Tuesday 19 January 2021

Old Dog, Another New Trick

With all of this online teaching, I've had to learn a few things - trial by fire. What actually helped me a lot was already having this blog. Downloading, uploading, urls, sourcing... combined with years of word processing and report card programmes meant I had a decent chance of figuring things out.

However, there has been one thing I really wanted to learn and that was how to create tabs across the top of my blog so I could have other pages. As you know, there really is a video for everything. I typed in a search in Pinterest and found a video that took me through things. It wasn't the new Blogger they were referencing, but I could figure it out anyway. 

So now I have a tab where you can click to see what books I have read in 2021. If you click on it, it will take you to another page where... I have listed one book haha! I've been busy, but I really want to keep track of what I am reading this year. I figure this will be mostly for me (so I don't keep signing the same books out of the library), but others may find it interesting. I have taken other bloggers' suggestions for books in the past. 

If you want to do this, you can watch this if you like. 

Oh, and for what it's worth, I collected three eggs yesterday. You go, girls!!


  1. The ability to add tabs for more pages is MAJOR information for me. Thank you!

  2. You've read one more book in 2021 than I have, LOL!

  3. Good for you for adding tabs...I am having problems with blogging and my website...if I do something regularly there is no problem...... something you have to do occasionally I am stumped.

    1. I know, I Know, I KNOW!! My husband gets so irritated that I can't remember his explanation from a year ago...

  4. I want to add tabs as well. Methinks I will have to search out the videos.

    God bless.

  5. There is a tutorial about anything and everything. I am constantly looking up how to do things. Yesterday I found out how to take a screenshot on Macs. I put it off for years.

  6. Thanks Jenn for the tip, I'll look for that video. (your link isn't there right now). Yeah 3 eggs - I'd say a dinner omelet in the making (col). ... Mary-Lou =^[..]^=

  7. Thanks for sharing! Yes, there is a video for everything - I was able to replace an overhead light, on my own, by watching various videos.

    Take care, stay well!

  8. Wow! Three eggs! Your chickens are on a roll! Congratulations for learning how to make another page on your blog. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  9. Good for you for working all that out. I still haven't worked out how to put videos on the blog with this new blogger. I must Google. Obvious but I'm a bit slow

  10. You can learn just about anything these days on online videos!

  11. I can't remember how I figured out how to do that but it's nice to have that feature. I posted travel stuff there and I probably need to have a look and see what I need to do now -- add to or take off! It will be fun seeing your books!

  12. Amazing what we learn by the only choice we have: figure it out. When I started and wanted to learn things, but was terrified of screwing up my real blog, I started another blogs called "practice". I used it to try out everything I wanted to do. Then folks figured out I had two blogs and kept asking what was the other about. I finally killed it.

  13. Awesome on the eggs. What food do you feed your girls. Thanks

    1. They mostly have something called layer crumble, a type of chicken feed I buy a the co-op. They also get kitchen scraps.

  14. what will you do with the three eggs?

    1. Husband likes to make scrambled eggs for himself in the morning.

  15. Cool. It is possible for everybody to work things out. The information is usually there somewhere if you want it badly enough.

  16. I am a visual learner also. I'm glad you found how to make the tab. I have a few on my blog. I should delete the recipe one. I never found an easy way to add to it. Can't wait to see what you are reading.
