Sunday 31 March 2019


I've been absent from blogging for a bit. I haven't really had the compunction to comment a whole lot either, but have been reading blogs. I think I'm ready to be back now, however.
Had a little health "scare" about which the scary stuff was eliminated, but am still dealing with not feeling quite right. After phoning to make an appointment with my dr. (who had been on vacation when I was dealing with the initial problem), I was once again disgusted by the amount of wait time until I can see him. A month. It takes me an entire month to see my regular family doctor. Therefore, if it is something quite urgent, I would have to go to the emergency ward at a hospital and deal with a doctor who knows nothing of my history. I know people whose doctors have retired and they are now doctor-less. They always have to go to emergency and deal with an assortment of physicians.

Anway, I am not dying, so my whining is going to cease now.

Daughter called last night with delightful news about a summer job lined up, created just for her! She had a job as a summer student (in her field of study- communications) last year and she loved it - driving about to various events, talking to people, helping to promote, working with social media, etc. The people she worked for saw her potential and her skills and created a position for her that she will have this coming summer. She's thrilled and so are we. Well done, daughter!

Yesterday, husband, son and I drove to a city to visit another college where he might attend this coming fall. We were all impressed. There are many newly built sections and he had a chance to speak to the advisor who would actually be one of his teachers if he chooses this college. This one is about 2 to 3 hours from home, versus the 6+ hours that the other one is. It is his decision, but I sure hope he chooses this one.

Prior to yesterday, we have been experiencing some milder weather and much of our snow was gone, apart from where it had been piled up after snow removal throughout the winter. This was a pretty early "spring" for us. We have certainly had snow that stayed well into April and have had storms in April as well. Yesterday there was a light dusting of snow that disappeared after some rain. However, this is what greeted me this morning:

It is disheartening.

I am currently without reading material. The local library does not open until 1:00 on a Sunday, so I shall postpone my grocery shopping until a bit later this morning and then go to the library and find some good mysteries. As I am sitting here in the den, typing away, I can hear the rooster crowing from the chicken coop. I have not opened up their little door, mostly because I don't want to get out of my pajamas (although I've certainly gone out there in them) and brave the snow. The two roosters had a huge fight a while ago. It was hard to tell who was the victor, as both of them looked pretty rough afterwards. One of them must go!!!!

Tonight is "Curse of Oak Island" on tv. Does anyone watch it? Every week we joke that  this will be the week where they find the "treasure"! Not yet. They had to have spent a treasure's worth of money trying to find it so far.

Have a good week all, and try to stay away from all those Easter treats flooding the stores right now! (That's probably more a message to myself!)


  1. Glad you are feeling better!

    But that is entirely too much snow.

    1. Thank you, still waiting for some relief from pain... and yes, too much snow.

  2. Well I hope you feel better real soon! Always a relief to find out one is not dying of something awful, but still the frustration of figuring it out can linger.

    Congrats to your daughter! And.. You ended up with two roos? Man, I hope I don't. The six new chicks are still just babies - getting some feathers but that's it.

    We had a glorious spring day yesterday, but rain is starting today. I'm still thrilled because it's in the 50's Amen.

    1. We didn't get those chickens from chicks (i.e. didn't order from a supplier). We bought them as young chickens and weren't entirely sure if they were male or female. Surprise surprise. Actually, three of them were roosters but one died.

  3. I'm like you, still waiting for them to find something of interest on Oak Island. We're waiting for the next series.
    Stay strong. Your doctor situation is terrible....that and so much snow! You must have loads of patience

    1. Why do I find it amusing that you are watching Oak Island in Greece? Concerning patience, generally, no, I am not a patient person, but sometimes you have no other choice. The snow will go away hopefully this week as temps go up a bit.

  4. I am pleased that you are not as ill as you suspected. Get well soon. We had snow like that this time last year, but I have to say I enjoyed it.

    1. You generally don't get a lot of snow, do you? Thank you for the good wishes.

  5. Sorry to hear that you are unwell, even though the scary stuff has been eliminated. You need some warm, springlike weather; I hope you get some soon. (A month is way too long to wait for an appointment with your doctor.)

