done work, watching a recorded episode of Coronation Street, having a little glass of red. I tried to do some transferring from a savings account which is a separate institute from our regular bank. You access it online. When I was asked to answer a security question (which I had set up ages ago), I entered a slightly incorrect answer (used a plural instead of a singular for my highschool mascot) and it was rejected. When I tried it again, thinking maybe I had spelled it wrong, the online banking programme decided I was up to no good and locked me out of my account.

It is probably a good thing that the security is nice and tight, but on the other hand when I went online to try to rectify things, I couldn't talk to a person and tried (unsuccessfully) to get through the maze of entering various numbers and codes. After having a tiny freak out, I finally was able to call and talk to a human who helped me and reset things.

Anybody remember bank books?

So... our washing machine has decided to break down. I was planning on doing a load of laundry tonight. Husband knows what's wrong (because he's kind of smart like that) and he has ordered a part online. It may arrive by the 17th of this month. Or, for twice the price, you can have it in two days. I think we can save by waiting (for the price of the part, I wonder if it is made out of gold??). I said we can have a date night at the local laundromat. Can't wait!! For now, I'll be washing out my "delicates" in the sink.

I bought a big ham (on the bone) because there are lots of them available for the upcoming Thanksgiving weekend. I'd planned the whole week's menu around this ham - potato, leek and ham soup, quiche with ham in it, and well, a ham dinner with green beans from the garden, tomatoes from the garden, mashed potatoes... except I took longer to get out of work tonight, then I battled it out with the online bank, and at that point it was too late to get the ham in, so it's toasted bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches, or for husband there's cold chicken sandwiches (blechh, I am not a fan of cold chicken, but he likes it) for supper instead. Ham will happen tomorrow night instead.

It was a lovely weekend in that daughter was home, and then when we took her back to her city, we planned on going to Costco (for some people it's a weekly thing, but for us, we go maybe once every four months), and she arranged for our son (who was visiting his girlfriend in the same city) to surprise us at Costco. So we all went out for supper and it was great to see everyone. Unfortunately, son is realizing that living with a roommate at college isn't necessarily all roses. His roommate is somewhat 'odiferous' and son is quite fastidious with his cleanliness. So me, the woman who can't handle any fake scents at all, broke down and bought him some Fabreeze at Costco so he can hopefully make his dorm room smell a bit better. Hopefully he will take my advise and have a bit of a chat with his roommate about stinky shoes, piles of clothes, and maybe some leftover food.

However, I do think that going through little tough times makes you really appreciate the good things in life. For example, I think every teenager should have to drive a bit of a clunker of a vehicle so that they work hard in life so they can drive a better vehicle later. I'm sure he'll be very happy to be back for the Thanksgiving weekend with pumpkin pie and turkey and a fresh room. (They can't even open their windows in their dorm rooms!).

Right, so there's my stream of consciousness for the day. Carry on, all, and we'll talk again soon.


  1. Wow! You are a philosopher, there! Making lemonade from lemons. Looking for the silver lining. Well, it is the best way to be. And you did finally get your banking problems fixed. I made it a rule to never use capital letters nor plurals in those answers to questions. I had too many similar and frustrating experiences.

  2. Oh, interesting. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has had these kinds of banking problems. -Jenn

  3. It may gladden your heart to know, my friend Ann in a relatively non-rural part of Wisconsin (between Madison and Milwaukee), has her mortgage at a bank that still date stamps her bank book, and writes the descending balance due. She let me stand at the bank counter with her once, for memory's sake.

  4. Love it! Great thoughts this week. I had the same battle with blue Cross health insurance. I won't even get into the ridiculous details. Glad you a surprise visit from your son.

  5. Feel for you re: the washing machine. I've had to replace mine, it was unfixable. Mind you it was here when I moved in 21 years ago, so who knows how old it was. I bet the new one won't last that long!

    1. We were trying to remember how long we've had this washing machine. This is the second thing to go wrong on it. Husband figured out the first problem, so hopefully he has this one figured out, too.

  6. I now have a paper code book with all my passwords written down in code. How else can one remember them all?

    1. Oh, I do too! And even with that, I still messed up and that's what blocked me out of my own account!

  7. You watch Coronation Street in Canada? How bizarre.

  8. You hit a nerve with the online banking problem. Two wrong types and you're out! Then I have to call them and prove I am me.

