Friday 17 August 2018

Nothing like a good (dust) bath

I went out to the chicken run in the hopes of getting a picture of a resident chipmunk who, the cheeky thing, has now gone from sneaking into the run and eating the chicken feed that gets flung and scratched outside of the tin, to sitting directly inside and stuffing his cheeks to the maximum.

As soon as I came close to the fence, I got this:


Then I noticed a hen who was in the middle of sheer, total chicken heaven. For those of you who don't know, chickens dig. A LOT. They especially like to decimate any existing grass and create a hollow spot.

No, she is not dead.

She is having a dust bath. Chickens use their legs to scratch the dry dirt like crazy, and then roll around in it, spreading out their wings, rolling their heads, twisting and turning from side to side.

Chickens use dust baths to clean amongst their feathers, especially if they have mites or other common tiny pests.

They love it. Even our smallest little birds take dust baths. When they are finally all done, they stand up and fluff themselves, releasing a surprising amount of "dust" into the air around them. That's not what this girl is doing. She's still bathing, churning up the dirt into her feathers.

While I was out there, I took a picture of our two littlest hens (Raven and no-name).

They are still the lowest on the pecking order and probably always will be. Even though I've provided them with a "safe space" in the coop, they choose to do their own thing, squeezing themselves between the wall and a box.

I leave you with tandem preening.


  1. I love watching dirt baths. With such zeal!

  2. No-name has a coppery hue - how about Penny

  3. Jenn, I have noticed the chickens have torn all the grass in the pens my daughter chicken coop area. She lets them run free thru the day and they get back in the pen at night. You certainly got a great picture of that dust bather. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  4. Our hens make dirt bath holes all over the fields. I love watching them.

  5. The only creatures that dig bigger dust bath holes are Great Pyrenees and Nubian dairy goats. But only chickens exhibit such zest for life with a dust bath. The above simply cozy down for a nap. I love your girls they are so expressive!

  6. The wild turkeys around my place take spectacular dust baths. When they shake it off there is an amazing cloud.

  7. I never thought of writing a post about my chickens and their dust baths! You make it so interesting and entertaining.

  8. They are a happy bunch! You are providing them with such a wonderful home.

  9. a nice flock of happy birds xx

  10. so cute! Thanks for sharing with us suburbia gals!

  11. This is so.cute....i didn’t know hens do this...lovely weekend love Ria x ☀️

  12. What great photos you got! Our girls do the same thing and you've got to be careful when you walk through their pasture 'cause you never know where there might be a new "bathing hole!"

  13. Well with all this dry weather, I'm sure your feather girls are going to have lots of opportunities for a dirt bath. ... =^..^=

  14. They look divinely happy. I think your hens have found a good home. And seem to be bonding with each other. Big smiles.
