Wednesday 7 October 2020

A Week Gone by in October

 I cannot believe it is October 7th. There are so many layers to this. I cannot believe that it will be Thanksgiving weekend next weekend and we are still following distancing rules and not having a big gathering. I cannot believe that it feels like I just finished setting up my classroom and figuring out how to teach in this new normal at school and we are now a full month in. It is the juxtaposition of being firmly stuck in rules and protocol, while life keeps whipping by surprisingly quickly. 

It was so windy today. The leaves were swirling. This was the sky as I drove home from work.

I thought the lines in the sky were amazing.

I have just been sitting here, staring at the computer screen for several minutes. I do not have anything remotely interesting to say. I reheated some pasta for supper tonight. We watched "Somebody Feed Phil" tonight where he goes to Thailand. I finished marking a pile of work after school which made me happy. The chickens continue to molt and look very unattractive. I will be making a turkey for just the four of us this weekend, and a pumpkin pie, and maybe an apple pie. I have used so much hand sanitizer at work, I feel that it must be oozing out of my pores. 

Now I'm going to go read your blogs and see how exciting your lives are. 


  1. Don't have a very exciting life here, days seem to fly by with great regularity.

    I have a feeling that Saskatchewan will soon be having travel restrictions and lockdowns again as well. Many of our schools have had small outbreaks, so I envision on line schooling happening once again.

    God bless.

  2. The sky is amazing. Wind making wave effects on the cloud? I didn't realize Canadians do the turkey/pumpkin pie thing for Thanksgiving as well. Have a good one regardless of the restrictions and we hope you fing plenty to enjoy in it.

  3. Yes! As l sit here looking through the
    Paddington Bear's blowing
    a gale out there, no rain..Yet! :(.
    So, a day at home for me, plenty to do
    though, even a bit of sewing..but..l
    won't bore you with that..! :).

    We've a new ruling over here, no more than
    six people to gather together in one place,
    so, l said to my daughter, if that applies
    at Christmas, l'll put six upstairs, six
    downstairs, and six in the shed..(Just)..! :).
    Always a loop~hole somewhere..!
    🎃 🎃 🎃 oooO! I Love Pumpkin! 🎃 🎃 🎃

  4. Hi Jenn :) That sky is beautiful, we've been getting lots of wind here too. Getting used to the new way of life must be hard when you're used to having a big Thanksgiving get together.

  5. I was only half awake when I read your blog early this morning but it did make me giggle when I read 'children' instead of chickens!

  6. I'm sure if you could only write about the little darlings in your class room, there would be exciting tales to tell (lol). The message we are getting in our county is behave for Thanksgiving & we might save Christmas. I like to think of chicken molt as I do the caterpillars to butterflies. That is a great photo of the moody skies of Mother Nature. ... Mary-Lou =^[..]^=

  7. That sky looks like a huge, dark canopy being drawn over our heads, which I suppose it is. Very brooding. Yes, it is strange how time can flash past during what must be the most boring set of circumstances for the last 100 years. I try to embrace Autumn (and the rest of the seasons) for what it (they) have to offer. It works most of the time, so long as anxiety does not take over.

  8. I like these autumn months but they are going too fast for me. Will your Thanksgiving gathering include your children ? We are allowed a gathering of 9 but as the immediate family numbers 11 we sometimes go over.
    We don't have Thanksgiving but have a lot to be thankful for, especially just now

  9. When it comes to excitement or the lack thereof, we're all in the same boat these days!

  10. That's a great sky. And let me say how much I admire and appreciate you, that you are going every day into a zone that could be fraught with unintended danger. I know our TG will be the same -- not a group. And that makes me so sad. I keep wishing for even five minutes.... I do fine till I think about it. Then I get mentally exhausted.

  11. That's a beautiful photo of the sky. Everything is a bit different this year. You are doing quite well coping with it. We'll get through it. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

  12. Happy Thanksgiving from 'up the Valley'! Glad things are going well at school. That wind yesterday was wild. It blew all the protective 'anti-deer' cages off of my little trees, and brought a lot of leaves down. Best wishes for a good weekend with your family.