    Best Thanksgiving wishes to you and your family.

    1. Again, I take comfort in knowing I'm not the only one.

  9. I'm a Street watcher also, not enjoying at all at the moment, uumm maybe a glass of red will help. I hear you about the woes of a washing machine & like you, my husband is good at fixing things; so thankful for that as the closet laundromat is 30 minutes drive away. I worked in the banking industry - not a fan of online banking, too many risks, I'll say no more. ... Mary-Lou =^..^=

    1. I don't like most of the story lines that are happening on Coronation Street right now either. I tend to watch and have my laptop open at the same time. Yes, the laundromat is fairly close (well, for us, that's 15 minutes), so not too bad, just not something I'd rather do.

  10. Your Ham weekend has given me inspiration to do the same! Definitely dorm living teaches a variety of things, and perhaps he could spray those stinky shoes even when the roommate isn't "home". No window opening is stifling! I drove two old clunkers before my first truly reliable vehicle - it does teach appreciation!

    1. Hi Karen Ann!! It's been a while, nice to hear from you! Yes, it will be 'ham week' here. Their dorm is an old two story hotel/inn. So, I guess none of the windows opened when it was an inn either.

  11. I just spent over an hour on Facebook because they locked me out. Ugh. I am definitely going to look into Coronation Street. Glad you had fun with your daughter!

  12. I was just asking Alex if he remembered bank books...I do. And I remember when you could insert them into the ONE automatic teller at the bank and people would spend a good 15 minutes updating their books while impatient people huffed and puffed, just wanted to withdraw a twenty lol...

  13. I've a couple of passwords that I haven't used for a while, two years or more..luckily not banking...I know they are correct because I wrote them in my book...obviously they need to be used regularly...who has the time to sit online and remind all these computers that we exist?
    Nice to have a get together, even over shopping!

  14. Oh my, such a giggle you've given me this morning. That's usually how my days go. I've had many an issue over not putting in the right passwords. I'm glad that hubby can fix your washer. The next time mine acts up, I'll have to replace it. It's good that you got to spend some fun time with your kids. And yes, I think all kids should start out with the traditional clunker for a car and work their way up to a better one. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  15. Liking your stream of consciousness and yes, I remember bank books. I also have a broken washing machine and now take it down the road to Rick's which is super convenient. But that old washer is taking up a lot of real estate in the basement!

  16. I had a good chuckle when I came across the word 'odiferous'. May your son be able to Fabreeze his way through that situation!

  17. Corrie is driving me crazy lately. TOO MUCH DRAMA. I love the comedy bits, Gemma, Steve and Tim, and ya, a bit of Bernie and occasionally Dev and Brian thrown in for good measure. This crap with Michelle needs to go away. Her, Robert and those dim sons of hers. Vicky and her boy I'm a bit on the fence about. I think they could be tweaked into some interesting stories given their back story. Sorry, I get carried away...

  18. "Date night at the local laundromat" -- oooooo, your husband is a romantic fool!

  19. Admire your organizational skills. Let us know how the ham came out!

  20. I had to laugh at your comment about Febreeze. I'm not a fan of scents either, but since my house has been listed for sale I use the stuff frequently and have diffusers all over the house even though I think my house is clean.

    Have fun at the laundromat!

  21. Gosh that ham was going to go a long way, hope you get to do it another day, it all sounded delicious.

  22. yes, I can remember bank books, Jen, and somehow things seemed much easier than online banking. Like you, I also write down passwords and if I mistype one the first time, need to look it up before the account gets locked, but it's happened. Hope the room spray help alleviate some of your son's roommate issues, although a talk could be better long term, if possible. Your Thanksgiving celebration is ahead of ours which doesn't happen for over another month and is very late in Nov this year. We won't be cooking an at home dinner but meeting up with with family in PA and dining out.

  23. Washing machine!!!!!

    Oh mercy, we just went through a weeks-of-such-Drama! I shudder to remember.

    We are so lucky to have a son/family next door. Daughter in law did our laundry for us. But stilllllll.... One wants her own washing machine.

