Saturday 18 February 2017

Sunny Saturday

The sun came out. We almost didn't know what it was!! We are above 0 degrees for this whole weekend. We all (daughter included... she just came home for part of her "reading week") were outside prepared to dig out the vehicle (long story). Once husband got it out of the snow, daughter and I walked back to put shovels away in the shed. With this lovely "warm" weather the snow has become perfect packing snow. So, her brother threw a snowball at her, she reciprocated (ages 17 and 20 respectively), I told him he still had work to do with his father...

Anyway, daughter and I ended up making a snowman. We decided to name him Stuart, after beloved CBC radio personality, story teller, and author, Stuart McLean, who just recently died.

Incidentally, Stuart McLean looked nothing like that.

On a different note, I am diligently doing my weight training. I do seem to spend a disproportionate amount of time pinning exercise pictures and information from Pinterest, than I do actually performing the exercises. I did however, come across something called "surrenders".


Here I am performing one surrender ;)    If you think you are in pretty good shape  (delusional), try your hand at these babies. I won't bother sharing how my first attempts went. It wasn't pretty.

I will finish with mentioning what is indeed a beautiful sound, here. We have a metal roof on our house. When the sun comes out, and the metal begins to heat up, the snow from the roof can suddenly toboggan off with great force. It is the beautiful, startling sound of snow slamming down from our roof that I have just heard as I sit typing these last lines. There just may be hope that spring will arrive in a few short weeks!


  1. it's official. If you can see a light warming of the earth over there in the land of the (seemingly) endless snow. Unimagineable here, having so much snow on the roof you can hear it avalanching down. Does it ever catch you unawares as youre going out the door??

    Love the snowman. As for the 'surrender' LOLOL If I attempted going down on my knees like that Id probably stay down and end up in emergency...another LOL Good on you for keeping it up. You're going to be running a marathon by the summer

    1. We are rather used to the snow coming off the roof. There are certain spots that you want to make a quick dash, just in case. Other parts of the roof have these rectangular "dams" that keep the snow in place better, so you don't have the great big avalanche all at once.

  2. We had a very warm winter here in SC this year. I doubt we'll see snow until the next cycle

  3. LOL-About reading about exercises. It seems my eyes get the biggest workout of all. Love your snowman. it is fun to do stuff like that with our adult kids, isn't it?

    I really like a tin roof. My gramma had one on here house and I just LOVED it!!!!

    Have a wonderful Saturday- xo Diana

    1. Our metal roof happened because when we bought this house, and then added onto it several years later, it was more economical to put a metal roof over the entire structure, rather than pay for ripping off the old shingles and paying for a disposal fee. A metal roof lasts "forever".

  4. Never surrender, even in my younger days.

  5. Well, I must say that the snowman is cool. Winter here we have not had. It has not been cold much and very little snow. This week we are having record warmth.

  6. The thaw has begun here too - sat outside and pretended I was in Florida or the Algarve. I do believe I got some colour on my face (the only part exposed to the sun!)

  7. I was sad to hear that Stuart McLean died. He was so young. Such a gifted story teller. And that voice!

  8. I am loving this mild weather! That is such a great shot of you and your daughter. She looks just like you, right down to the really pretty smile. I can't do the exercises I used to do years ago, especially any that stress my knees.

  9. Lovely picture! and I'm gonna do that move and see just how pretty - or not- I can do it. IF my knees can do it. LOL.

    Do you have room for us up there in Canada? I have fallen in love with your prime minister. Not just for his looks (wow) but for his generous heart and intelligent mind.

  10. Lovely photo of you and your daughter, and Stuart of course.

  11. Jenn... wouldn't it be great if we wore off calories from pinning exercises? I also pin a lot more than I actually do! Great looking snowman. Enjoy your Sunday!

  12. I love your snowman. I don't think I've made one for years. So cheerful and fun. We have no snow -- all gone, down here in mid-Michigan. I'm sure it won't last but I saw daffodils stick up just the tiniest bit in my garden. I covered it with the mulch and hope they are as resilient as before!

  13. Jenn, Your kids throwing snowballs made me smile. I never liked for my girls to do too much of that either. LOL. Too dangerous. Love the little snowman. You girls had fun and made a memory. :):) The sun is helping to melt the snow even at zero degrees. My gosh it's to be 67 here today. That is unheard of . Blessings to all of you there...and some warm hugs. xoxo, Susie

  14. We have the same thing with our roof (we own a trailer), and it slides off and wow, so loud. Today though, and yesterday, it's been spring here. Right now, we're both outside soaking up the afternoon sun before it's gone from the back deck.

    Cheers and boogie boogie.

  15. Your snowman is quite a handsome fellow. Your surrender exercise looks rather tortureous but I will give it a go & if I don't post for days you'll know I'm still on the floor surrendering ...

  16. Sunshine on snow looks beautiful and I'm glad to know that Stuart McLean's teeth were nothing like the snowman's!

  17. Sorry to hear it has been cold. We were very happy to have a warm up. I like your exercises. I will have to give them a try.

  18. Love the snowman!
    We have seen very little snow here this winter. And, it's supposed to be 70 degrees today! That's just wrong for this time of year.
    Best wishes on your training program. I'm certain those "surrenders" would have me waving a white flag. ;)
