Monday 26 March 2018


As I was reading through a bunch of blogs this weekend, someone had mentioned watching the third season of Broadchurch on Netflix. I was so excited to read that!

Do you know it? It's a British detective series. I had watched the first two seasons on Netflix and loved it. I love that the characters look and act like "real people". I love the lead investigator's (David Tennant) thick accent. His partner's last name is Miller, but when he says it, usually barking it at her, it sounds like "Mellah!!" Anyway, if you are looking for a well written, well acted series - murder mystery and the whole nine yards, I highly recommend it.

We are still making our way through that coconut cake, so of course it was good for me to sit on my arse and power watch my way through an entire season on Netflix!!


  1. I was so sad when I finished the last episode. Like moving on from a favorite teacher or neighbor. Brilliant!!!!

  2. I wonder if I watched the third season. I binge watched it this winter and really enjoyed it. I'll have to go back and see if I watched the last one. I love Netflix.

  3. Bummer. We don't get Netflix. I think my books "Number One Ladies Detective Agency" is on there. I'm not sure. Glad you have found something to watch.

  4. We saw one season n greek TV. Hope they show more. We don't have Netflix.
    I loved it too for the accents, the English Ness of it, so different from American programmes

  5. WE've been binge watching Homeland as it's still cold 'round here at night... but it's so intense and seems to follow the same intense cycle season after season I've gotten tired of it. Will look into this!

  6. Haven't seen it at all but have heard so many raves about it on favorite blogs that I will make time for it . . . next winter. Even though we've got 2" of new snow on the ground this morning, I'm sad to say I've left my winter hibernation period behind and am on to spring . . . if only in my mind and the planning stages!

  7. A fantastic series, British drama at its best.

  8. I love that show too! I was excited to see that the next season was on Netflix as well...and so disappointed when I finished it (after binge-watching!) I think the British shows are so often more interesting than the ones filmed here. Maybe it's the accents?! Have you seen Call The Widwife or The Doctor Blake Mysteries?

  9. I have been looking for a new series! I will add it to my Netflix queue. Isn't it mandatory to have coconut cake while power-watching anything? If not, it should be!

  10. I saw all three series when it was on tv. Very enjoyable. I was disappointed to find out there would be no more.

  11. I haven't seen any of it. I wonder if I could get it from the library? I have Season 2 of Outlander borrowed at the moment.

  12. I have never watched it but it is on my list of 'shows to watch'. Glad you like it! Happy Easter week- xo Diana

  13. I really enjoyed seasons one and two, but I thought the series ended there. Now I can't wait to go watch season 3!

  14. I watched the first series and really enjoyed it but didn't get on so well with the second.

  15. I love Broadchurch. I need to find it now -- I saw one and two but didn't even know three had come and gone! Miller is going to be the Queen in the next year of The Crown!

  16. I liked the first & third season of Broadchurch. I would like to suggest you try Vera next as a series to get caught up in. ...Mary-Lou =^..^=

  17. We bought the DVDs, we so liked it. It's a way to support the show.

  18. That is good news .....i wil look it is a Great your blog and now i am follow it back Ria x 💜
