Sunday 31 January 2021

Procrastination Post - a Collection of Funnies

 My grandmother called the comic section of the newspaper, the "funnies". Can anyone relate?

I am currently (well, not currently, because I'm currently typing this) working on my very last set of report cards ever on a new report card programme about a new math curriculum deciding if I should be including the new online learning from this past month. Fun and games. 

Which is, of course, why I just spent the last twenty minutes or so clicking around Pinterest. 

Now I shall share the funnies I found. The references may or may not get lost on you depending on if you are anywhere close to my generation, or if you watched the same stuff I did. (And depending on if you actually find it funny or not). Here goes:

I cannot believe the month of January is pretty much done. I spent most of it in a chair in my living room attached to my laptop. I think the fitbit that my kids bought me for Christmas thought I was dead. Well, onward to groundhog day and valentine's day and family day, all probably virtual. With the Covid weight I've applied to my body, I'm probably best without Valentine day chocolates anyway. 

Have a good week, all!


  1. Excellent. That will teach Barbie that wine and chocolate is a good combo.
    Happy 2021 to you as well.

  2. What a great post to end the weekend with! When I was growing up and the Sunday paper arrived, we would always fight over who got so-called comic strips.)

    Thanks for the chuckles! My worst "wearing of the mask" in public (so far) happened when I had to sneeze in the grocery store. Didn't want to do it in my mask (eeeuw!) and knew I (obviously) couldn't take it off. :o\

  3. We called them the funnies, too. And a mild teasing insult was saying "See you in the funny papers" instead of "good-bye."

  4. Good laughs in this bunch. I understood all but the first one. I am TV-ignorant for the most part, so it's surprising I got most of them. Have a good week, Jenn, and I'll hope no more snow heads your way.

    1. The first one is the creepy man from "Silence of the Lambs" who keeps a woman trapped in his basement and forces her to use lotion on her skin, as he has plans for it.

  5. Mom and Dad both called them the funny papers.

    Hopefully this year becomes much more normal....Whatever that is.

    God bless.

  6. OMG - Quarantine Barbie just made me spit out my tea! Too funny! Thank you.

  7. It's a good thing you referenced "comics" up there, and I could glance up and see that apparently is the "real" name for funnies.
    I guess I haven't told you my vet's solution for my cat's chubbs: skim a layer off the kibbles. I skimmed a layer off my kibble, too.

  8. Oh, Barbie ...!! Her hair still looks great, though ... grrr. And Aunt Clara in charge explains everything. Very funny, Jenn!

  9. We used to call them the funnies too.
    Good for Barbie. She's finally someone I can admire . Looks happily plump, even more than me 🙂🤣🤣

  10. Quarantine Barbie is the best - Hilarious- thank you for a smile on a dull Monday morning here

  11. Haha, I'm definitely a quarantine Barbie.

  12. 'Funnies' was a North American thing I think. When I was a kid I found it strange. They were 'cartoons' to me.

  13. Good lineup of LOLs! Not only do I remember the word "funnies," I remember the farewell greeting "See you in the funny pages!" Now THAT'S old!

  14. The funnies were a constant for us too, especially the extra large section on Sunday. Aunt Clara calling the covid shots so true. Robust looking Barbie and everybody else on the planet...even my dog Caesar is chubby!

  15. That last one made me laugh out loud. We didn't get a newspaper out in the country so I don't recall if we called them the funnies or not.

    Take care, stay well!

  16. Oh yes, we always called them the 'funnies'. The funnies you've posted are really funny! And that about your Fitbit made me laugh. My Fitbit has been here next to the computer for weeks and weeks. I'm sure it thinks I'm dead. The new Barbie! Do you think there will be a Barbie like that or is that a funny? Oh I've gained at least five pounds, right around the middle. Makes me sick!

  17. Yup, I remember the funnies. They were a popular section of the newspaper. I love that new Covid Barbie. I think the company should make it. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  18. LOL thanks for the laugh this morning. Happy New Week. xoxo

  19. I needed a good laugh and quarantine Barbie did it for me! Good luck with the program!

  20. I still read the "funnies" faithfully, right before the Sudoku and the Jumble. Sometimes the newspaper is what gets me up in the morning!

  21. Hello!

    We have just returned to the Blogosphere and, via the good company which you keep, have found your blog. What a happy surprise.

    We have found your selection, especially 'Quarantine Barbie', very amusing and, sadly, can identify with much of this. We have not owned a television in 40 years but that has come in very handy in the current lockdown period since we have caught up with all manner of ancient television series on Youtube!
    From our past as teachers we recognise only too well the need for distractions from report cards. Your blog has provided welcome and interesting relief!

  22. Thanks for brightening my day, Jenn. Have a great week!

  23. I guess funnies are a generational thing. We get the Sunday paper because we want to support the local the local paper - we could find the same news on line. I look at the 'funnies' and don't find them interesting... It is like the old movies, they are nostalgic but don't have the impact they once did in a simpler time. I do believe that in a couple of more generations there won't be news papers and there wont be funnies. Do young people even read news papers?

    All the front line workers and medics need recognition; but so do teachers. Thank you.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  24. Unfortunately the last one was not lost of me - just as the extra 10 pandemic pounds are not lost on me - they are clearly visible.
