Saturday 10 November 2018

What's Goin' On, Tell me What's Goin' On...

Just channelling a little Marvin Gaye there in the title.  The power went out last night. The clock on the stove and microwave were flashing at me this morning. Coincidentally, the battery in the bathroom clock must have died as well, as it was stuck at 4:00 ( I assume it stopped at 4:00 a.m.).

This is what I woke to:

Samson is not impressed with the weather outside. When snow sticks to the screens, that means it's coming in pretty much horizontally. Not good. Sigh. It was bound to happen.

Son slept in for his 8:00 start at his part time job this morning. I banged on his door at 7:55, told him what time it was and his reply was, "Seriously??"   He sets his alarm on his phone and turns it off and falls back asleep. Honestly, up until now, he's been successfully getting up to get to his highschool co-op that starts at 7:00 a.m.  (meaning he leaves here at 6:10 in the morning). However, the last three mornings have been close calls (one considered a "late" in my books). I blame it on new sheets. I saw these sheet sets at, get this, the Home Hardware in town. They were red and black plaid (goes with his comforter) and they were fleece! He's had cotton sheets on his bed prior up to this and I thought cozy sheets would be nice. I think I've created a monster. I think they are too cozy. I think they are keeping him in bed longer! Who else has changed to winter bedding?

I put a winter coat on over my pajamas and pink fuzzy bathrobe this morning and stuck my feet into husbands big rubber boots with winter insoles in them and went out to open up the little chicken coop door. I have no idea if they will go out in this weather, but the option is there. Husband had installed a little heater in the coop last weekend. It seriously looks like a small flat screen tv! Maybe late at night they can get Netflix or something.

All I know is it kept their water from freezing in the coop last night, so I didn't have to lug a bucket of fresh water out there this morning (in my pajamas and fuzzy pink bathrobe).

Oh my lord, I just looked out the window and it's snowing even harder now. Husband and I were thinking of going 'to the pictures' tonight to see Bohemian Rhapsody but it is showing in a town 45 minutes from here and it really depends on the weather. We know enough to avoid being out in the first snow storm. People, even Canadians who live in the Snow Belt, forget their winter driving skills every year.

I'm glad husband has put all the winter tires on all of the vehicles. Son took the Highlander (four wheel drive SUV) this morning instead of his Mustang, even though it has snows on it and it is weighted in the trunk.  Wise decision on his part. (Even though he slept in - to be read with the predictable motherly scorn in voice).

Last night, son's girlfriend came over. She came back from her first year university for the weekend. As she was going through the den into the mudroom, our cat was coming in. She was not familiar with the "I have  a special gift for you in my mouth" meow that he makes and let him in the den, carrying a small but very live mouse. Before I could say, "Grab the cat!", he had dropped the mouse and it ran.

You may or may not recall our dead mouse under the dishwasher episode, but I certainly do and I was not looking forward to another game of 'guess where the mouse died'.  Luckily, after some strategic door closing and flashlight shining and blocking off of pathways, I was able to watch the mouse run from behind the couch out the open door from the den onto the back porch. We let Samson back in and he sniffed around for a while, totally cheesed off that we let his mouse out.

I've nothing exciting planned for the weekend (when do I ever?) apart from the usual grocery shopping, which quite frankly can wait until the snow dies down. I'll do some tidying, some reading, some food making. The usual. But that's o.k. Maybe a fire in the woodstove (more for ambiance than heat, we heat our home in other ways) and a glass of red and discover a new mystery series on Netflix. Oh, speaking of Netflix, we just found out that streaming Netflix using a Wii gaming system will be discontinued in January. That's how we've been getting it. Don't know what we will do once that stops. We don't have a 'smart tv' and have no intention of going out and buying a new tv. We get regular tv through cable. We have until January to figure things out. We will.

And that's what's goin' on.


  1. The thought of snow makes me sick to my tummy. I know it's coming. We have our share of mouse visitors as well. Ugh. Have a great weekend, Jenn.

  2. We are rural sufficient here in western Maine. Sometimes we lose power for multiple days. We have a wood stove that can heat the house and gas lights - our cook stove is gas and other than missing television we are comfortable - and sometimes enjoy the break from the grid.
    the Ol'Buzzard

    1. There is something very 'pioneery' about losing power. We would do fine without for a while, as well, but it's good to keep an extra large container of water for flushing toilets. We could cook on the top of our woodstove if necessary. -Jenn

  3. Snow? Already? I once did the snow-carving thing in Grand Bend, Ontario, and when we arrived there was no snow. I asked the one of the organisers what we were supposed to carve, and he said, "There will be snow tomorrow". Sure enough, next morning there was about a foot of it.

    1. I remember you writing about going out for a walk towards the water in Grand Bend and being chastised by a local (I may have some of that messed up, correct me if I'm wrong). Grand Bend, being right on Lake Huron, one of the Great Lakes, gets crazy lake effect snow, as do most of us tucked in amongst the lakes. I have never been there in the winter! It's definitely a summer place.

