Monday 25 September 2023

Autumn Colour

 I took these pictures yesterday but am writing the post today. The weather is the perfect Autumn weather- warm in the day, cooler in the evening. Trees aren’t quite in their full regalia yet but there is certainly colour to be seen.

All over the property, there are swaths of yellow.

Black eyed Susan are aggressive and prolific self seeders but they do provide beautiful colour.

Aptly named Autumn Joy Sedum has a home in most of my beds and borders.

I have various hydrangea, some of which turn a lovely bronzey rose colour. Notice Aristotle peeking out.

Russian sage is still creating a lacy purple effect beside the snowball bush.

This year has been very good for this bunch of Michaelmas daisies. Other years they have barely bloomed. I think it was our rainy August!

Most of the tall phlox is done but there are still a couple of clumps blooming.

The Burning Bush isn’t quite on fire yet, but it’s off to a good start.

Finally, this branch belongs to a neighbour’s maple tree. Just that one branch is showing bright scarlet, the rest is still quite green. I walk past it on my walks and always admire it!

How is the colour where you are? Do you have some of the same plants?


  1. Just GORGEOUS! Especially the Michaelmas Daisies and that brilliant red maple branch! And Black-Eyed Susans have always been a fave of mine.

  2. I have sedum and phlox at the same stage as you but the burning bush has only the odd red leaf so far. Isn't this week's weather gorgeous? I would like it to stay like this right through to December!

  3. The trees here turn shades of yellow and gold, very few turn a lovely shade of red....Well Virginia Creeper (a vine) does. Not much colour in our gardens any longer just a bit in my baskets and pots.

    God bless.

  4. Your Fall color is beautiful. Even your hydrangeas are rose tinted. The daisies are always a favorite. We have no color. The maples behind the house usually turn first and they are mostly green with a bit of tan. The acorns are falling in great numbers. The air is lovely and cool.

  5. The black eyed Susans are perfect. The two colours are striking, and the petal geometry makes for perfect photos.

  6. Love the shot of the Burning Bush draping over the rustic fence. We are approaching peak color. Took a hike way up, up, up a "mountain" this past Thursday with an overlook of acres and acres of maple trees all aflame. Your yard and flowers are beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  7. I've moved just enough miles south to not have autumn, yet. I went on a doctor appointment today, and saw plenty of color back where I used to live!

  8. I don't have any of those plants, but I remember mom had a burning bush in her yard. Lovely fall photos!
    Our trees are turning yellow and the leaves are starting to fall. We haven't had any frost yet, at least not here in the city, so I haven't pulled all the annuals just yet.

  9. In our garden (England) we have that same sedum dotted around the garden and it always gives a lovely splash of autumn colour. Mine looks exactly like yours at the moment despite being in a different country.

  10. So envious of your Blackeyed Susans. I struggle to get them through one season let alone seed into the next. You have great colour. Autumn here has been mild and wet do far. No colour changes.

  11. It is lovely when the seasons throw a dose of colour at us...keeps us going through the dormant season!!

  12. I love those Black eyed Susans! So pretty. The colors this far south are very subtle still, but the things are definitely changing and summer is gone.

  13. Beautiful colours. Much bring you loads of joy. But what I loved most was Socrates!!

  14. I have sedum and hydrangea. Love them both. My hydrangeas go to a very pretty chartreuse color. I love to bring them in and let them dry. I have the black-eyed Susans, too. A few are left, along with a very few sweet peas. I savor them as long as I can! Yours are absolutely stunning. You clearly spend more time on your garden than I do!

  15. Your flowers are absolutely beautiful and with colors perfect for fall. No color here yet. Lots of brown from a long dry spell. Hopefully, that will change.

  16. Oh, how I miss the fall colors from our former home in Wisconsin. The oaks, maples, elms, birch and aspen were for vibrant. Now, in the Black Hills of South Dakota we have pines. While beautiful, I do miss the changing of the leaves.

  17. Oh how I wish I did have some of these beauties. I had a fire bush, but Ilost it this year to the cold. Your flowers are just gorgeous!
