Tuesday 3 May 2016

twenty Tuesday

Today my baby turned twenty. It was a lovely day with lots of laughs. We went out for supper and then came back home for cake. I put together a "grab bag" kind of gift for her, a soft sided container with this and that in it. Her more substantial present will be chosen online. She is thinking either a new pair of running shoes (specific customized colours on the Nike Web site), or a little Kate Spade bag.

She is living at home through the summer and getting good hours at work. We are all looking forward to nicer, warmer weather. The sixteen year old has track and field day tomorrow. Scooter is now going outside and can't get  enough  of  it .  He  has  even climbed a tree and successfully gotten down  again.

My somewhat nerdy husband and daughter are happy that May the 4th is tomorrow (May the fourth be with you!) Right now they are settling in to watch the first Indiana Jones movie, I remember this movie from when I was in high school. At that time you could rent a vcr from a video rental place and my friend Susan ' s father  rented one for the weekend and she, I, and her twin red-haired brothers (think Weasleys) watched it over and over and over.
Isn't  it funny that we had to rent a vcr and now people can watch a movie on their phone!

I wonder what kinds of developments my twenty year old daughter will see in her life time?


  1. Awww Happy Birthday Miss 20! I discussed the progress thing with the class yesterday. We we were talking about Tim Peake and how they almost take Soace Travel for granted and seem, in this day and age f their fantasy X box world a little underwhelmed by it, where I can remember watching the space shuttle go up in the school hall mouth agape in awe and wonder! It really does beg the question with this tech we have - what's next?!!

    1. Would you ever sign up for space travel? I went to hear Roberta Bondar (Canadian astronaut) speak about her time in space. Her eyesight improved and she came back taller! -Jenn

    2. No I would not! I'm scared of heights! I've never been on a plane, let alone a Soace rocket!

  2. Happy birthday to your daughter! How nice that you have her home for the summer. Mine decided she'll reside year round in Ottawa...at least for this year. It's her first apartment, so she's very excited. A little bittersweet for me :)

    1. I did the same thing in University, staying in the city, instead of coming home. However, I lived in the middle of nowhere and I much preferred being out on my own. Kids go to university a year younger than I did (no more grade 13), so the end of her second year was more like the end of my first year. I don't know if she will always come home, but it is nice having her this summer. -Jenn

  3. Your daughter is darling and the cake looks delish. May the 4th be with you!

    1. Thanks, she is a very pretty young woman. To keep her privacy, we put the cake in front of her face. The cake was amazing!! -Jenn

  4. What a cutie pie girl you have. She is growing up mommy. :( I love those kinds of gifts...little bits of this and that . I am not savvy enough, or my vision good enough , to watch a movie on a phone. Yikes. Blessings to all of you , xoxo, Susie
    p.s. happy birthday to your sweet girl.

    1. Oh Susie, I do not watch movies on my phone. I use my cell phone for texting and the occasional call. It is a very "uncool" cell phone. -Jenn

  5. Happy Belated B-day and many best wishes to your daughter! 20 seems SO long ago...
    I still can't believe I went all day on 5/4 without saying "May the fourth". I feel like I missed out somehow.

    1. It's my husband and daughter who are the Star Wars fans. Me, not so much. I just don't have the patience for movies usually. People say that your children grow up so quickly, and they really do! -Jenn

  6. Jenn, Still laughing aloud about the poopy kitty story beneath! Thank Goodness for shredded newspaper. I know about being at wits end with uncooperative cats. We had one with similar problems, and eventually, she had to move her little hind end to living in the Mud room and outside. Congrats to having a 20 year old.... and I do remember the vcr. Heaven only knows what our children will experience with technology.
