Sunday 18 November 2018

Sunday, November 18 /18 (Gripping Title, isn't it?)

Tonight for supper I am making Diana's pork chop recipe from her most recent post. I bought pork chops yesterday when I was doing my regular Saturday grocery shopping, but then we decided to have two more people for supper, so off I went to Walmart this morning to grab an extra package of pork chops and the apple juice I forgot to buy(!), and a little miniature Christmas tree for MIL's room at "the home". She isn't big on change and her usual answer is a tilt to the head, lips pressed together and a "no", but we figure if daughter (granddaughter to her) just brings it along when we pick her up, she won't say no to her.

I have some chicken chores to do, a kitchen to sweep, some bird seed to put out, and the rest of the supper to make, then back to work again tomorrow. Sometimes when I think to myself that I have been working for 36 years since I've been 16 years old in some capacity or another and only had one part of the year when I did not work (first year university) and then two six months stints when I was home with my babies, I just feel tired. Anyone else??

On a more positive note, to round out your weekend, here is Scooter asleep, with his cat toys on his head, because that is what our son does.


  1. Scooter is cute. :) I have no kids, but I too feel tired when I think of the last few decades...I hope you have a nice dinner!! Stay warm!!

    1. Thanks Rain, it's actually a little "milder" than it has been. I just got in from being outside for about an hour and half doing things. It was nice.

  2. I clocked up 48 years to when I gave up last year. I miss working. I feel too young to have given up.

    1. Do you think you would ever get a different type of job? Or part-time employment? You also use your time really well, with travel and such.

    2. I am getting used to it so I don't think I will ever get another job but I still miss it.

  3. Scooter is really cute :) As I type this, our younger cat is snuggled on my lap and I'm overheating. She's like a little furnace. It's amazing how much heat they generate!

    1. Our little cat Nelly (R.I.P.) was the ultimate lap cap. You could barely sit down and put your feet up on the couch, and there she was! Scooter is weird and doesn't sit on laps.

  4. Teasing the cat! Scooter looks as though he's used to it.

  5. These ordinary kind of days are the best, aren't they. No big agenda, just the routines of life. I like that.

    1. It's my catch-up time on the weekend, but feels so good to get things done and out of the way.

  6. Enjoy your Sunday and week ahead...
    Time for you to retire!
    Linda :o)

  7. Sweet idea for the mini tree for your MIL. It's Christmas after all.

    1. She accepted it (but then forgot we had brought it).

  8. You and I could share notes. I retired when health stuff interfered. Wanted to invest my teaching skills with my gr-daughters. They are now taller than I am.

    Life is good. Spending it with husband of 46 years, 3 grown children and 5 gr-children. Gotta go check out your cookies in the sidebar. Reminds me of molasses cookies we made when I was a teen.

    1. Yes, they are molasses cookies - hope you like them if you decide to try them.

  9. Scooter is such a cutie pie!! I am a big fan of pork - the other white meat. Have a great week, Jenn!

  10. I retired in my fifties and I'm so glad I did. There is nothing better than the gift of time. I loved my job,but I love being retired more.

    1. I'll be in my fifties when I retire, too. It will be much needed.

  11. Scooter sure is cute!

    In answer to your question, I've been very tired lately.

  12. Poor Scooter...what if you had put your son's toys on his head? LOL I love it though. Oh that crock pot meal of Dina's will be yummy. Hope it's good. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

    1. It was good - the pork chops turn out nice and moist.

  13. Work?... I was raised on a ranch in Wyoming, and I have worked, and worked hard my entire life. It's funny that I retired from working a decent career two years ago, and I am busier and more wore out now than I ever was when I was working. I guess it's just part of my DNA to always stay busy... My Mom used to say that busy hands are happy hands... Guess I got some pretty happy hands!

    1. There's always something to be done on a ranch/farm!

  14. It's been my experience that if you are a person with interests, you'll always be busy. I just picked up two book from the library yesterday that I ordered and do believe I could spend the next several days just sitting reading them . . . and I would be happy. (Well, okay, I might have to get up to to make a few meals, etc., etc.) Then there's always a holiday or special occasion coming up, and . . . and . . . and. Plus, I never have enough time to sleep as witnessed by the fact that I toppled over on the couch this afternoon while I was trying to knit. Life is good and you'll do a temporary crash when you retire (in two years . . . yay!) but then you'll jump into the next wonderful phase of your life and be very happy.

    Loved this post talking about the everyday stuff. :o)

    1. I have been thinking about how to prepare for retirement, as my career consumes so much of my life. I'll join you in the reading, but likely not the knitting!

  15. How I can relate to you observation about working. In the very olden days, when we could get a print out of our contributions to the social security fund, I was first amused, then proud to see that I had worked every year since I was 17 years old, and that included both years I had children born, and all six years in college. Good for us.

    1. You'd likely still be a hard worker, Joanne, if life didn't keep breaking parts of you!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Scooter is so cute! I am tired of working as well. I started at 16 so I have about 35 years in and I am more than ready to retire.

  18. Scooter is adorable! Keep those chickens cozy. Diana's recipe looked really good -- I saved it too!

  19. Yes, I feel exhausted thinking I have so many years to go until retirement, wahhhh!!!

  20. I refuse to add up how long I've been working - I might never get out of bed again if I do. I am hoping to get some down time in the upcoming long weekend vacation, but the cards are being stacked against me already! Scooter is quite adorable!

  21. I added up my working years and it totalled just over 40 and now that I am retired, it’s the best non-paying experience ever. Fortunateky, I was able to guit after my last job due to downsizing and a move. I realize that not everyone can be as fortunate and so I am thankful and hapoy too.
    Cat looks happy even with the toys gathered around.
