Thursday 15 April 2021

Chilly morning - Snippets of Life

 It was hot and sunny five days ago. This morning when I rose, it was 1 degree (celsius). Since then we have had a couple little snow showers. This is not unheard of in April. I was looking back at posts from this time last year, and it snowed on May 9th (adding insult to injury).

Locally, our cases of Covid have gone up a lot (for us, we've always had very low numbers and few worries). The medical officer of health (who has been in the news recently concerning his higher-than-any-other salary) chastised those who have gathered recently (with a particular shout out to highschool students) and aren't being truthful about how many contacts they have had. In order to take care of contact tracing, he has decided to take personnel from the vaccine clinics and have them call people about possible contact instead. Because of that, the vaccine clinic is cancelled. Other vaccine clinics in various parts of Ontario are also being cancelled, but that is due to lack of vaccine supplies. Hmmm. We (Ontario) are already so far behind in our vaccination roll out that this has caused quite a hullaballoo.

 Blogger is as "social media" as I get, but daughter (whose job involves local communications) informs me that the comments are extensive. Sigh. If there is one thing I've learned from the t.v. series, "House", (and from my own experiences), it's that most people lie. Of course many teenagers are going to lie about being at a party with a bunch of other people. I am not excusing it, I'm just not surprised in the least. However, to blame teenagers when there is a "local" company that employs more than 4000 people that never seems to be presented in a bad light, doesn't seem particularly fair.  I am also not surprised that our numbers have gone up. People are just plain tired of it all. Again, not excusing, just not surprised. As well, when a huge number of people still have not had access to vaccines, and variants are spreading, it's not suprising. Our Prime Minister may be known for his good looks and soft voice, but he hasn't impressed his citizens by being on the forefront of vaccine acquisition. So, locally we are being told to stay in our homes. 

One year and one month. Enough said.

On a different note, I planted some seeds.

They're coming along. I don't know if I'm too early, or too late, but that's what I have so far. I have a little "map" I made so I know what's what.

On a chilly, dreary day, here's where you can find Scooter-the-cat-with-no-tail.

This is the only chair he likes. It's son's chair.

And to round things off, here is a harbinger of good things to come, my bright yellow forsythia.


  1. Regarding COVID quarantining, social distancing, staying masked, etc. I've noticed folks being a lot more (a LOT more) lax about it. Like you say, this has gone on so long that people feel they're missing out on life. Add to the fact that we're being told of the new variants of the virus popping up, and being vaccinated once isn't going to be the ultimate protection, it seems many are feeling the sacrifices being made are not worth it. It's all a sad, disturbing situation.

  2. That is one gorgeous forsythia! Scooter does have the right idea. On a somewhat dreary day like today, after a poor sleep last night, it was nap time this afternoon.

  3. I'm not going to even mention what it's like in T.O. I'm just staying home and trying to wait it out. Scooter has the right idea - find a nice spot and make it your own!

  4. The variants are showing up everywhere. The vaccines only protect us for 6 months. I keep reminding myself: Better than no vaccine at all. This is hard for everyone. Cold here and snow for tomorrow.

  5. My mom had forsythia which budded out when I visited in the spring.

    Blogging was a surprise and a life saver for me. I love writing, blogging is given me so much over the past 11 years.

  6. Forsythia is as sure about spring as crocus.

  7. The number of cases have gone up in my small area as well. Regina the capital is reeling under VOC. We have over tripled our cases here. Yet there are still those that say it is all planned or fake. Sighs.

    God bless.

  8. My seedlings look just like yours. I also feel the same way... Was I too early or late in starting them. We are also back to cold and wintery again. Someday it will be summer.

  9. Your forsythia is a color bomb in the yard! Wow! I won't weigh in on the hijinks of authorities concerning the pandemic because I might say a bad word!

  10. What happened to Scooter's tail? xxx Tigger

    1. An unfortunate accident (the vet thinks he crawled up inside a car), and so the remainder of his tail had to be amputated.

  11. That cat looks like the way I want to feel.

  12. We have plenty of those wild teens here in Texas. That forsythia is gorgeous! Have a great weekend!

  13. Until we all say, enough is enough, there will be wild gatherings everywhere! It’s amazing to me that nobody has passed away from the flu this year... just an observation. Love that forsythia... ours is already green, and I can’t believe that I posted the pic on my blog on March 19....crazy ! Hope you weekend is perfect, Jenn!

  14. Jenn I am rather envious of your full & large forsythia bush, it's so nice to have this cheerful spring colour. Isn't Scooter lovely. I hear you about all the dreary COVID Ontario news, the only curve that is flattening is my spirits. Enough said.
    Happy weekend at home & let's hope lots of sunshine for those seeds to grow towards. ... Mary-Lou =^[,,]^=

  15. You're so right, people are just damn tired of it all. I hope your state gets those vaccines going again.
    Give us our freedom!!!!!

  16. There are so many conflicting stories out there. I've read that the Ontario government is sitting on over a million doses, saying they are allocated....but allocated to where? When asked the Premier walked away from the reporter - I saw the video of this.

    We're in a similar predicament here in Sask. But our Premier refuses to put any real restrictions in place, rather he's relying on the vaccine roll-out to fix the problem. But with so many anti-vaxxers we're unlikely to reach herd immunity for some time yet. In the meantime our ICU in the city is at 115% capacity. Heaven help us, if there were a serious highway accident involving multiple serious injuries.

    On the other hand your forsythia is absolutely gorgeous! Spring is springing up though a little slower here. I expect a lot of the snow that fell early in the week will be gone by the end of the week.

  17. How frustrating....many leaders would do well to look at what actually works with getting numbers down and compliance strategies that hit hard and fast.
    Australia is a good example, our only cases are from returning flights and are all in quarantine facilities.
    Fingers crossed that someone takes a stand for a good outcome very soon.

  18. I'm with Scooter; find a comfy spot and stay put. Sorry about all the hullaballoo going on; hopefully things will calm down soon.
    Love your forsythia!!

  19. Scooter looks SO content! Cats just know how, don't they? I'm not sure I think delaying vaccine when already behind to contact trace is the best idea. Who knows the validity of info they'll receive. I'd keep jabbing.