    2. I walked about a quarter of a mile out on Lake Huron. Not a good thing to do I learned later.

  4. Jenn, I can only imagine a bit of panic when you told your son the time. It's too early for winter. Oh I remember that mouse story...yikes. find that mouse with a nice tasty set trap. :):) Blessings to all of you, stay warm, xoxo, Susie

  5. No snow here, highs in the 70;s, I'm ready for cooler weather and they're promising me cooler for next week.

  6. I like the idea of your chickens watching Netflix on their little screen.

  7. We play the find the mouse game here about once a week! Miss Kitty sits at the top of the basement stairs with her prize until we acknowledge her. Then we have to head her off so she runs back DOWN the stairs and not into the bedroom, where she always drops the darn thing. We had a dead mouse under the refrigerator a couple of years ago, so I feel your pain. We now keep a set trap under the grandfather clock which the mice seem to be quite attracted to.

    1. We have some traps in the basement, but never catch anything. Any mice we have, our all due to the cats bringing us presents. Very thoughtful.

  8. Oh, I'm impressed by all of your preparations, which are obviously necessary in Ontario! Brrrrr! We're still enjoying fall here in Albuquerque, which I hope lasts a few more weeks. Have a great weekend!

    1. We're not always prepared. There are years when we still have cushions on the furniture on the porches, and this year I still had boots and shoes on a boot tray on the back porch. When I went to put them on this morning, they had snow in and on them, so that's why I put on husband's big boots which were inside. I have since moved all my footwear to the mudroom!

  9. We want to see Bohemian Rhapsody too! Snow tires are on and it is so windy outside.

    1. We may still go. The weather has calmed down since this morning.

  10. You need a Roku to stream netflix--cheap, and you can get all your other net chanels like Amazon, Youtube,and whatever else you get.

    1. I thought Roku was a brand of tv. Is it an add-on you can get? (Shows you how much I know!)

  11. I know all about the "where did the mouse die" thing. I don't mind my cats bringing mice in for me but my heart sinks when I see them playing and then the mouse escapes and I am shouting "get it, get it" and then the mouse disappears under a door. Oh dear I think. I hope you are seeing Bohemian Rhapsody tonight, I loved it and cried at the end.

    1. Just got back from seeing it. I loved it, too. You wonder what else he could have accomplished, had he not died. I grew up listening to Queen, so was just in my glory.

  12. Hey Jenn... The Roku is perfect for streaming, and they have them for smart tv's, and stupid (lol...non-smart) tv's...and the wonderful thing about it is that you don't need to be a computer programmer to hook it up... Just made for a simple sot like!

    1. AS it turned out, I looked up if there was any way I could stream Netflix using our DVR that we have with our cable package, and voila! I could have been doing that all along. (eye roll). But thanks for the explanation of Roku!

  13. When Laura wanted Net Flix, all she and every one said to me was Roku, Roku, Roku. Finally I called the cable company, which also said Roku. I think I shouted "What the hell is Roku and where do I get it!" It's a thingy. You plug it in and you get netflix. You get it at Best Buy or blablabla or....Amazon! I ordered a mystery Roku, which I handed to Laura. She plugged it into the TV. She had netflix. End of story. Even I could figure it out. Hahahah.

    1. Hi Joanne! I've been wondering where you've been! If you see my comment to wyomingheart above, I discovered that I didn't really even need the Wii system (which we got for our kids years ago). I could have been watching Netflix by using the menu from my DVR "Maestro" unit. It was kind of a 'duh' moment.

  14. Seems so many of us are getting snow a wee bit early. Now that our temps are so low (just a few degrees above zero) we need more for insulation of pipes, drain fields, septic systems, etc.

    I'm thinking your son's new sheets have tiny velcro-like fingers that are holding him in dream land. And, yes, it's all your fault.

    Maybe if you're nice to them, the chickens will let you watch your Netflix favorites on their TV screen. It will be warm in there, too.

    Arrrgh, cats that bring in live mouseys are not quick as bad as dogs that bring in live snakes. Just sayin'.

    1. No snakes. Not sure what I would do about that! Ha ha, yes, it's always the mother's fault (re: the velco sheets).

  15. This is kinda silly: we live in a dry climate in Riverside Co. If only, you could exchange places with us for a week. We are lucky to have rain in January-March.

    We saw Bohemian Rhapsody yesterday. The music was amazing, actors talented, writing a little weak. Brought back memories.

    1. I really enjoyed it! Now I want to dig out my old Queen music and listen to it.

  16. All that snow! I'm just not ready for winter yet. I wish I could fast forward to the end of March. But there's Christmas... Okay, maybe faster forward to Christmas and then to March :)

    We all forget our winter driving skills when winter first kicks in but it doesn't take long to get back into the groove. Not that we have a choice! HAHA

  17. Well, I'm glad you found out where the mouse went! That had to be quite the experience for the girlfriend! Welcome to the family. You had lots more snow than we did and ours has melted. I hope yours isn't here to stay. I know that we in the north will have snow -- but I don't need it yet!
