Monday 24 April 2017

Welcome, Spring!

Here are some hopeful signs from two or three days ago. I think we might actually be enjoying spring and that it is here to stay.

Forsythia is just beginning to bloom. I have this type of shrub in three locations around the property. Very pretty right now, not so thrilling later.

There are little wee clusters of tiny purple violets in the lawn. They're so delicate and such a nice shot of colour.

Peonies are emerging with their wine coloured feathery tops rising up over last year's stalks.

Hostas are just starting to poke up in a new bed that I planted last year. I'm hoping for even bigger clumps this year.

The pink hydrangea from that same bed are also showing some nice growth.

Early tulips are putting forth leaves.

The rhubarb is even bigger now.

Husband and I cut down some dying / dead scrubby little trees and lilacs from the edge of the property, cleaning things up nicely. The bigger trunks will be cut up to add to our firewood. The more branchy stuff goes to the burn pile (which will be a towering inferno if we're not careful).

Since I took these pictures, things have greened up even more. The air is full of birdsong and it just feels lovely.

Speaking of birdsong and on a completely different note, Husband and I were sitting on the front porch after work this afternoon, telling each other about our days and just relaxing. I saw Scooter the Cat with No Tail coming along the rail fence. I could tell he had something in his mouth and it looked big, but I couldn't see clearly because of the fence. At first, I thought it was a black squirrel because there was so much on either side of his face and it seemed to still be moving. The cat kept trotting along, coming toward the house. Of course, I shouted to my husband to do something, but by the time the cat came up to the front walkway and husband got up to "do something", we could see it was a bird. He had the bird more or less by the head and both wings were stretched out, very much alive and moving. I don't like the thought of animals suffering and the cat just came right up the steps onto the porch where I wanted Husband to pick the cat up and force him to drop the bird. The bird, by the way, was a mourning dove. They are not small birds.

The cat saved us the trouble. He opened his mouth and the bird flew out, scattering small feathers across the porch. The cat turned to look at us with a couple of small feathers still stuck in his mouth and whiskers. I think he was so proud to have caught this bird that he was bringing it for his humans to see and the whole thing just backfired on him.


This is likely what I would have done:


Actually, Scooter is black and white, much like Sylvester the Cat (except of course, with no tail).

                                    Looks rather innocent there, doesn't he?


  1. Jenn, Oh that He is just doing what cats do. Doves are what get eaten around here by the hawks most times too. I could just see you smacking the cats bottom to cough up that bird. :):) It does look like spring there. Isn't it nice to sit on the porch and talk about your day. Love that. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

    1. I was sad that it was a dove, but hopefully it will be fine. It sure flew away in a hurry!

  2. Is he a manx cat or tailless by accident? Ours catches lizards we're always having to pry out of her mouth.
    Looks like spring is moving right along up your way, isn't it great to watch things green up and start to bloom?

    1. Oh, he had the most wonderful tail when we got him. In fact, he was mostly tail!! He had a most unfortunate accident and we had to have surgery done on him. Everyone asks if he has trouble with balance or if it affects him, but he jumps anywhere he wants to go and moves fine (although he is kind of ridiculous looking). Lizards are definitely not prey around here. Mice, birds, the occasional bunny.

  3. Oh so thankful for a happier ending with the Mourning Dove. We call them the ladies in sweaters ... I am sure that is why Scooter brought the bird to you "look Mom what I caught". I like the yellow cheer first thing in spring of the forsythia but I agree it is very lack luster the rest of the year. ... Mary-Lou =^..^=

    1. Yes, I really like mourning doves! When my daughter was little, she would hear their "whooo whooo" call and she thought she was hearing owls!

  4. Our old bird dog once proudly brought us a bird that had hit the window. The look on his face when hee laid it at our feet and it flew away. Glad to see you are enjoying your garden.

    1. I imagine it is disappointing for them to see their hard-earned prey get away!

  5. Jenn- Your garden/flowers are looking great. I love that you have things that have progressed that far. Nothing is blooming at my house yet.

    Love the cat/bird story. Our huge Maine Coon cat once dragged a huge rabbit in-he was carrying it by scruff of his neck. I thought the rabbit was dead but it was just playing pried Midnight's mouth open and the rabbit took off like it had wings. lol

    I love mourning doves-they are one of my favorite birds..sweet, gentle little souls. xo Diana

    1. Maine Coons are the best!! Unfortunately, the bunnies that get brought to our back door are quite deceased.

  6. I swear to you I held my breath to see how the story of the bird ended. I'm glad the bird flew away. And I hope it'll be fine. I did laugh with the 'do something' that you assigned to your husband...LOL... That is exactly what I'd be saying, too! And I roared with laughter at the image of Sylvester the cat and Granny. Yes, I would do that, too :) That image brings back so many memories in my childhood. My brothers and I were huge fans of The Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Hour TV show way back when. Did you watch that/

    1. Growing up, out in the country, we did not have cable, so we watched whatever the outside aerial picked up, including the "Bugs Bunny Road Runner Show".

  7. Cats and birds, natural enemies

  8. Amazing how many of our spring flowers are shades of purple. Looks like you have a few too. My hydrangea comes back from bare bones every yours of course. That always amazes me as well. Looks as though we'll have loads of flowers on it this year.
    Wish we could grow rhubarb. Everyone is talking about it now. Needs cold I hear

    1. Yes, rhubarb becomes dormant while the snow covers it and the ground freezes up for a few months. Then it shows up year after year. You don't need much to supply you with enough rhubarb for pies all year.

  9. Your garden plants are so similar to ours - forsythia, hosta and hydrangea. I would really like to have some peonies, are they easy to grow? Love the Scooter tale (no tail!), thank goodness the dove appeared unhurt.

    1. Generally, yes peonies are very easy to grow. Many of the ones here are divisions of ones that were already on the property when we bought the place. That being said, I bought a peony at a garden store because I wanted something different, and it has barely spread and honestly puts out one bloom each time!

  10. Oh, you ARE getting spring. Yes, my hostas are coming too and boy, it's fun to see them again!

    I had to laugh with the Sylvester pic with the woman spanking the cat! That's what I would have done too, I think -- or at least wanted to. Good for you two -- a life saved. That bird owes you a big debt of gratitude!

    1. I'm just getting around to responding, and we have had some rain and things have grown and greened even more!

  11. I'd say it is definitely on its way. Yay!

  12. Great are a natural at story telling!!
    Rain here today...
    Enjoy your week...
    Linda :o)

  13. Spring is here. Kentucky Derby Time. Watch for our post on for our 50/50 take on derby hats.-Laurel Bledsoe

  14. How on earth did he catch a mourning dove? They are big! And poor kitty and his thwarted efforts. I bet the dove had a story to tell.

    1. I think he caught it as it was feeding at a neighbour's low bird feeder table. The reason I think this, is when the bird was released and flapped and flew away, it spit a bunch of bird seed out at the same time. I currently don't have any bird seed at my feeder, so that's my best guess.

  15. that's a big bird to have caught - glad you rescued the dove. Your cat is a beauty though - Our gardens are at the same stage as yours -

  16. Welcome SPRING. Now I'm wiggling in my chair singing the welcome spring song.

  17. Have just loaded the fire full of wood
    We missed autumn this year and have gone right to winter

  18. Oh my gosh, what a rascal that Scooter is!! Your gardens are about the same as mine right now, we must be in the same zone. Glad to have found you blog, what a wonderful writer you are!

    1. Hi Debbie, thanks very much, I will go check out your blog, too!
