Monday 10 July 2017

It's Bloomin' Lovely!

After whipper snipping until I ran out of battery power, I cleaned up grass and weeds I had cut down. Then I went around and actually had a look at what is in bloom. Many flowers have faded including peonies, lupins, and centaura, but here is what is in full bloom at the moment. Take a walk around my yard:

delphinium - I think it might be Pagen Purple

Annabelle hydrangea

another sweet little hydrangea that I've forgotten the name of

yarrow (achillea)

limelight hydrangea (I'm pretty sure)

close up of the hydrangea above


I'm not sure what it is, but it's tall and hardy. (maybe some sort of tall coreopsis?)

close up

some spirea, bellflowers, and plants that aren't ready yet (autumn joy sedum, daylilies)

the arbour with trumpet vine (not yet blooming) and hanging pots of gernanium with smoke bush in the background
It's amazing to me sometimes, when I realize how many plants and shrubs I have. I used to read gardening books for fun and knew the latin name for most things. I've not put the same kind of time and passion into it lately, but it is still nice to see results of my efforts.

And for those of you in Ontario, yes, it rained last night.


  1. A well designed garden, something flowering all the time. My day lilies have just started so yours will be close behind. Love the white hydrangea!

  2. The hydrangeas are the most beautiful flowers! They look so delicate. You have a lovely garden Jenn :) are the only other person EVER who I've heard use the phrase "whipper snipping"...I say that all the time and my bf says "weed wacking?" lol...was there a brand name back in the day called Whipper Snipper? I just can't remember!

    1. I've heard of weed wacking as well. Some British bloggers call it strimming. I've just always referred to it as whipper snipping!

    2. And we say weed whipping. As when using a weed whipper!

  3. That delphinium, what a gorgeous color! Our hydrangeas are in a summer swoon, maybe if it cools a bit they're brighten up.

    1. I love delphiniums, but one hard rain and they fall over. I've been lucky with these.

  4. It is gorgeous. I think you have a gift for hydrangeas. Love delphiniums. My farm would have been an arboretum and beautiful gardens after more than thirty years had my husband not weedeated or sprayed herbicides around it all. I finally gave up. But, my city garden is just about perfect and over the years I will add, remove and replace some plants.

    1. That's too bad about your farm garden. I'm trying to recall if you've posted pictures of your city garden. Which is the one with the pond?

  5. Really lovely looking garden and flowers. Nice photos, greetings!

  6. Jenn, I love all your beautiful flowers. At first I was going to mention how pretty the delphinium looked and then I saw the rest...all are so pretty. Great job gardening. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  7. I still have more room than plants in the garden, but it's coming along.

    1. It doesn't take long before spaces fill in. Hey, how 'bout some black eyed Susan? I can't get rid of that plant!!

  8. Beautiful! How do you keep up with all the weeding? Everywhere I look, we have flowers and shrubs, but they're sometimes hard to find amidst the weeds.

    1. Oh, I have weeds!! I just don't focus on those in the pictures. Also, my flower beds are so overgrown that the plants just fill in so much there really isn't much space for weeds. I would say grass and bindweed are my two worst, oh and thistles, and dandelions...

    2. ... and tiny walnut trees from where delightful little squirrels have buried walnuts, and this really invasive clover, and burdoch...

  9. Love your hydrangeas. They always give some colour to the garden. Yours is full og blooming colour!

  10. Jenn...this is THE most beautiful garden I have seen all summer....just marvelous and glorious!

  11. Your garden is simply amazing. I'm left fairly speechless from this drought ridden state by what you can accomplish with a little water and a ton of hard work.

  12. I love your pink yarrow! I have yellow and would love to add some different color. And that delphinium! Wowza! What a lovely view you must have. If I was planning on staying, I would plant a trumpet vine. But I couldn't bear to leave it, so I'll wait for the next, last place. Thank you for the tour.

  13. Wow, your garden looks amazing! We don't appreciate the rain but I bet all the plants do :) I love hydrangeas. They are such a wonderful addition to any garden. And so many varieties to choose from!

  14. All spectacular plantings. I really like delphiniums & I'm on the hunt for the King Arthur series - I think there's about 5 colours.
    WOW your smoke shrub is glorious. Yarrow ... sigh, never had luck with them. Oh I'm going back for another tour through the garden.

  15. Amazing blooms! That blue delphinium is gorgeous. Hydrangeas are so beautiful.
    Lovely views and a garden to match. Enjoy your sweet paradise.

  16. Nice garden..~ lots of work.

  17. Thanks for the compliments. I doubt things would be as lush if we didn't have the huge amount of rain we've had. Certainly not if we had a drought!

  18. Beautiful garden, and I love your wooden fence.

  19. I really neeeeed you to come do some landscape planting on our place here. I can grow vegetables but am so ignorant as to perennials that will come back year after year. Even our lilac bushes are sad. :o(

    1. And I'm just the opposite - my vegetable garden gets smaller and smaller. I'm having problems growing some of the most basic stuff: beets, carrots, won't even touch broccoli. I'd trade two of your raised beds for one perennial bed any day!
