Saturday 17 August 2019


Someone somewhere in our little village has taken up the bagpipes. They have practised every day in early afternoon. They are working on Scotland the Brave and aren't half bad. I've been known to almost tear up and have to choke down a lump in my throat when I hear bagpipes in a parade. They remind me of my father. No, he didn't play, but held on to his Scottish heritage.

Unfortunately, the only thing I can think of when I hear these pipes in the afternoon is this:


  1. I've heard a flautist practise now and again in my neck o' the woods. The person isn't half bad, but it's the repetition of the tune that gets me. Same for you, judging by the image chosen. :D

  2. We used to live on an army base close to a school. There used to be a lad played his bagpipes in an alcove made by and L in a wing of the school. I quite enjoyed it. I too tear up at the sound off the pipes. My father played a bit, and my eldest grandson plays. I can still see him playing Maggies Wedding for his great grandpa. Somewhere there are photos. Taylor has my fathers pipes, bless him.

  3. When I worked for the fire department, one of the fireman was practicing constantly to be accepted to the local band of bagpipers, which would be quite an honor. In the four years I listened to him he just kept improving and in the end made it. I was quite proud of him.

  4. My husband loves bagpipe music!

  5. Ha ha, I remember Bugs Bunny's vendetta against the bagpipes. I had a second cousin who was an excellent piper. I love listening to pipe music too.

  6. they can aim for the World Championships...held every year on Glasgow Green,on this weekend!

  7. I love the pipes when they are played outdoors but I am not sure I would enjoy hearing somebody practising them outdoors every day.

  8. Jenn, Things we like in parades are not what we want to hear everyday. I sure hope that person becomes very good , so it isn't too much to listen to. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  9. Honestly, they aren't too bad. When we lived in another town, there was a marching band that practised quite regularly. In a town about 45 minutes from here, there is a piper that pipes down the sun every weekend in the summer. (He's hired to do that, it's a touristy lakeside town). I just tend to associate odd things to either cartoons from my youth or Monty Python sketches.

  10. I honestly don't know if I've ever heard (in person) bagpipes being played! (It must not be a Minnesota thing.) Seeing a marching band of them in documentaries or films is impressive though. So regal.

  11. Hopefully they will improve quickly:)

  12. I love the bagpipes and I don't believe there is a snitch of Scottish in my heritage.

  13. I never used to, but I love to hear bagpipes now. There was a lone piper playing by the harbour in Oban, when we drove through last week.
    I hope yours gets better...and quickly. x

  14. LOL- I love to hear good bagpipes in a parade but other than that--don't think I would enjoy the practice sessions. My own father loved bagpipe music.
    Hope you have a wonderful, blessed Sunday night. xo Diana

  15. As long as they aren't next door, I'm sure it is nice to listen to. I love the bagpipes too.

  16. I don't think I would want to hear any kind of instrument practising. It's the repetition that would drive me crazy.

  17. Well at least he is improving ... not sure on a quiet summer's afternoon I'd want to listen daily, but then again I have to listen daily, all day to a howling dog on one side & across the street constantly barking dogs, so maybe bagpipes would be an improvement ... ... Mary-Lou =^..^=

  18. I have the same reaction to bagpipes. I bawl. I'm not sure what it is - maybe the keening sound - but it never fails. I laughed out loud at that Bugs Bunny shot - my childhood hero!

  19. Haha! Great pic. :) My hubby plays.

  20. I've never known anyone who plays the bagpipes. How lovely, reminding you of your dad.

  21. This post makes me laugh and, like you, I have a bit of a history with bagpipes thanks to my Scottish mother. I think the best place to hear them is out of doors with the sound bouncing off the hills as I heard them in my childhood. That's when they give me the goosebumps! My mother wanted to have 'Amazing Grace' played on the bagpipes at her funeral. Oh dear, I thought, what a racket it will be. But we sourced a copy from the Glasgow Police Band which we played as her willow coffin left the church. The music started very quietly and it was truly beautiful. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end!