  6. I don't watch "Curse of Oak Island" but a co-worker of mine was a faithful viewer. She is convinced there is treasure there too. I am not. If there was anything there, it would have been found eons ago, in my opinion.

  7. That's enough snow to set your day off on a wrong note -- especially at this time of year. It won't last but who wants to see it?

    Well, I'm distressed to hear you have been going through "scary stuff." I hate scary stuff and I'm glad yours has been eliminated. I hope you're back to feeling "just right" soon -- I understand about the doc thing. Mine is pretty good and I usually can get in fairly fast but I can see where that would be frustrating to the max. Your daughter's new job sounds great and she clearly made a great impression. I know it's up to the kids but they get their start with responsibility and all that with the parents so well done, you -- and her! I hope Son sticks closer to home. At 2-3 hours, it's far enough you won't be in his face but so much nicer and comforting. Fingers crossed with you!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. I am a worrier by nature, so perhaps some wouldn't even have gone in the "scary" direction. I'm thrilled for my daughter. She really is a people person.

  8. I missed you. I hope you are soon feeling 100%.

    1. Oh, thank you! As with all past worries, this too shall pass. I'm my own worst enemy, I think.

  9. I'm glad you're feeling better Jenn. I'm doctorless, have been for years. If I need a doctor, I can go to the nearest clinic, wait in line for hours (outside) to see if I get one of the 12 spots open that day. If not, it's to the 18-24 hour wait emergency. Sickens me.

    We got more snow too over the weekend, then rain, it's so messy out there.

    Congratulations to your daughter!!! :)

    1. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that! It is ridiculous. We have much to be pleased with, concerning our health care system, but there is room for so much improvement, isn't there. You must still have lots of snow, too!

  10. Nothing like a health scare to plunge one into the depths of not being able to think about anything else. So glad to hear you're not gonna die, but having lingering pain is no cup of tea either!

    I know your daughter isn't officially out in the "working world" yet, but she's certainly getting a jump-start on have a wonderful resume when the time comes. Good for her.

    We had no snow in March which is usually our snowiest month. I'm holding my breath to make it through April (which can also dump a bunch on us) now. So far, it looks like an early spring for us . . . for once!

    Glad to see your post.

  11. I know you certainly understand the trials and tribulations of spring weather!

  12. Pain is a bugger! May you feel back in fighting shape soon. Speaking of fighting shape, roosters are toughies. I suppose the two would go on challenging other, unless separated.

    No snow here, just lots of sun (and occasional rain, weirdly).

    1. I thought I had someone to take the one rooster, but now I'm not sure it's going to happen, so these two are going to have to live together for a while longer.

  13. Whew, you must have been some relieved that you didn't have a life threatening issue!
    We have doctor problems in the Ottawa Valley too. I lost mine last spring and still on a wait list. We have a couple of wonderful doctors at the outpatient clinic at the Pembroke hospital. I find them far more diligent that my former GP ever thought of being!
    We got a foot of snow last night AND our hydro went out for twelve hours. Sure hope this is the last blast of this for this year.

    1. I fear that I've led people to think that my life was imminently on the line with this post. Once results eliminated the usual scary thing people tend to worry about, I was very relieved. Now I'm just wanting to figure out why I'm not "right as rain" yet.
      Sorry to hear you are without a doctor. Glad to hear you have some good ones at the clinic!

  14. Nice to see you back and hpefully on the mend...oh those Easter treats. I have a closet full of them waiting for Easter and the grandkids. Sur hope there's some left by the time Easter rolls around.

    1. Even though my "kids" are older, I will still provide Easter treats! Can't help myself.

  15. Missed your blogs, Jenn. So glad you feel up to returning to blogland. Snow here too but is largely gone by now.

    1. I just saw your pictures on your blog. You got quite a bit of snow, even if it is gone now.

  16. Welcome back. We had that snow great us this morning, too. I jokingly said, years ago, I picked all my doctors so they would outlast me. Now I'm praying I get another ten years from my primary.
    I'm happy that your scare was recoverable.

