Friday 13 April 2018

Hold on to Your Hats

Here's what's coming our way. Currently it is raining, raining, raining. Husband keeps checking the computer and saying, "We've never had a double warning before!" I told him he's becoming a bit obsessed.

I'm waiting for locusts and pestilence as well. But according to my husband who never tires of saying, "Red sky at night, sailors delight. Red sky in morning, sailors take warning", tells me there will be 10 to 20 mm of freezing rain, wind gusts up to 60 km an hour from the east, and up to 20 cm of snow... potentially power outages and flooding.

We currently have a big bucket of water sitting in each tub and we've gone grocery shopping (on a Friday evening... I NEVER get my groceries on Friday).  This is the man who made sure we had purchased and installed a wood stove before Y2K.  I have big respect for weather, especially blinding snowstorms. I witnessed the aftermath of a tornado when I was 12 years old. I actually like nice rumbly thunder in the distance and watching sheet lightning. But husband, I believe, would be thrilled with some apocalyptic weather incident just for the sheer satisfaction in saying, "I told you!!"

Anyway, we'll see how it all pans out. I have enough food for the next three weeks. But I am kicking myself for not buying cat food (but, hey, it wasn't on sale). Any of my Ontario bloggy friends battening down the hatches?


  1. I'm sorry. I am more afraid of ice storms than tornadoes.

  2. Jenn, I hope your husband never has to say, "I told you so". LOL. I am praying you do not get that much snow. We have had three pretty warm days here and yesterday was pretty. It's to rain for us . Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

  3. Norbert read this post and wanted me to send the following....

    Shall I send cat food? Temptations? Litter?

    1. Cats send back this reply, "We are currently fine. If our food runs out we will demand canned tuna. We go to the bathroom outside, so no litter required. Thanks for the concern."

    2. Norbert’s reply, “Good. I wasn’t going to send anything anyway. I’m a cat and I’m selfish.”

  4. Gosh, that sounds scary. In the UK we might get snow for a couple of days and everyone goes crazy and stocks up for weeks!

  5. Heavens, at least you know how to prepare and batten down. Seems strange to me that you're still having such rotten weather in mid April. We have sunshine of course.
    Cats are going to enjoy eating people-food lol

    1. We have all sorts of weather in April, anything from green grass and Spring mild temperatures, to ice storms, to snow, to rain. If Canadians didn't have this sort of weather we'd have nothing to talk about!

  6. I'm sure the cat won't mind eating your food. You better find a place at the table for it. An ice storm doesn't sound at all nice but I like the sign for it on your weather, it looks like it will be raining diamonds!

    1. Actually, the cat in my header photo, often gets a chair pulled up to the table (by my son) and receives the odd little bit of food.
      Well, wouldn't that be nice to have diamond rain (awfully hard, though).

  7. I say that often too! Whenever there is red/pink in the sky... lol..

    It's been so darn cold here in New England this Spring, yesterday finally saw 70's temps but we're in for another cold burst today..and rain.. Ugh.

    Hope your weather turns out to be a lamb, not a lion.

  8. Ditto, on Hubby! We are in NE Ontario, and also expecting the nasties. We are hoping for more of a snow event though. We are off grid, and he is worrying about freezing rain on the solar panels and plans to make them vertical when the storm is upon us. Last year at this time, the frogs were singing. This year, the pond is still frozen, wall to wall, and there are very few bare ground patches.

  9. It's shepherds not sailors over here.

  10. We too are under the "historic ice storm" warning today & tomorrow. Mr Man has three weather sights booked to check the radar ... me I will just look outside to get my weather. I did all my errands on Thursday; cooked up lots of things that can be eaten cold, like eggs & chicken (which by the way, the egg came first), our gas fireplace can run without electricity, I have all the battery candles grouped together, flashlights with new batteries & the solar lanterns sitting at the back door ready to come in for light. My biggest weather annoyance today is I was planning to attend Scrapfest in Kitchner but not risking the drive ...

  11. We lived out the big ice storm in the Ottawa Valley. If the weather man says storm, we are ALWAYS ready. And our power does go off - frequently. Now they are saying we may not get much of an impact.

  12. Build the ark, folks -- it's pouring here in Michigan too. And to go freezing rain later and who knows what. I don't think we are due for so much snow as you but you never know. Hang tight!

  13. I am sad to say this, but we've just come off two glorious days of spring, and are going out to tidy up some more before it rains this afternoon. People say "Be Patient!". Don'tcha just hate it.

  14. reading friends' blogs and fb...Manitoba has it bad,even down to Minnesota..hang onto your hat and stay warm

  15. Insane, isn't it? It's been snowing all afternoon and the snows IS NOT MELTING RIGHT AWAY AS IT SHOULD BE! It looks like February outside. And the forecast says we should be getting freezing rain somewhere in there. What a mess. Stay warm!

  16. Northern Minnesota reporting in . . . we're told to expect wind gusts up to 50 mph and 40-45 mph steadily blowing. But only 6-8" of snow for our area compared to 12-18" south of us. (Doesn't seem right, does it?) We have to make sure our solar panels are horizontal in bad winds. They would end up in the next county if we left them vertical. They do get ice and snow sometimes built up on them when left horizontal, but for us that's the lesser of two evils. Stay warm and safe!

  17. Same here - stuck indoors, events cancelled, and just when I'm longing to get out on the tennis courts and golf course!

  18. Same crap here! Snowing.....freezing rain to start over nite....geesh! 😩
    Stay warm!
    Linda :o)

  19. Here They promise summer weather this week...26 degree on wednesday )) ..but i must work and than it is verry hot in our shop ...for the flowers ....but we have a coolbox for the glad from je happy sunday ...Ria x 💜

  20. Your weather is like ours. We have 18" of snow so far here by the bay and another 12" or so predicted for today. All roadways, etc.,are shut down. John is on call at the hospital today so had to brave the weather and go in about 2 hours ago. Thank goodness for a SUV with 4 wheel drive.

    Hope you have a blessed Sunday- xo Diana

  21. Flags snapping in the wind and sleet today following the snow yesterday. And I just want to wear my new spring shoes:(

  22. Thankfully, our 18 or more inches turned out to be four. Hope the same may be said for you. Stay warm.

  23. It seems like all our weather is extreme. We had soft breezes and sun on Saturday, then the grey moved in, the temperatures dropped and we were left with gale-force winds and sheets of ice. It is always good to be prepared, as you never really know what's going to happen. Hope you didn't get hit as badly as they predicted. I had to laugh about your cat food comment - I am just as bad. Luckily, Slimmie is all set. If we run out of cat food, he can have potato chips, his favorite... :)

  24. I'm waiting for locusts and pestilence as well.

    You're funny!

  25. It's happening here as I type. Luckily though the wind has eased down and the power came back on. I remember the ice storm of 1998 and I get very nervous in weather like this.
