Sunday 10 July 2016

Jumping (make that carefully, easing my way up) on the Gluten Free Bandwagon

A while ago I posted about having my thyroid levels tested to see if that was responsible for my aches and pains. You can read about it here. I described my burning, aching lower back and hips (at night, when lying flat on my back), as well as shoulder pain. The shoulder pain is now gone, but the night time pain continues. My feet are also painful to walk on and I feel like I have lost a lot of strength.

In an attempt to deal with the pain I have done the following:
                 Round 1: chiropractor adjustments
                 Round 2: really intense massage therapy
                 Round 3: specific stretching and foam roller therapy
                 Round 4: physiotherapy
                 Round 5: turmeric supplementation (specifically curcurmin which is the active ingredient)
                 Round 6: all kinds of pain meds, ibuprofen, naproxen...
                 Round 7: recently increased my exercise level- daily

I went to my doctor and described my pain (again). I had already had an ultrasound to eliminate scary things like ovarian cancer (that doesn't make you think unimaginable thoughts, does it?) I had already had my blood work done for thyroid and it came back normal. He also said that my hormone levels came back normal which I absolutely do not believe at all due to what my body has been doing (or not doing) now for months. However, my blood work did show elevated levels of inflammation, so I am off to see a rheumatologist in September (that only took six months!) to check for... get this... lupus or anklyo spondolitis (likely spelled that completely wrong), two autoimmune diseases which could cause the same pain I have been experiencing. I have been reading up on both of those conditions, and I am not convinced I have either one. I do not experience any of the other symptoms, and if I had that anklyo...whatever I would likely have been diagnosed at a much younger age. I have since asked for my B12 levels to also be checked and no doubt I will be told they are "normal".

So here is my next kick at the can. I am going to try going gluten free. I know, I know... it's the latest trend, along with paleo this and essential oil that. I also know that if you keep searching on the internet you will find whatever answer you are hoping to find. Honestly though, I really did find an awful lot of comments from people (often on blogs, not representing any particular organization or product) saying how their inflammation and painful joints went away, sometimes surprisingly quickly, after stopping gluten.

I think it is much easier to go gluten free in today's world. There are so many other options. I know myself, though. I start things out with an amazingly positive "go get em tiger!" attitude. I record things, I research things, I am absolutely 100 % committed... and then I'm not. That is why I am making myself accountable out there on the "interwebs" because the only other thing that works even better for me is guilt. I will guilt myself into posting about my journey and the results. I am just hoping (seriously hoping) that this will be the "ticket". I don't think a 49 year old otherwise healthy woman should be in this much pain and hobbling slowly around every morning until the pain eases up and I feel "normal" again, only to be repeated the following night.

I swear I will not post every scrap of food I shove in my mouth. If I find an alternative product that is any good, I'll let you know. If I find something that tastes like cardboard, I'll let you know. And if I find that my pain is disappearing, I'll let the world know!! And if this is all too depressing, I can take solace in the fact that wine is gluten free!


  1. Hope it works for you - worth a try anyway.
    I had to smile at the 100% committed.......and then not! That sounds like me and dieting!

    1. Thanks Sue. I figure it can't hurt, and hey if it works, that beats all sorts of horrible prescription drugs and best guess diagnoses.

  2. Oh you poor darling..pain is exhausting, especially when you don't know where the origin is...sounds like some of this is "referred pain." I so hope you feel better and gain some answers and relief! Hugs and know we are thinking good thoughts for you!

    1. Thanks so much. I appreciate your kind words and cyber hugs!!

  3. Oh, I hope it helps!
    There are SO many products out there, surely something will be the right one.
    Here's hopin'!

    -and...YAY for wine. ;)

    1. Thanks Barbara. It is an experiment that can't do me any harm, anyway. (I always like to have a glass of wine while making supper, so now I'll just have a glass as I make my gluten free supper).

  4. Good luck!
    My eldest daughter has Celiac disease...not a fun will be amazed how many things contain wheat or rye...2 of the worst gluten additives...the prepared products are very pricey...she finds it best to eat salads..veggies and gluten in them!
    Enjoy your week ahead...
    Linda :o)

    1. I don't have any of the digestive issues that most people with Celiac disease have but I have read that many people with a gluten sensitivity experience joint and muscle pain so I'm going to give it a go. I'm sorry that your daughter has Celiac disease. When was she diagnosed, or has she known for a long time?

    2. Nearly 4 years ago...and it took forever!
      I do not envy her situation...can't eat out! Can't stop for a coffee on the road...her husband has been wonderful...
      Good luck!

  5. I think going the gluten-free route is a very good idea. As you say, it can't hurt and if there's a good chance it will help . . . well, that would be GREAT. Use your posts to document the procedure (for your own information). I think it will be interesting to us as readers also.

    1. Mostly, the blog will keep me accountable (that's just how my brain works). Now that I know a few people read it, I will feel responsible!

  6. I realize I already commented...but, something just occurred to me.
    Have you been tested for Lyme's Disease? I have no idea if it is an issue so far north, but around here it is a serious problem. I know more than one person who has had to endure it. And, it causes (among other things) unexplained and unresponsive joint pain.
    Just a thought.
    Praying for your swift healing!

    1. Hmmmm, not discounting it, but I don't honestly know if it is a big deal where I live. Let me read up on it... our health care is excellent in terms of being free, but the wheels turn incredibly slowly. It takes me weeks to even see my GP and I have to ask for everything rather than having him suggest tests. Heaven help people who aren't pro-active. Thanks for the suggestion.

  7. Why not? It's worth trying to see if it helps. And I hope it does!

  8. Your story could have been written by me. Several years ago my doctor noted that my vitamin D levels were very low and suggested supplementing. I have to say that once my levels normalized, I had much less pain. Just a thought.

    1. I am getting some great advice here. How much D do you normally take? I've heard that the recommended levels are actually on the low side. I am currently being tested for my B 12 levels.

  9. First, thanks for visiting and leaving a comment on my blog. I am also from Canada and living in British Columbia. There is a 6 degrees of separation thing going on here because you found me through Mary but know Martha and Linda. :-)

    The whole pain thing. I get this, I get this, I this. As my blog says I also suffer from depression. I had my hormones tested via a spit test and things are much better now. I am still depressed but more stable.

    I do eat wheat occasionally but not much. I also avoid potatoes and anything refined (from a jar or box. Actually, I say all this and it is pretty much a lie because I have been eating terribly the last few weeks! I worry about all our food but especially food that is made in a plant. I am trying to eliminate it from my diet in an attempt to lose weight. Will see if it helps with the pain.

  10. Helloooo - whilst I'm not gluten free, when I stop eating bread, my shoulders, wrists, elbows,hips ankles and knees all stop hurting!

  11. The doctor started me on 1000 iu -tested worse. Then 2000 iu -levels did not raise. Now I am taking 10000 iu (5000 morning and evening) and my levels have been low normal for the last two years since I started the large dose. I've always been outside a lot but I am 20 years older and I guess levels can go down with age.
