Wednesday 15 March 2017

By the third day

We arrived Saturday afternoon and it is now 1:30 Dominican time so it is our third day here. We are now getting the hang of things and know that the metal lounge chairs are better for lower backs than the plastic ones, the "quiet pool" is better than the main pool for reading and relaxing, and our new room that we moved to yesterday is infinitely better than the first one they put us in.

So here's what happened. My husband booked this trip a few months ago with a company called Red Tag. We were under the assumption that we were paying for a standard room and nothing more. After reading reviews on Tripadvisor (anyone else do that?) I knew there was a separate upgraded part called the Sun Club. I had even spoken to my husband about it, saying that it doesn't seem to matter about being in the Sun Club, that most amenities were available to anyone and it all sounded very elitist.

Fast forward to our arrival where we were whisked to a separate area to check in and were told what we could expect and what introduction meeting to go to (NEVER go to those, they're just a sales pitchabout time shares)... and then it occurred to me that we actually were part of the Sun Club! I guess the package we paid for just automatically put us in it. I felt a little sheepish. So off we went to our room which was nothing special but nice enough. It would have been fine if it had not been for the slow draining poorly designed shower area that flooded back into the rest of the bathroom area, or the family of fluttering squawking birds that lived under our roof tiles. So, we kindly and politely (Canadian after all) requested a room change. No problem. They asked us to come back to the Sun Club lounge the next day at noon which we did. They gave us room keys for a different building and asked us to check out a room to see if we would prefer that. If we did, we were to call them and confirm and they would send someone to bring our luggage over. I'll let you decide:

Here is our first room.

Now here is/are our current room (s):

I must share  with you that  it has  taken  me  about a day and a half to go back and forth between iPhone and tablet to get pictures to show up and go in the order I want them. I think I will  save  the  rest  of the fake exclusivity story for when we return and any other "adventures " we may have. I'm about to hit publish. Wish me luck!


  1. I love being upgraded. We are poor folk and when they upgrade I feel like a celebrity.

    We use Trip Advisor all the time. Never book a hotel or eat at a restaurant without it.

    But I have a question. On the first room there is a picture of the toilet and there is a sticker on it that looks like it is saying not to do something. What is the picture of?

    1. The sticker is funny. It is letting you know you shouldn't throw small squares into the toilet! I'm assuming (I could have fun with that...) it really means don't flush garbage down the toilet.

    2. On my little iPod it looks like you should t stand to use it! Great for women, not so much for those who like to stand.

  2. Sit back and enjoy! I'm happy for you.

  3. The second room looks much nicer. Congrats on the upgrade!

  4. Trip advisor will welcome your story! Probably other sites, too! The second room is really lovely but that flooded bathroom in the first must have been awful!

  5. Upgrades are nice. Enjoy the heat.

  6. I think that flooded bathroom did you a favour in getting an upgrade! Looks really fab. Yes, we always check Trip Advisor before going anywhere.

  7. Your upgrade is great! I hope you're having a wonderful time. At least you're away during all this crazy weather.

  8. At least they didn't say the flooded bathroom counted as a personal pool

  9. Nice upgrade! So glad the flooded bathroom worked out. Have a great weekend.

  10. That worked out well, didn't it? Hope you have a lovely, relaxing (and warm) trip. :)

  11. They must know that the bathroom flooded but obviously they put people in there hoping they are British and won't like to make a fuss about anything!!! The second room? I want to LIVE in it!

  12. You missed a big storm!
    Warming up again...
    Safe trip home...
    Linda :o)
