Sunday 2 October 2016

Soggy Sunday

Before I set out for a walk today, I spotted this little fella on the front porch. He wasn't very big.

Here is a closer look.

I have no idea which end is front or back. He wasn't moving when I took the picture.

Someone else was moving. As he approached, he announced his presence with a continual string of meows which got progressively louder as he made his way to the porch.

He is such a weird cat. He still won't curl up on anyone's lap. His affection is shown by rubbing against your leg when you let him in followed by rolling over on his back and exposing his underbelly.

I convinced the husband to go for a walk with me. It was lightly sprinkling when we left so I grabbed an umbrella in case it became heavier. It certainly did become heavier and the rain was very loud underneath the umbrella. Within the time span of just a couple of days, the leaves are starting to reveal their colours (did you know it is because the chlorophyll is dissipating as the trees approach dormancy?). I took a quick picture of this Virginia creeper vine. I love the deep red it becomes.

On this day, October 2nd, I would like to take a moment to say a fond farewell to fresh tomatoes. These are parked on my windowsill, being eaten day by day.

I hate putting them in the fridge because refrigeration does nothing to improve the taste of a fresh ripe tomato. No more will be picked from the garden. There are a few hanging on here and there, but their quality is poor and I'm basically just done with them. I froze many in ziplock bags after washing them and cutting out the stem. I think tonight, with it just being the two of us for supper, we will be having B.L.T.s again. You just can't go wrong with a B.LT.

A couple of bloggers that I have been reading, recently posted that they felt their posts were becoming boring. I have a similar feeling today, but honestly, sometimes it is nice just to have normalcy and routine, rather than rushing around finishing up projects or getting ready for big events. Sometimes it is nice to just look at the leaves, have a cup of something, and know that you don't have to clean your house for company!


  1. Jenn, If everyday life makes a blog boring, then mine must surely be a snooze fest. LOL. I like reading about everyday things..then we find out there are many who live just as we ourselves do. I have seen the wooly worms here also. Some blonde and some black/brown. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

    1. I agree Susie. I don't mind reading about other people's lives. I like to catch a glimpse of how people live in other parts of the world.

  2. I enjoyed this post and the snippets of your life! They say that whichever direction the wooly worm is going says what kind of winter it's going to be. If he wasn't moving, I wonder what the meaning of that is? ;-)

    1. I had heard that the length of the winter has something to do with the size of the stripe on the wooly caterpillar. I don't know if that is accurate or not. So much seems to be dependent on this little creature!

  3. I always enjoy your posts even if you share little things about your life. It feels like I'm leaning over the fence chatting with a neighbour or I've bumped into someone I know and we're chatting it up. It's fun.

  4. That's a pretty cool caterpillar. And the cat looks a lot like my neighbor's cat, who has been hanging out in our yard a lot lately. I think he's after the chipmunks that live under our deck. And it's funny about blogs - I never find anyone's boring, but I'm always convinced that mine is.

  5. After my trip to a beautiful place, I feel like anything I have to blog about is going to be cooked beans. Best left unsaid? But I know we will get over it.
    Have also noticed a rapid change in the tree colors our way. They seemed slow to get going but day by day they become more spectacular. The big maple behind our shed is just spectacular.

  6. My job is super hectic with all sorts of interruptions. I love just calm everyday thongs. It relaxes me after a stressful day. Love the caterpillar. Yours are much darker than ours.

  7. I'm smiling because you are concerned that your blog is boring. Well, not to me! Thanks for coming over to Marmelade Gypsy because it brought me here! I love your cat photo -- Lizzie isn't a lap cat, either, much as I wish. She's more of a leg-rubbing, break-dancing kind of girl. Maybe it's those black and white kitties!

    Your fall seems a bit further along than ours in Michigan. That's sort of OK with me -- because I dread what comes after. But I confess, I'm loving seeing some color out there and hope I will here, too. And the BLT? The best. Simply the best! I will be a new follower by -- well, bloglovin or however I can! I look forward to more visits. (And besides, you're from Ontario and love mysteries? Why wouldn't I want to come back?!)
