Monday 20 May 2024

Monday, May 20, 2024

 It was a nice long weekend. I bought a new raised fire ring ( the old one was beyond falling apart) on sale at Rona hardware. We christened it Saturday night with son and daughter and some chips and marshmallows and wine and beer and it was so nice hanging out with our kids. 

I’ve been gardening and gardening and gardening. I put in my “ early” vegetables and I’ve been weeding, edging, and digging out moss phlox that didn’t really bloom this year and is always a trap for grass coming through. I’ve also been whipper snipping around the property as all the recent rain really got things growing again.

Husband, with our help, has been opening the pool and this year for whatever reason, the liner ( it’s an inground) is very stained from leaves and spruce needles getting in. The entire pool got drained ( normally you don’t completely drain it) and a couple holes were found in the liner. Husband patched those and experimented with pressure washing and other scrubbing/ cleaning, none of which really did the trick. He thinks he’ll just do a good shock when we refill ( from our own well water). It’s always something with a pool!

I cleaned the barbecue today, maybe not to other peoples exacting standards, but good enough for me. I made a summer supper of hot dogs and corn on the cob. I also made a rhubarb strawberry crisp. I was feeling bad that all my rhubarb was going unused! I still have frozen bags from last year! 

On a whole other topic, I just discovered that I have mild lymphedema after my lumpectomy and radiation more than a year ago. I just thought I was always going to have some pain and discomfort after surgery, etc and just toughed it out as women do. Anyway I was referred to a physiotherapist who actually deals with lymphatic drainage and had a fantastic consult with her. She told me who to go to for a compression bra ( why was I never told about this before?) and I did do that and for a pretty penny I bought two and now need a prescription from my oncologist nurse practitioner for these so I can get some money back on my insurance. I start the physio sessions tomorrow and have been told that most women find it extremely helpful. So, I’m looking forward to that! 

Murphy has been managing his cone of shame very well and today we felt that his facial “ gash” had healed very well and we took it off him. I think he’s happy. Now I need to remind him that he can use the cat flaps again and doesn’t require me as a personal assistant!


  1. My mom did physio for lymphedema after her breast surgery. It was so helpful.
    Good luck with the pool and happy fire pitting for the rest of the summer.

    1. I like hearing that about your mom. Thanks, Joanne.

  2. I really hope the physio helps. Glad the cone of shame is going well.

    God bless.

  3. Glad you got some helpful info and advice re lymphedema. I hope the compression bra and physio do the trick for you!

  4. I hope the physio works and that the cat flap gets used again.

  5. Young children requiring mum to be a personal assistant is something most parents expect, and handle with grace, at least until a bit of maturity kicks into their young personalities. But when cats and dogs do the exact same thing, the "parent" goes: listen sweetheart.... enough is enough!

  6. Good luck with the physio.
    It has been cool and rainy here so we're still dragging plants in and out of the shed. Enjoy your gardening.

  7. I'm so glad you got an answer about the discomfort and some strategies with the bra and physio. That's huge. You're up to a lot these days! Especially if you're hurting. Bet the pool would feel good! And what IS a fire ring anyway? Indoor or outdoor? Electric? I must google but post a photo so I can see one in action, please!

    1. Oh it’s a raised ( on three metal feet) round bowl for campfires and has a round screened lid that you can set on top. Just put in newspaper, kindling, and then some small logs and have a campfire! Outdoors. Ours sits on two cement patio stones on the lawn.

  8. Time for a new pool liner :) This would cost, but emptying the pool, cleaning and refilling it would cost a whole lot more.

  9. Glad you got counseling and are about to start physical therapy,
    I'm sure things will get better!
    The pool ended up needing a lot of work.
    Fortunately, Murphy was freed from the cone.
    Have a nice day❤️!

  10. Boy, the things the docs don't tell you. I have never heard of lymphedema but it sounds very uncomfortable. Thank goodness there's something you can do for it. You are soldiering on, Jenn. Sending good vibes your way.