    1. You got the snow, too? You have a whole team of doctors!

  17. I hope you get feeling better. I certainly understand how disheartening the snow can be. Hang tough, spring is coming.

  18. I thought your MIA was maybe a March break trip south (lucky you). I do hope that you can get your health issue sorted quickly. It seems all the doctors are working to rule (Thanks Fordnation) we use to get in next day to our doctor, now it's 3 weeks, sad state. Out like a Lion - it was pretty all that wet snow sticking to everything but it can go now - enough. Happy Week. ... Mary-Lou =^..^=

    1. Thanks, Mary-Lou. It's been tough to get in with the dr., even before Ford.

  19. It seems waiting is like weeks here too. I had two knees done. Recup with the one now.After suffering with an infection. Now I have a sore shoulder and elbow.
    Now my Specialist who did both knees was 49. Young his work was great. Bedside manners the greatest. Unfortunalley we loss him in January. He was killed leaving work and almost reached home with in 15 minutes. A Rig jackknifed him. He never made it after he was rushed to hospital. We all were shocked. Being a Canadian. Two nights ago we had the snow you have up showing. So it makes us have the Winter blues when it is to be Spring and we get this. And today it is cold. Brrrr. I too pray you get your health issues looked after. I added you.

    1. Wow, that's awful about your dr.! Thank you, Carol.

  20. Sorry you haven't been feeling well, hopefully you are on the mend? I have the same issue with my local GP - the last time I was sick I actually went to Emergent Care about 20 minutes away rather than try and get in with him. It's ridiculous!!

  21. I didn't realize it was a similar situation in the states. The initial scare is over, now it's just lingering effects.

  22. So nice to hear from you! And I'm happy to hear that you're doing better.

    That is wonderful news about your daughter. She must be so excited! Wishing her all the best on her journey.

  23. I do feel that once we hit 50 we really start fraying at the seams. So many odd things begin to happen that aren't going to kill us but it becomes a bit embarrassing when you start to add up all the stuff that starts going wrong. You can see why old people love talking about their health!

    Not knowing what's wrong or being able to get to the source of a health issue is so common. No wonder in the olden days doctors just used to just put Old Age on the Death Certificate. So sorry for you and the others above for the major headache not having a doctor nearby you can just see when you need to. You imagine it should be a First World privilege.

    Good news on the family front! And wow! about your snow!!

  24. You have been missed, Jen, but life happens and certainly you have had a lot going on. Sorry to read about the health scare and that is scary about the long wait to see your primary doctor. Glad you did not have any life threatening and hope you will be feeling better now or very soon. Luckily we now live within walking distance of medical offices and even a major hospital, provided one is well enough to walk there. Good news about your daughter's summer position.

  25. I've missed you. Your posts are exaclt like your blog title--like having a cup of coffee with you. I am so glad the health scare was only just that! Sorry about the snow :/ We had temps in the low 30's last week and I feared for my pear tree but I think we dodged that bullet this year.

  26. So sorry about your health issues.. It does seem tht doctors are not very ' User Friendly" ..however somehow we muster through ... The good stuff is that ... Your daughter and son must be thrilled with their future plans... and maybe that will give mom the rest she needs to look after herself... It seems once we hit glorious fifty or over the hill as my children put it.. we do decline in our normal activities and the ' I'm OK ' issues become ... I'm not OK... I have a hip and knee operation on the horizon .. so realized that I am lucky to live in this day and age... It's just a sign of the times and I think oh boy " AM I EVER GOING TO FEEL BETTER" soon. .. so don't fret the small stuff ... ENJOY the sunshine and Spring ( if it ever comes) ( Ha Ha) Wouldn't life be boring without all this "Life" excitement. Take care and ENJOY your week-end... Big Hugs

  27. Sorry to hear about your health scare and glad that scary thing we all worry about was eliminated as the cause. Hope by now you're feeling better! Hope you've also found something good to read by now! I think it was you that told me about the Louise Penny books. I'm on the 4th one now, and have been passing each one on to my mother. We're both eally enjoying them. Thank you! So glad you're back.
