Tuesday 26 April 2022

Junk drawer overload

 Today one task on my list was to do a deep purge of the all mighty junk drawer in the kitchen. I threw out the multiples of restaurant menus, tested every single one of the double A batteries that were floating around without a home, threw out the handful of various screws, nails, and other fasteners ( trust me when I say there are plenty more in the garage), and gathered all the tape in one location. 

But then there were these:

Can anyone else relate???


  1. Be brave! Damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead, and throw them all away! And if in the future, it turns out you needed one of those unlabeled keys after all, oh well, that's what locksmiths are for. They need to eat too.

  2. Wow. You beat my drawer. Keys?

  3. I have done the same recently. So many screws, nails and washers. Where do they all come from. And keys. I'm afraid to throw them out but have no idea what they are for. I used to keep a jar for them which must have migrated out to husband's shed. Funny how odd things accumulate

  4. We have a board of hooks hidden in the linen cupboard covered in the same collection of keys...whose? From where? For what? I suspect many are for homes of older relatives and it has been forgotten we held a spare set just in case.

  5. PS Murphy looks very sweet. xxx Mr T

  6. Years ago when people would give me a set of keys to the houses where I worked, I had to throw away great bunches of them every five years or so. I could never remember where they came from.

  7. Yes and we ran around the house trying all the doors and things to see if they fit. And then you hate to part with them incase a treasure chest shows up and you had the key and got rid of it lol

  8. Absolutely! I call ours the drawer of doom.

  9. Oh, yeah. I can so relate. Fortunately, my husband is in charge of our stash of keys and dumped them all on the kitchen table one day this winter. Good thing some of them (but not all!) had tags of identification on them. Others? Unidentifiable. So hard to just toss them, but figuring they hadn't been used in umpteen years, what's the sense of keeping them?

  10. I had several keys when I cleaned out the junk drawer shortly after retirement...but I didn't come close to your pile. Wow!

  11. OH YES! And you are afraid to throw away keys for fear there is something they open but you just don't know what! lol. xo Diana

  12. Cleaning out cupboards and closets was near the top of my retirement to do list. It was so satisfying to see my kitchen junk drawer looking neat and organized for the first time in years. We also kept spare keys in the junk drawer which I remember carefully checking to see if they were important before giving them a toss. There were quite a few mystery keys in the collection. Several months later I discovered I no longer had a backdoor key. How did that happen?

  13. We have a peanut tin full of keys. Every once in awhile we sort them by type and check all the locks of that brand. If they don't fit, out they go. I swear they reproduce if left behind,

  14. Oh yeah. I have a whole box of those. I try them in locks periodically (isn't the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over and getting the same result?). I keep thinking I should use them in collage but I don't do that much anymore.

  15. My keys are in a basket about the size of a loaf of bread. Most of them have labels but not all. For some unknown reason, I can't bring myself to throw out the mystery keys. My junk draw is somewhat organized in that I've put like-items in zip lock bags with labels.

  16. Oh, I do relate…….we have way too many! I would be happy with just one, but my husband has created two. One has batteries (yes mostly just batteries) and the other has other bits of junk in it. Once I retire and start going through all the stuff in the kitchen, I’m downsizing the junk drawer to just one. He just doesn’t know it yet :-)

  17. The mystery of the keys of what you forgot they went to 🔑🔐

  18. Wow, that's a lot of keys. What are your plans with them? Toss or store? I had a small container of keys at one point and I had no idea what they were for. I ditched them all...and years later, I still haven't needed them!

  19. Junk drawer nightmares! You do have more keys than me but alas my junk data ww is full - I say drawer -
    In reality it’s multiple! I am better at chucking stuff but the HG is definitely noooo we might neeeeed it. And you know that one time 100 years ago I had thrown something that we needed???? Hmmmmm he will not let that go!

  20. Junk data? Ha my mobile is needing sorting too! I was typing too quickly! Junk drawer it meant to say!

  21. I started laughing at the keys. Keys and power cords are the bane of my existence. It is like they multiply.

  22. Dear me! Any luck finding keys to lock at this point? It's fearful to throw out keys lest your realize their vitality.

  23. Definitely can relate. Not so much at the key situation, mine is screws.

    God bless.

  24. lol on the keys! That's a hoot. I can relate in a way because I have many paint brushes.
