Monday 24 June 2019

And I Just Washed Those Pants!

So, there I was, still in my "work clothes", squatting down in my chicken coop. The next few moments didn't go well.

Let me back up. I have six new birds (yes, I know, I'm officially done acquiring chickens now). They are very pretty, but as I did with the other new birds, they are in cages getting used to seeing the other hens and vise versa. My large cage is not large enough for all six birds, so four of them are in there and two are in a large cat cage. Everyone has food and water, but my chicken anxiety was getting to me, as I worried that the cat cage wasn't quite big enough for the two hens. (Even though I realize that most chickens spend their lives in very tiny cages with barely enough room to turn around).

So daughter came with me. She was going to open up the big cage while I grabbed one of the hens out of the cat cage and put it in the bigger cage. I reached in and immediately got pecked. That was my fault, I wasn't ready to grab her quickly. So I repositioned myself, hunkered down, reached in, and wham! She really pecked me, surprised me, and I tipped back, fell back on my arse end, smacked against the feeder, and "exclaimed" a rich combination of words. I wasn't hurt, but honestly, I just washed those pants. Light tan colour, I was hoping to get a couple more wears out of them. But no, now I had spots of blood on them from where I was pecked on my hand and a little something else from where I made contact with a mixture of wood shavings and chicken manure!!

In the end, I concluded that the two hens in the large cat cage are doing just fine and I'll be letting them out tomorrow. I'm also not particularly worried about how they'll be able to take care of themselves with the other chickens.

My pants are currently in the washing machine.


  1. That is exactly why I never wear white! Hope everything comes out in the wash.

    1. It's all good. I had just washed my white pants, too. Good thing I wasn't wearing those today! Serves me right for not changing into something different.

  2. Hope the pants clean up. That hen is a survivor!
    So are you going to 'collect' any more hens after that?

    1. No, now we have 13 hens and that's plenty. Any more and I think things would be too crowded in their coop.

  3. Your life is a little too dangerous! What is the name of the beautiful rose in your header?

    1. Not dangerous, I'm just a bit of a clutz! It's not a rose actually, just a peony.

  4. I'm sorry but that made me laugh!

  5. Sh*t happens! Congrats on the new hens!

    1. It does indeed. Thanks, they are three Columbian rock and three barred rock. You likely have some of those, yourself.

  6. I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you. Oh I remember chicken pecks, they hurt! Yes in the words of Forest Grump - "it happens ..."

  7. Moral of story: Never, ever wear good or clean clothes when entering the chicken house! ;o)

  8. Oh Jenn, I'm sorry about the pecks big enough to draw blood. AND the pants. But I think you are right, this girl can take care of her self in a world of Mean Girls! I don't suppose you could carry the cat cage to the chicken cage and open the door? Boy, are you every going to have fabulous eggs!

    1. Everyone is altogether now. Getting along as well as newly introduced chickens can be.

  9. Oh gosh...pecking chickens, that scares me! Sucks about your pants!!!

    1. Chickens don't scare me. Roosters? That's a whole other category.

  10. Oh my gosh... I feel for you. When I was a young wife my husband bought our landladys 100 hens. That I was not prepared for but soon got the hang of gathering eggs, diverting pecks all while keeping an eye on my 2 year old. What memories.

    1. One hundred hens?? OK, that's too much, even for me.

  11. Not to laugh at your misfortune, but the title of this post had me snorting before I even read it. I don't know how many times I've forgotten to change before going out to do something 'easy', which never is. We will need pictures of the new girls - Killer and the CawQuettes.

    1. Yes, that quick little thing you're going to do. My father was bad for that - last minute oil check, etc. My mother was forever reminding him that he had his "good pants" on.

  12. Revenge of the chickens is never pretty.

    1. She was just scared. I won't hold it against her.

  13. Wow!! Killer Chickens. I'll be looking forward to further installments.

  14. They can be quite tough! Hope your pants clean up well!

    1. A little stain remover and they're as good as new.

  15. A hen that outwitted a canny hen keeper! She'll be fine until next time.

    1. What I need is a better cage. I'm looking for a used dog crate. That would be perfect. And yes, she'll be able to look after herself!

  16. Oh goodness , reminds me of when my kids were young.My son was 9 and didn't like chooks so 2 year old daughter would go in the coop and take the eggs.. some hens were Bantams and uncooperative! Didn't worry her at all.
    Eggs would go into her overall pockets and we would hold our breath until she got through the side paddock full of potholes....the overalls spent a lot of time in the wash !

    1. I can just picture a little one in overalls full of eggs! Our little girl (at the time) would go out with a little woven basket to collect eggs. Our chickens at the time were tame enough that the kids would go into the chicken run and be able to pet them.

  17. Some simple tasks just turn out that way. That's why I kept ducks - much more gentle souls, no pecking! I wouldn't worry about those chickens, they can obviously take care of themselves very well!
