Monday 22 January 2024

Monday, January 22, 2024 - getting my feet back under me

We went away. We are now back. I have done laundry and cleaned up the house, and started back into my walking routine through my little village. Our son, who lives here as well, took care of cats and hens for which we are grateful. 

We were in Florida with friends who are very much Florida oficionados. We drove down with them and flew home separately, as they stayed for a while longer. I have only been to Florida one other time, shortly after husband and I married. It was the year of the "storm of the century" when highways were closed and weather was awful. Perhaps it was 1992?? This time, ironically, the temperatures were unseasonably cool, the skies overcast and rainy. I have never been in hot tubs more frequently in my entire life. I will not bore you with a multitude of vacation photos, but here are just a few:

We had a day here and husband loved it. I also liked it, but didn't have the same knowledge or interest as husband, but it was still a good day. Windy as heck!

We agreed to go to one Disney park, so we chose Epcot. 

Ridiculously, one of the highlights for me was seeing manatees. This fellow is a rescue who lives at the aquarium in Epcot. 

Our friends are very much Disney people and we stayed here, Wilderness Lodge, for three nights. Did you know they pipe in cricket sounds in the evening to add to the effect? Now you know.

And it just wouldn't be a post without a Murphy picture. I'm not sure what the message is here. We were unpacking and putting away suitcases and this happened. If possible, he is now wider of girth than before we left. 

We did time it well in terms of the weather at home. There were days of closed roads and bus cancellations for schools (schools always remain open however). It is still pretty darn cold, but things are supposed to "warm up" later this week. 

I am happy to be home. Our friends showed us many interesting things during our time down south. There are so many communities for retirees, everything from trailer parks to luxurious homes in gated communities. We are not, however, Disney people. I just don't feel the need to go back and the commercialism and contrived world just isn't for me and husband. But for those who do like it, fill your boots!

It is unfortunate about the lack of sunshine while in Florida, but that is nobody's fault. At least it was green. Everywhere we stayed had pools which were heated and glorious hot tubs. I've never really been a hot tub person, but I was those two weeks. As well, we ate. A lot. Time to stop eating. A lot. 

Today my excitement may consist of putting away clean laundry and mopping the kitchen floor. 


  1. I'm definitely a homebody, too. Even when it includes mopping the kitchen floor. We went to Disney World once, way back when our daughter was 14. It rained the whole time we were there. It could have been better if we hadn't had to wear raincoats every day. :o\ Probably clouded my view of the whole experience.

    1. Yes, we watched fire works in the rain. I think if we had taken our children when they were young enough to be enchanted by the whole experience, we may have felt differently. But as it was, it was just four (slightly older) adults.

  2. I love manatees, such large, gentle creatures. However, I just can’t understand the legend which says that sailors mistook them for mermaids. They must have been away at sea for a very long time!

  3. It is good to experience other 'worlds; it is even better to be home - or is that just age speaking? Murphy is simply establishing ownership in case you were thinking of another vacation. The suitcase is now his - get your own one!😁

    1. Oh, he has taken ownership of many things here, but I suspect you are right!

  4. I would not be a fan of Disney's contrived world settings, either. Piping in cricket sounds for ambiance? Typical. But glad you got away from winter for a nice break and had some fun with friends!

    1. Yes, it was good to experience it with friends and we did escape from the snow and cold.

  5. Good to have a change..but nice to get home!
    Is Murphy saying You won't do that again?!

    1. He didn’t suffer while we were away, as son doted on him and Scooter quite well. But he is a bit of a character.

  6. I've been to Disney once and felt that was all I needed. The mild weather of FL when it is cold and snowing at home is very enjoyable. The hot tubs are fabulous. Poolside hot tubs and even hot tubs with a bar. FL has mastered great hot tubs.

  7. Good to see you back! I was starting to worry. I am with you about contrived worlds. We took our youngest to Sea World and to the Columbus Zoo but neither really rang my bells. Give me natural settings, that's where I feel at home.

    1. Me, too. Real nature or even a nice park is best for me!

  8. Nice to see a post from you. It sounds as if you enjoyed your vacation. We have never been to Florida or any Disney location.

    God bless.

  9. I really enjoyed my day at the Kennedy Space Center. I came out knowing a lot more than I'd known before. When I was in Orlando, i didn't bother with Disney as I didn't think I'd enjoy it. I did however visit the Sea World. I'm sure, having enjoyed the manatees you would have really enjoyed that venue.
    At least you had a few days away from the snow and cooler temperatures. But winter seems to be hitting everywhere this year.

    1. We were close to Sea world but didn’t go. I thought Kennedy Space Centre was the best part of our trip ( apart from the manatees!)

  10. I'm sorry the weather wasn't the best but it had to feel good to get away -- and you did some fun things! But my fave photo was the one of Murphy!

  11. I know a bit about the dugong but have never heard of a manatee. Your manatee has a worse figure than I have, poor chap :(

  12. to bad the weather wasn't better but nice to get away. I am not a disney person once or twice was just fine with me.

  13. It's nice you had a good time in Florida. As for their senior accommodations, they may be nice, but the political climate is not. I doubt you could be happy.

  14. Jenn how lovely to escape the Ontario weather for a few weeks. Murphy is showing you he too can travel, how ever it seems, not lightly (col). I don't think I could be a Florida Snowbird, in spite of not been a friend of winter, but a visitor, yes. ... Mary-Lou =^..^=

  15. Took my grandson to Disney when he was 4, he loved it. He is now 28 and I have not been back, too commercialized for me. We spent many winters in Grenada, never even considered Florida. As a matter of fact we decided to never travel to USA again. Gigi

  16. my friend and her hubby took the exact same photo by the NASA sign in December. I have never been to Florida.

  17. What a bummer about the weather. I am also not a Disney fan. I am glad you got to see green, it does liven the spirits.
