Friday 11 October 2019

Keep an Eye Out!

Spied this as I was leaving work tonight, walking out to my car.

This is all part of my world - didn't even bat an eye. Barely glanced down. Well, no, I guess it did catch my eye, or I wouldn't have taken a picture. 😉


  1. A Disney character met an untimely end?

  2. Ah that time of year when costumes are being made ...

    ... Mary-Lou =^..^=

    1. Good guess, but I actually meant it when I wrote, this is part of my world. I was leaving work - school- googly eyes, stickers, broken pencils, soccer balls, marker on my hands, paper clips in my pockets... it's all a normal part of my world, so that' s why I didn't "bat an eye" when I saw it, but I thought it would be a funny picture for the blog. Normal for me... odd for others.

  3. At first I thought a googly eye. THen a practically empty cup of coffee. But yes, a googly I, I see! That's great!

  4. Creepy if that appeared at night.

  5. I just came across your blog, the very nice name of your blog caught my eye :) I will follow you and love to have a coffee with you on the porch! In Norway we would think the eye on the photo was a "troll" looking up :D

  6. So, the Googly Eye Invasion has begun. It was foretold by seers of yore.

  7. hahaha. It took me a minute, but this is such a cute photo! You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  8. As long as it's not real, all is well :)

  9. Googly eye! My daughter put them around her house on various plants.

  10. Ha! Keep a googly eye out, even. ;)

  11. LOL- At first I thought I was looking at a cone with some blue stuff in it! Too funny! xo Diana

  12. How strange, and yet wonderful! I wonder where the other eye ended up...

  13. A great find and good puns as well, Jen, which made me a bit envious as this is something I would definitely include on one of my "Friday Funny" posts.
