Saturday, 11 April 2020

What You Can Count On

In times of uncertainty, here are a couple of things you can count on:


Like an old friend, come back from away, rhubarb shows its pretty red and green crinkly face every spring without fail.

Spring - flowering bulbs.

Even though we had snow yesterday, these pretty little flowers still manage to soldier on.

Today, on CTV, there is a marathon of the Harry Potter movies. So many years ago, I read the first book, before the movie was even made and was completely enchanted. Today I caught the second half of The Philosopher's Stone and remembered how much I wanted a room that looked like the Gryffindor common room. I sat and watched the movie while eating my fried egg sandwich (yes, another one), and welled up at the end when Dumbledore awarded the extra points to Gryffindor and the students all cheered from their tables in the Great Hall.

Although it is cold today, the snow has melted, and this isn't unlike other Aprils we have had. All the best to all of you!


  1. Very sweet post. My rhubarb is poking up also. No real, actual green leaves as you have but the pinkish nubbins are visible none the less. Yay, spring time!

    1. Isn't it ridiculously exciting seeing those first little pink sprouts?

  2. It's crazy weather out there. So, what else is new! We live north! When you see the bulbs and green, all's well with the world.

    Enjoy the marathon! And Happy Easter!

    1. Thanks, I'm watching Prisoner of Azkaban now (in between doing this and that). It looks like it's tough turning into a werewolf.

  3. How I love rhubarb! And yes, there is nothing so dependable!

  4. I"m as enchanted with Outlander as I was with Harry Potter all those years ago. We have Parsley growing in the cottage garden that just never stopped growing all winter, that's how mild it has been here in New England.

    1. A little less soft porn with the Harry Potter series, ha ha. (compared to Outlander)

  5. Thank you fo your cheery post today. A very happy Easter to you.

  6. All the best to you, Jenn! I love rhubard and am mad that I have never planted it....Maybe this year. Or next...
    Love the positive note of your post today.....And wishing you and all your family Happy Easter holidays!

  7. My great Aunt would always say, "if I can just make it until the rhubarb.". Meaning, if I can make it through the winter to spring I'll live a little longer.

  8. I checked yesterday on my rhubarb, there's two little noses poking through & I did a little dance. It's ok neighbours already think I'm weird. Your crocus are such a rich purple. Umm an warm/hot egg sandwich, yeah I'm in for that for dinner. ... Mary-Lou =^[..]^=

  9. Rhubarb is great but I’ve never grown any of it. Anything edible that grows in your yard will really be a gift this year of good harvests but messed up distribution,not to mention hoarders.

    be well... mae at

  10. I was so enchanted by the books, which I listened to over and over while traveling, I would not watch the movies. And when I did, I was enchanted all over again.

  11. I love Rhubarb..Goodness! Do l love Rhubarb..
    With..Hot runny custard..Yum! :).

    ALL the buds and shoots are coming through over
    here, my Virginia Creeper is bursting, love it..
    I'm not a gardener, l've a few plants and things
    need looking after, just flowers really, don't
    grow veg. as l get given so much of it from people
    who do...! :).

    I see on Sky TV..They've started a Harry Potter channel,
    24/7..I must confess l've not seen any of them, silly
    really, as l know l'd like them..! :(.
    Still..l watched Jesus of Nazareth yesterday with Robert
    Powell..Love all those Biblical films..! I think the Robe
    is on to~day, but..l will watch Death on the Nile, this
    afternoon..! :). get on..A very Happy Easter to one and all..
    Take Care..God Bless..And..Stay Happy..! :0).
    💛🌱🌸🌱💜 💛🌱🌸🌱💜 💛🌱🌸🌱💜 💛🌱🌸

  12. My rhubarb is almost pickable in length!

  13. We have all the Potter films on DVD. We usually watch them around Christmas time. Maybe I ought to read a book or two, but I don't think I will. Have a good Easter.

  14. A pleasant and uplifting post! Be well!

  15. I got very excited this morning to see the first fingers of our hosta plants pushing through the soil.

  16. Snow melted here too but we didn't get much. We did lose power last night, this was after the snow melted. Cold today but bright out. Harry Potter. That sounds like fun. We do marathons here with it on DVD. Just a fun thing to have on. Wishing you well and boogie boogie.

  17. Oh- I dearly love rhubarb and always steal it from my son's neighbor's yard. They are weekend residents (maybe twice a month) so I am sure they won't mind me taking it. We have snow coming tonight and tomorrow-that is insult added to injury considering it should be SPRING. lol Happy Easter- xo Diana

  18. Happy Easter. Have a Blessed day, hugs, Edna B.

  19. How strange you mention the Harry Potter movies, just last night I asked a friend if I could borrow their DVDs ...I particularly like the first 3 HP movies. What a lovely blog you have!

  20. We have a very large container we put over the rhubarb so that the first shoots are pink and tender. Pulled some a few days ago. Delicious rhubarb crumble.

  21. I so wish I could grow rhubarb :/ it seems to struggle on my place. Or maybe it's just me?

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