Thursday 6 June 2024

June 6, 2024

 Spent a big part of the day planting my urns, pots, and window boxes. No pictures of those because they are in that “ I just got planted and I’m not big enough yet and I’m a little traumatized “ look about them.

I can’t let June get by without a couple more flower posts. No need to comment, I’m just sharing what makes me contented.

Variegated wegielia.

Hansa rose

“White” peonies

Pink peonies

Gas plant in front of purple sand cherry

The sublime gorgeousness of Johnson’s blue cranesbill ( and the photo never quite captures the essence of blue). 

And to round it out…


  1. Your garden is so colourful. I especially like the Variegated Weigela.

  2. And I also love your header with the native iris at the fence post.

  3. Beautiful...and that last furry plant is as well.

  4. So gorgeous! Especially that vibrantly pink Hansa rose!

  5. The various blooms are lovely. My favorite would be the wegeilia. I've heard of it, but I don't believe I've seen it grown here. I'll have to see if how hardy it might be.

  6. I love your flowers and I love the cute baby you have on the chair.

  7. The pink peonies are my favorite pic! And of course the sleeping kitty rounds it out nicely.

  8. Your are such a fabulous gardener. I love each and every photo and bloom. And of course all the best posts have a cat in them! Smiles!

  9. I love the fact that you have a talented green thumb, you are so fortunate. I grew up with peonies and have always loved them, especially that perfect pale pink. Thanks for sharing! 😊

  10. Wonderful the new flowers that bloomed this season!
    I like peonies very much, here (Greece)
    I rarely see peonies, maybe the climate doesn't favor them!!
    Have a beautiful Sunday!

  11. We are so starved for flowers all winter that when they finally show up we are so excited for them.

  12. I love your peonies! I can't believe you already have a rose blooming. Great description of new planted flowers.

  13. Your garden looks so lush. I was particularly interested & thankful that you showed & named your Gas Plant. A neighbour down the street has one & on my walks I keep admiring - now I know what it is, the search is on. ... Mary-Lou =^..^=

  14. The wegielia is absolutely stunning! Jenn, Peonies are my absolute favorite; I can't imagine having them right in my garden. Love the sleeping kitty cat.

  15. we love the last little flower with the fur and the stripes
