Thursday 27 April 2023

Got a Lot Done - Apr. 27

 Today the weather shifted a bit and I was happy to be out, cleaning up some more perennial beds. I had a coat on for the first half, then was coatless for the second half. I managed to clean up the rest of the "front" rail fence bed, and then moved on to the two perennial beds leading to the chicken coop in the back yard. 

Here is what is saving my back so far this spring. This is the kneeler / sitter that husband made me for Christmas. I wanted one from Lee Valley (a garden supply store that sells quality, but somewhat expensive items). They were on back order, so he took all of the measurements and set out to build one himself.

Here it is in sitting mode which is the way I use it so far. 

Flip it over, and it is in kneeling mode. You can then push yourself up using the rails at the side. He painted it green because that is the colour the Lee Valley one comes in. He covered it in naugahyde and there is foam underneath. 

Prior to this, I used little plastic stools in my vegetable garden, but the height of this is better for me. (For the uninformed, I have weeded and gardened myself into complete back pain and s.i. joint jamming and then have had to go to physio and take pain pills and be mad at the world for a couple of months more than once, so I'm trying to avoid that).

I've been trying to walk almost every day. It helps with the achiness I get from a prescription I am now on, and it helps me in so many other ways. I have my route through the village, avoiding scary dogs and a scary resident who I suspect suffers with paranoid schizophrenia. His property has many "no trespassing" signs, and he has rigged up mirrors and other reflective surfaces close to his home and doorway. Other aspects of his property and the items scattered about are indicative of a troubled mind. If I was walking with someone else, I would probably walk past his place, but as I'm usually alone, I just avoid it altogether. I do wonder how he manages and if he has someone who actually owns the property and allows him to stay there.

When I went out to take some pictures after supper, Scooter came out with me. He isn't featured in pictures as frequently as Murphy, so here he is, flopped over after scurrying away from me. He does enjoy a belly rub, but only for so long.

These are the two beds that I cleaned up today. Then I burned everything in the burn barrel. You can see Scooter hurrying away, his usual modus operandi.

My forsythia was particularly nice this year. After I manage to clean up all the beds and cut back the shrubs by the pool, it will be edging time and vegetable garden tilling. There's always something.

What about you? Are you busy with Spring chores? Do you have forsythia where you live? 


  1. That is a beautiful kneeler, and custom to boot. I had one I bought from a gardening magazine. I used it for years, and eventually it lived outdoors year round. Come spring, a good dose of WD=40 put it back in business.
    Your gardens look lovely, and the forsythia is a beautiful sight.

    1. Thanks Joanne, I’m being careful to put it away on the porch when I’m done with it. I love forsythia even though it’s beauty is a bit short lived.

  2. Your husband is very clever!

  3. You accomplished a lot in your garden and it looks great. The kneeler your husband made for you is fantastic. He did a beautiful job. I've been tidying the forested areas on my property. Lots of pine branches have been piled up for a bonfire tomorrow (Friday). I mulched my gardens last Fall and everything is popping up. The iris and peony are just above ground and it appears I did not lose any ornamental shrubs. The Magnolias are blooming and the Dogwoods are in bud. I have no Forsythia but my neighbor's shrub is a burst of beautiful yellow.

    1. And I have no magnolia. It sounds like you’ve been busy as well!

  4. Trying to get as much done as possible before all this rain rolls in. I too need to walk every day or I seize up. Again, all this rain coming will throw a spanner in the works.

    1. Yes, rain for the next few days! The plants will burst after that.

  5. I was hoping that cleaning up perennial beds would be a very limited task, limited perhaps to out-of-control growth on top. I am not lazy, but why do more gardening work than necessary? :)

    1. There was much dead tops of perennials that didn’t get cut back in the fall ( I’d messed up my back and was also dealing with my cancer diagnosis and many appointments in the fall), so what didn’t get taken care of then had to be taken care of now.

  6. Scooter scooting!!
    It is a relief to get out and deal with the garden! It is still chilly though.
    That is a great sitter/kneeler. Well done husband 🙂

    1. Yes, I was happy to get out and get things accomplished.

  7. I love your kneeler/sitter! Damn, I'd pay your husband to make me one if I could. I get pulled muscles and aches constantly this time of year in the garden, and that looks really helpful!

