Monday 31 October 2016

October 31st


This morning the sky was beautiful, pink and puffy.

If you notice, it was also frosty. Now, just after supper time, the weather is ideal for trick or treaters.  No snow, which happens in Canada. No rain, which is worse than snow because nobody wants to walk around in the rain. So  I suspect we will have more children than usual coming to our door. Yes, I am in a little village and at the end of a dead end road, but we still gets kids trick or treating.

I bought two big pumpkins, but now that the kids are older (or away), the "joy" of carving a jack o' lantern has faded somewhat. We cheated and just put this out.

It's plastic, has a bulb, plugs in, and must be at least ten years old. Perfect! No messy pumpkin bits.

The husband threw a few more decorations on the porch.

This guy had eyes that lit up  and made spooky moaning sounds. I don't think he works anymore, but he's fun to hang up.

A few bones beside the walkway to the porch are kind of fun. Too bad they don't glow in the dark.

It always looks better at night. I best wrap up this post, so I can be available when the door bell starts ringing. Happy Hallowe'en everyone.


  1. Our little ghosts and goblins had almost seventy degree weather. I can't remember that nice a night in a long time.

  2. Jenn, Great pictures of the sky. I loved your lit up porch too. Your husband was enjoying the holiday. It's not the same without our children. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  3. I like your decorations. Our Halloween was pretty quiet this year.

  4. Happy Halloween! 🎃 👻 I hope it was a good one. The weather was really nice for it this year.

  5. Ooo I love a plug in pumpkin! The stench off them when you carve them is gross!

  6. I love your Halloween! Wasn't it a nice evening? I was so pleased -- we had more kids this year (and no snow or rain!).

    Happy November!

  7. I like the idea of plug in pumpkins too. We had two (his and hers) but we are neither of us brilliant at carving so they were very ordinary.

  8. Great pics. I survived my first Halloween in the city and though they came later than I would have thought, I went through most of the candy. I was surprised how old some of the trick or treaters were.

  9. Beautiful morning sky photos. I am glad that Oct 31st is in the bag (literally) I am not a Halloween fan especially the way it has been hijacked into gore & horror. This year we had 33 kids come a calling but it was all done by 7:45pm; costumes were worn by all, lots of Trick or Treat & thank you heard, not too much hell raising was done in our little village & mostly it was smashed pumpkins, which is naughty enough. What I look forward to is the festival afterwards (Nov 5th this year)- feeding the goats & pigs the pumpkins - it is SO funny to watch.
