Saturday, 31 December 2016

All the Best in 2017

Sometimes when I am in a tiny rage over something, or worried sick, or anxiously trying to meet a deadline, I try to remind myself of some wisdom that I've picked up from somewhere (again, honestly can't remember from where I gleaned this) and that is to ask myself, will this matter in an hour, in a day, in a month, in a year? I do well to put things into perspective, let things go, move on, remember that "this too shall pass". 

For 2017 I wish to enjoy the small things, appreciate that which surrounds around me, live in the present, and treat myself with the same respect that I treat others.

For my family, my friends, my colleagues, myself, and everyone who pops in to see what's happening in my world, I hope that the new year brings the basics that truly matter: good health, love, confidence, recognition, appreciation, honesty, gratitude, and contentment.

Happy New Year, everyone!


  1. Wonderful sentiments for the new year, and right back to you!

    1. Thank you Marty. I'm happy to have another new blog to read!

  2. Wishing you and your family a happy new year! I look forward to reading your posts in 2017.

    1. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing more about your children, animals, and adventures.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Linda. I always like to read another Ontario blog (although I suspect soon it will be some Florida post as well?) and love looking at your beautiful photographs.

  4. Wise words Jenn. Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks Sue, I've really enjoyed discovering your blog this year!

  5. The little things fill life with wonder if we take the time to notice them. Happy New Year from PEI.

  6. I often use that strategy myself. After all if I stop to think, can I remember the dead lines, issues and problems I was facing this time last year? No I can't. Happy New Year to you too!

  7. Just popped by to say Happy New Year! Please let us know if the green zombie guy does get to be 600 times bigger. I chuckled when I read that in an earlier post.

  8. Terrific thoughts! We live in the moment. There's not much else we can do. Happy new year!

  9. With the outrage in Istanbul, things haven't started well. So, my wish for the world has to be PEACE and HARMONY. Very best wishes, Cro xx

  10. I use the same one years time will I even remember this?

    Love your humour and look forward to reading much more. Happy new year

  11. Happy New Year. I am so very glad we discovered each other in the past year and look forward to many good new year's wishes for friendship, joy and happiness in 2017.

  12. That is a beautiful set of reslutions, Jenn. Happy new year!

  13. Oh so glad to read that you plan to continue blogging in 2017. Today when I popped in to many of the blogs I read, they were posting their decision not blog any more.

    Happy New Year Jenn, all the best to you & yours in 2017. ... Mary-Lou

  14. Great sentiments for the New Year!
    Best to you in 2017.

  15. That has been my mantra for years and I have shared it with lots of parents...especially those dealing with teenagers...will this matter in and hour, a day, a week? If it is non-consequential it is not worth getting into a tussle over it....make a stand on the BIG important things in life-things that will make a life time effect.

    Happy, Happy New Years to you, Jenn! xo Diana

  16. I wish you well with your goal. I hope you have a safe, happy, and healthy new year.

  17. Happy New Year Jenn! Your post reminded me of a mantra that I try to use whenever I can... "Breathe in, breathe out, move on!"