    1. It’s a handy thing! Sore muscles are to be expected but it’s when I go into spasm and I’m simply out of commission for weeks that I’m trying to avoid. Your gardens are likely a few weeks ahead of us here.

  8. Love Scooter! What a lovely furry belly. We actually scored one of the Lee V. kneelers at an auction sale. Walking is the best exercise. We have to keep moving!
    I'm holding off on cleaning up the perennial beds, (although sorely tempted to get at them!) until it really warms up, as a lot of our native pollinators are camping out in the old, dead stalks and stuff.

  9. Scooter looks like one big furry rug of a lovebug!

  10. Scooter's tummy gets top attraction vote here. My humans are also gardening madly as spring pushes lots of weeds up higher by the day - it is easy to forget at this time of the year that gardening is a hobby, is enjoyable, is calming, is engaging, is inspirational, is ... well you get it completely. obviously. F had a plastic version of that kneeler/seat but the sun destroyed it. Having seen yours Mr B might be commissioned to build a replacement one.

  11. I have a forsythia also and it is blooming nicely. Unfortunately it is on the side of the house where there are no windows, so I don't see it often enough!
    I have a sitting/kneeling bench like that but mine is store bought. I've been looking at my weeds but haven't gotten out to do much about them as it has been chilly here. Maybe next week...

  12. I have the kneeler/sitter from Lee Valley. My husband surprised me with it for Christmas 3 years ago. It's come in particularly useful when I scrape out the weeds growing between the bricks in my driveway. It's a job that can only be done in the sitting position. I mocked my husband slightly when I first opened it because at the time I considered it something only used by the elderly. I was so wrong! I can't live without it. I've felt guilty about my lack of enthusiasm for his gift ever sense.

  13. What a wonderful post! And I ADORE Scooter and his pose. He looks so happy! I'm glad you have a kneeler. They're a lifesaver, aren't they? I have one similar (I don't know if it's Lee Valley or not) but yours looks nicer with the extra cushioning for the knees. (I put my kneeling pad on it when I'm "down"). I sometimes use it as a side table outside, too! I can relate to the bad back from gardening. I'm taking it VERY easy this year. But it's always a temptation. You take care!

  14. Your husband did a wonderful job on the kneeler/sitter stool! I use those silly knee pads from the dollar store and usually end up tossing them across the yard as they aren't comfortable and just seem to get in the way. No gardening of any sort here yet, as the front bed still has some snow and a bit of ice, and the backyard is all containers. My seedlings are doing well, as I transfer them to and from the unheated sun room.
    I chuckled at Scooter showing his belly. I read somewhere there is 7 seconds of belly rub before a cat attacks the hand that pets him.
    Enjoy your lovely weather!

  15. Nothing like getting out and mucking about in the garden. Soon it will be time to get the tomato plants in!

  16. What a thoughtful gift! That had to have taken time to build. He's a keeper, Jenn.

  17. Back in the Midwest when I gardened my best friend was a foam rubber square upon which to kneel. Best thing after a trowel.

  18. What a kind and thoughtful kneeler/sitter. I'm so glad you have that now and can avoid the terrible aches and pains of NOT using a helper.
    Scooter is a lovely boy!
    I feel so badly for people with severe mental issues like the gentleman you can walk past or avoid. It must be an unhappy existence.

    We're past spring and are experiencing Summer now. *sigh*

  19. The kneeling stool is perfect. I've never seen one you could both sit and kneel on. That is pretty slick. Your husband is very thoughtful. I've always wanted to plant a forsythia. I saw one al ong time ago in Deadwood. They are beautiful in the spring.

  20. Scooter is gorgeous. Place looks great.

  21. Wow I am showing this to my husband as it would come in handy for both of us to use. Keeping my fingers crossed that he is as clever as your husband.

    God bless.

  22. Your garden looks lovely and I'm impressed with that kneeling stool/seat that your husband made for you. Well done. I've been out, slowly working away. I'm better now than when I was younger, I always tried to get too much done at once and now I just putter.
