Friday 20 May 2016

weekend to do list

This weekend is a big one for Canadians. It is the Victoria Day weekend, or more informally, the May 2-4 (two, four) which refers to both the date and a case of 24 beer. Of course the weekend doesn't necessarily fall right on the 24th of May, but it is still called that. For many  Canadians, this weekend, which includes a statutory holiday Monday, marks the opening of a cottage or perhaps the first camping event. When I was a teenager, we would go camping and do all sorts of things we didn't tell our parents about. People often have a barbecue or party which may also include fireworks. And drinking.

For other Canadians, this weekend is when plants are purchased, pots are hung on porches, vegetable gardens are seeded (with the exception of tomatoes and peppers and perhaps cucumbers). Garden centers are allowed to be open even though it is a holiday Monday because so much business is done that day.

For my husband, it means the opening of the pool. We have an in ground pool which he built and there is a process involved in getting it ready for another summer season. Up until this weekend, it has been tucked in under the winter pool cover with a decreased amount of water in it. I just noticed that pool salt is on sale this weekend at Canadian Tire!! Yay!

My to do list includes mostly outdoor pursuits: (in no particular order)
-whipper snip the property
-clean up front bed (again) and amend soil
-cut back and clean up rest of perennial beds
-scrub and power wash back porch
-weed/till vegetable garden
-weed front walkway
-put in screen in door
-hydrangeas, hostas for the front bed

I don't think I will be completely successful in crossing  everything off my list, but I'm a big list maker. I like setting goals. Sometimes I even put things on my list that I've already done just so I can have the satisfaction of crossing them off😊.

My toe (see previous post if you care) gave me grief the first couple of mornings, but I wore my Birkinstocks and I think it's going to be o.k. I shouldn't be slowed down by a damaged toe  so hopefully I can post again with proof of a productive weekend. What are your plans?


  1. I'm off to see Miss 21 today. Squeeeee :-)
    Enjoy your gardening X

    1. Oh, lovely! Have a nice time with your daughter! -Jenn

  2. That list should keep you busy! Good luck in getting through it. I too love a good list - or 3- and also write on things already done so as to cross them straight off

    1. Yes, it's probably too long, but better to aim high! Thanks for dropping by, Sue. -Jenn

  3. You've got quite a list!!! Hope you have gorgeous weather and you get everything done!

    1. It's already a nice morning. Thanks for coming by, Katie! -Jenn

  4. That is one busy weekend! I'm not sure what our plans are but we do have loads of chores that need to be tackled, especially outdoors.

  5. Whipper snip? I love that! Think I may just have to add this to my vocabulary!Isn't it nice to have such homey weekend chores! Sounds like ours!!! Have a good one!

  6. Sounds like you're going to be BUSY!
    ...and I'm guessing the snow melted. ;)

  7. My plans for the weekend? Getting as much planted in the garden as I can . . . sensibly. Up here in northern Minnesota we have to learn to be patient as real summer sometimes doesn't arrive until July. Or August. ;o}

    It's nearly four o'clock now and I just came in because there were so many things I could/should do out there that I found myself walking in circles trying to decide which to tackle. But it's all good. A light dinner of leftovers tonight and maybe I will stay awake long enough to clear this mess on my desk. And on the computer.

    Tomorrow? I'll hit the garden with renewed vim and vigor. I bet you'll do the same.