  13. I don't think anyone's life is very exciting at the moment. But maybe that's a good thing in a lot of ways.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  14. I have been so out of touch this past month and purposely avoiding the craziness of the Trump fiasco that I honestly was not aware that Thanksgiving is on the horizon until I read your post.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  15. I wouldn't call our lives 'exciting'... maybe a bit 'strange' these last few months... what with sheltering at home, masks, etc. However, I will say that when you mentioned Thanksgiving being next week, THAT gave me a jolt! Then I realized that you were in CANADA. Thank goodness. I may not always know what day it is, but didn't think I'd lost weeks. I imagine Thanksgiving this year will be 'interesting' also.

  16. Beautiful photo.
    Our Thanksgiving will be here before we know it too.

  17. Very interesting cloud formations. We had the strong winds here yesterday too but today was calm and beautiful. Hope you had a nice day too!

  18. Those are some interesting clouds. Perhaps a weather front or three rolling by.
    I think it's wonderful you and your students are well and comfortable with the new year. Down here we are working for the same outcome.

  19. Not only are our lives not very exciting these days, but we're also still battling that feeling of "unease" and unable to plan much for the future except to continue remaining as healthy as we can.

    Your header photos are always outstanding! (The shot you took as you drove home was worthy of recording, too.)

  20. My life is crisp and chilly today. Our little mountain valley dropped to 50 this morning in my barn so maybe 48 outside. Do you see my happy dance. I was chilled last night and added my quilted bedspread to my layer of flannel sheets. I was snug as a bug and slept like a log after a day of yard work and bucking hay.

    Don’t know what is up for our Thanksgiving next month . Need to check in with the rest of the family soon. I am glad that we have almost six full weeks between it and Christmas instead of what seemed like a nano second last year.

    Have a nice relaxing Thanksgiving weekend.

  21. Those clouds are amazing - wonder what caused that layered look.
    Over here we don't even have Thanksgiving to look forward to! and goodness know what rules will be working with by December 25th.

    1. Thank you everyone who commented. Sometimes I come back to my blog and I'm able to respond to everybody's comments individually, and other times I can't, so thanks to my frequent fliers, and hello and welcome to the new readers! It's exciting and I wonder, how did you even find me?!?

  22. I think many of us are lacking excitement these days. 2020 has been quite a year!

  23. Time warp seems to be the new norm. Speeding along, holidays coming all under the new COVID rules with the possibility of another lock down. I do enjoy and look forward to the holidays.

  24. I can't believe it's october already too, we only have 2 months left until the end of the year! 2020 is quite sad and tiring for all of us. I hope everything goes well for you c:

  25. what a great skyline!
    It looks like fall and approaching holidays.

  26. What a lovely photo.
    It must feel so weird being a teacher at this crazy time; I applaud you and all of the other dedicated educators out there.
    Exciting? Not in my world either. :)

  27. Nothing exciting here either. Usually in October I'd be up-to-my-ears busy with ghost storytelling but this year I'm home and doing homey things. Your sky is gorgeous.

  28. You are right about the time flying by and the wind. It has been terrible windy here. Beautiful photo.

  29. That photograph is just amazing - it looks spooky and dramatic and wonderful. I find it way more interesting to read other people's blogs - even their recounting of everyday things. There's something comforting about knowing that others are having a quiet time as well.

  30. Hope your Thanksgiving was enjoyable. You have me thinking of pumpkin pie now. Have a great weekend.

  31. That sky is amazing! I think that everyone's life is a little 'blehhhhh' at the moment. Life has become, from necessity, much quieter. However, for me, there are definite blessings coming from the enforced quiet time. I have the time to look up and try new recipes, and to focus on small projects I've always meant to get to but haven't had the time. are makes for very dull reading for anyone looking in at our blogs!
