Tuesday 23 August 2016

Leaving the Nest (Again)

Yesterday, we moved our daughter back to university. She is entering her third year of a four year programme. This year she is a Don at one of the residences. The Dons go back a couple of weeks early to do their training and be moved in ahead of the time when the other students return in September.

In her first year of university, we packed her up in the back of the Toyota Highlander and moved her into residence. She brought too much stuff, but live and learn.

In her second year of university, she lived in a house that she rented with three other girls. We rented a U-Haul trailer to move her there, and a U-Haul cube van to move her back home for the summer. This was a different situation because it involved furniture, kitchen items, a new desk...

In her third year of university (present day), we used the same trusty Toyota Highlander and even though she pared down her clothes, brought nothing "wintery" because she will be home before that, she still managed to cram stuff into every conceivable space.

Hey, how are you doing back there?

You all right, buddy?

I can't actually move my feet.

Thankfully it was only about an hour and three-quarters to get there. Upon arrival, we realized that work is still being finished in the residence. There were workmen, painters, people putting things into trucks, equipment still in hallways, furniture not yet moved where it should be. This is not a new residence, but maintenance is done over the summer months. For the rest of the students, they have about two weeks before they get to move in. For the Dons of each floor, they get to share their space with people finishing up various tasks. This residence is set up "apartment style" with four bedrooms, one kitchen, two bathrooms, and one small livingroom area for each section. Our daughter will be sharing one of these "quads" with three first year students, but she gets a separate office in which to conduct "Don business".

This is a standard bedroom with stuff jammed in. Note the gift of giant stash of toilet paper! You're never fully independent until you buy your own toilet paper.

This is the small livingroom area, complete with sixteen year old brother on his phone.

Here is the kitchen area. Don't know if one of the first years will contribute a microwave. There is NO dishwasher. Let's see if they all wash their own dishes. They will all have meal plans as well, so this kitchen will likely be for snacks (or beer if they were older than first year!)

It's always good to have a brother to help you move in.

We got a mother / daughter selfie before we said our goodbyes. (And yes, I see him in the background).

Family selfie.

We said our goodbyes. It gets easier with each passing year. I remember crying down the street as we pulled away in her first year. This year, she and her brother were riding down the hall on her office chair with wheels (remember, she has the whole floor to herself at the moment). We went to the mall to take care of some back to school clothing shopping for our son. Now that he has a part time job, some of the purchases came out of his account!! We got home later and I relaxed with a couple of episodes of Coronation Street which has been put on hold for the two weeks when the Olympics were on.

I think she's going to have a great year. If she can handle us, she'll be fine with her floor of first years.


  1. Boy, a much nicer living arrangement for your daughter than when I was in college (a hundred years ago). You and your hubby are going to be old pros at this by the time your son goes off to school.

    Love the family selfie!

    1. We have many friends/relatives who are in the same position as us with kids in post secondary school. I never lived in residence in my undergrad. Residence suits my daughter quite well.

  2. ahhh, Coronation Street.....what a great way to relax.

    1. Yup, LOVE Coronation Street, but some of the story lines are bugging me right now.

  3. Oh, this is great! Good luck to your daughter. It's such an exciting time of year. I laughed out loud with the toilet paper! I remember doing the same when we moved my daughter to her dorm last year for her first year. She did not come back when school ended,..[insert sad face]. She decided to reside in Ottawa year round and ending up renting a five-bedroom/2 bathroom apartment with 4 other girls. I missed her horribly this summer but she seems very happy there.

    The family selfie...LOL...such a fun shot! Love it.

    1. Oh, sorry you had to manage without your daughter, but they do grow up don't they. It's good she found a place to live. I hope she gets along well with the other girls, too. (Has to buy her own toilet paper?)

  4. Looks like a very happy occasion to me.

  5. Awww you are all so beautiful! And I remember the uni years and ALL the stuff being transported fondly!! Prepare yourself though for when she...and the majority of all that stuff coming home!!! Xx

  6. awww......your family selfie at the bottom made me smile! Hope your daughter has a good year!

  7. Ours departs for her 3rd year next week. We moved her in at the beginning of May so that's done. I'll be surplus to requirements so I don't even need to go.

  8. You all looked like you make a fun time out of this moving. Oh yes, we live and learn about not over packing, don't we? I wish your sweet girl the very best. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  9. Oh, these moments of letting go of our children. It was exactly what we raised them to do and it should be a total joy when they leave but watching them leave is the hardest part of parenting.

  10. Hope your daughter will have a great third year of university ♥


  11. Wishing you daughter a very happy and succesful year! Those were the best of times I remember..moving our children down to college. We also cried....every year! Graduation can be THE most joyous time! The house probably seems empty without her.....treasure these days!

  12. Looks like a wonderfully successful move-in. I think it gets easier through the years when you know that they are happy. The first year I think everyone is on edge because no one knows what to expect. Love your family selfie!
