Tuesday 31 May 2016

Scooter gets Neutered

There's nothing quite so annoying as having to keep an outdoor-loving cat inside and foodless from 8:00 p.m. onward until the next morning. Wait, there is. It's having to keep the other cat, Samson, in at the same time. They meowed, scratched at the door, picked at the rug, made total pains out of themselves all evening. They both got put out in the mudroom last night so we wouldn't have to hear them. All food has been taken away. This morning when I let them out of the mudroom into the rest of the house, I put Samson in the living room and shut the door, giving him a chance to eat something.

Samson is going in for his round of shots today, so he can eat all he wants. Scooter, on the other hand, has to have an empty stomach in preparation for his surgery. I will be taking both cats (in separate cages!) to the vet's this morning by 8:15. Then I go to work, as usual. Right after work, I go back to the vet and pay about a million dollars for all the procedures and take both cats home. Scooter will no doubt look a little odd with some of his tremendously fluffy hair shaved off and a little less spring in his step.

Why put myself through this feline torture, having everything done at once? My vet, my fabulous, convenient vet, is going out of the small animal business. Just big animals now, as of tomorrow. I am so sad. It was so great having the vet 10 minutes away. Now we will have to find a new vet. We loved this one. They didn't press for extra procedures. They didn't say, "We will keep him in for observations." The didn't say, "We think she needs dental work." My sister's city vet gouges her for every possible thing they can think of. She has a "designer" cat. It sometimes incurs designer costs. It is a loveable, but weird munchkin Scottish fold. Seriously.

Anyway, just so you know, as I am typing the cats are having a tag team meow fest right behind me at the door. They think I am stupid, that I don't know how much they want to go outside. They are jumping up on every windowsill they can get to. They also think that if they meow louder and more insistently that I will finally come to my senses and let them out. I cannot tell you how much I wish it was 8:15.


  1. HAHAHA...yes, about a million dollars sounds about right for all the procedures. Too bad about your vet. I hope you find another good one. Most of the ones here are exactly as you say - gouging people for all they can.

    Well, it's after 8:15 as I read this, so I imagine your world is a little quieter now. At least from the meow-fest perspective! Hope everything goes well for the kitties!

    1. All done. Everyone is fine, even purring. Another rural vet has been suggested, so we will try them out, although they are farther from home, so unfortunately the convenience on a work day won't be there. -Jenn

  2. Best of luck to all....
    Linda :o)

  3. Cats are by no means daft - they have probably discussed it between themselves and decided on the best way to get what they want.

    1. They are crafty! I think the older one sees himself as the little guy's teacher. -Jenn

  4. Poor cats. (Poor you!) By now all should be over and done with as far as the cats' visit at the vet's.

    Our only vet within 80 miles works on small animals only. Won't touch a large animal. I guess they can make the choices that they most enjoy . . . but too bad that yours was so good in all ways and now you have to find another one. Either that or feed the cats so much that they become "big" animals and will fit into their practice. ;o}

    1. Ha, giant cats. Everything is all over and done with now and it is a pleasure to just open the door and let them out. -Jenn

  5. You win the award for best title of a post this week. Hope Scooter did well and on the mend. Enjoy your week.

  6. Will he have to wear the cone of shame? That's always good for a laugh. Poor thing.

    1. He didn't need a cone when it was all done. He's so fluffy, they joked he wouldn't even be able to find where to lick! -Jenn
