Thursday 3 October 2024

October 3, 2024 - A Good Day

There were birds flocking on my lawn just a few moments ago. It's supper time and I looked out the kitchen window to see a large flock of, I think starlings, on the lawn. There was also a black squirrel and a cottontail rabbit. It's like Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom out there. 

The weather was so lovely today. I've been cutting back the Black Eyed Susans from the perennial beds in small increments (so I don't wreck my back - again). They self seed so prolifically, I want to get as many out as possible before the seeds start to fall. I had already dug out the last three potatoes, and the remaining small carrots and beets from the garden yesterday. I had also gathered up the last little tomatoes that had fallen off and were starting to rot on the garden and gave them to the hens. I also pulled out tomato cages and nested them all together for storage during the winter. 

Today I picked the last of the green beans and pulled the plants. I rototilled the garden so that it would be lovely and ready in the spring. I hardly ever do this, usually because I have plants in the ground and then frost comes and it's just too much and too difficult to get it all done in the fall, especially when I was working full time. But this year, it was not too bad and I'm glad I did it. I also did something that I NEVER do, but thought I should, which was wiping down my tomato cages and other wire supports with soapy bleach water to kill any spores and plant diseases that could over winter. Where I got the energy to do all of this, I have no idea because it darn near killed me and I had to stop the rototilling for a couple of hours, and then I finished it later.

As well, I just could not be inside on such a beautiful Fall day. I purchased one really big pumpkin from the Amish down the road for $8.00 because I had to have something bright and Autumnal on the property. I would like to pick up a couple of brightly coloured mums and maybe a couple more smaller pumpkins to finish it off. 

Son has been in his new apartment for one week now and has started his new job, but so far he is just sitting listening to power point presentations. He and I text usually once a day or a bit more depending. He's been out purchasing a few more things for his new home (mostly kitchen-y things, garbage cans, rugs, ...) and he sounds like he is settling in well. A big thing for him was shaving off his beard (he's had a beard since highschool, he's now 24). He always kept it neat and relatively short, but for his new job, he has to be clean shaven ( I think he can have a moustache, but I'm not totally sure), so big adjustment for him. He won't send me a selfie - ha ha. 

It's almost time to check my potatoes (from the garden today), and sit down for supper, so I shall bid you adieu (did I spell that correctly?) and I hope you all have a very nice Fall weekend!