Sunday 30 June 2024

Sunday, Last Day of June

  • I wish someone would tell the weather gods that it’s the last day of June. It is “ cold”, wet, and a bit windy here today. I’ve been binge watching “This Farming Life” on Brit Box through Prime, drinking a bit of tea, and wearing my fuzzy slippers. I’ve been outside only to feed chickens and collect eggs.

I made old fashioned short cakes for strawberry shortcake dessert tonight. They are more like a sweet tea biscuit, like my grandmother and mother used to make. The berries are mashed with a bit of sugar added and then you split a biscuit and pour the berry mixture over top so the juices are soaked in.

It is the long weekend here for Canada Day. We have nothing planned and I’m totally fine with that. I just don’t need to be in amongst a crowd, standing around to see the sights, and in the case of much of this weekend, being rained on. I’d much rather just be at home.

I had a lovely moment yesterday morning when I was reading in the porch. I’d been seeing a flicker on our and the neighbour’s property. I heard a different kind of bird sound and saw mommy ( I think) flicker feeding one of two young flickers atop the arbor! It was such a sweet scene.

If you click on the link, you will see a picture of a flicker bird if you are not familiar.

I have no idea what just happened to my first paragraph which now has a bullet point beside it. Can’t figure out how to fix it, so it shall stay like that. 


  1. Well, it's 99 F here in Texas... hot and humid. Too hot to be outside. We could use a little rain to cool things down. Your strawberry shortcakes sound delicious. I like them with 'biscuits' too. I read your profile and I also have journaled my whole life and wrote stories just to get them out of my head. Never considered publishing until my friend kept at me. So that's how I self-published my 2 books on Amazon . Will never get rich from them, but do get a thrill when someone tells me how much they enjoyed them...

  2. Much the same here. I had to come in from gardening and put on a sweater! We will have a little Canada Day party at the tennis club tomorrow but that will be the extent of my festivities.

  3. 95 here this morning in NC with past days all of the same We have just received our first rain since about 32 days ago. A long, hot dry spell. Ironically my wife and I have been watching This Farming Life as well. We are on season 6. We couldn't get season 2 to 4 for some reason.

    1. I love farming shows. I grew up in the country and spent a lot of time at my uncle's dairy farm growing up.

  4. We've finally had some nice warm weather here for the long weekend, but it's supposed to be chilly and rainy tomorrow on Canada Day, so so much for that!

  5. I have not seen the word flicker used about a bird so the sentence wasn't clear at first. But I found an explanation on-line that described a woodpecker with a distinctive sound. Thank you for expanding my elderly brain.

    1. It looks like it should be a woodpecker, but they feed from the ground, poking their beaks in the soil to get at ants and grubs.

  6. You had your cooler day today, we're expecting rain and cooler temps tomorrow. Today was lovely, but has clouded over this evening, just in time for the Canada Day Parade.
    There is a Northern Flicker living nearby the house in the city, but I haven't seen any babies. Lucky you!

  7. How sweet to see the mommy bird and babies! 😀

  8. It's been cool this weekend, too, but will warm up next week.

  9. Thank you for the link as I was wondering what a Flicker was. Quite chilly here but then it is winter. :)

    1. You are in Australia, aren't you? Yes, our summer, your winter.

  10. I would love some cold cloudy summer days; you can have my ardent sunshine.

  11. Thanks for clarifying the flickering, I wasn't aware of that (followed the link and figured it out). Many times I really like to stay at home SK and if the weather is not good outside I enjoy it better!! Have a beautiful July!!

  12. You get to the stage where it's a case of 'been there, done that'. Much better to stay at home especially when the weather is not inviting. Zito Canada

  13. Our summer weather seems to have disappeared too after not long starting (England). That's a beautiful bird, thank you for the link.

  14. Happy Canada Day .Nine degrees this morning; 9! We get flickers & I think they are such a pretty bird & their call is a definite standout in our garden choir. I make my "shortcake" biscuits the same way, warm with lots of berries & whipped cream - oh yum. ... Mary-Lou =^..^=

  15. The weather is being somewhat erratic. Planning on some strawberry shortcake, made just the way you described, plus whipped cream!

    1. With your own berries? Or did the deer eat those? Hopefully not!

    2. Chipmunks ate the berries...deer ate the leaves.... Working on another strategy!!

  16. We are well addicted to This Farming Life too. I think we are on Season 5 now.

  17. Saturday and Sunday were beautiful here, and now we are back to rain. We had now plans for Canada Day and like you am happy to just stick close to home.

    God bless.

  18. Happy Canda Day! We get the flickers now and then they love the bugs in the lawn.

  19. Happy Canada Day! It sounds fabulous -- strawberry shortcake. I couldn't find any "real" (not supermarket) strawberries this year for the first time. Woefully sad!

  20. It is wet and freezing here. I know everyone says we need the moisture, but we had 9 months of snow, can I please get a little sunshine so I can warm up? I just made strawberry pie. Store bought strawberries, but I have faith I may have some of my own as we made a screen to keep the chipmunks out. Now they are just eating my flowers. Can't win for losing. Hope it warms up, as I feel your pain.
