Wednesday 30 September 2015

Felt like Fall

Last night before the light faded too much I thought I should pop out to grab the last few tomatoes out of the garden. The temperature had cooled off and there was a "feel" in the air. The sun was just beginning to set and as it continued, the colours were magnificent. It was like the sky was on fire. Of course, you just can't catch the true essence with a cheapo camera, but I tried.
Here is our backyard shed as the sunset began.

 gorgeous sky

black-eyed Susan with the sunset peeking through the trees


  1. WOW- What gorgeous pictures of the evening setting in. There is frost just north of us this morning. Looks like fall is finally here. No more tomatoes here in a few days. xo Diana

  2. You certainly captured that beautiful sky. We are getting wonderful sunsets here too at the moment.

  3. Sunsets like that make life grand! What amazing photos. Thanks for sharing.
