Monday, 29 June 2015

It's like a scene from Teletubbies around here!

I really really like rabbits. I have never had one as a pet, but I think they are charming. I used to read Beatrix Potter stories to our children when they were little. I love greeting cards with rabbits on them, preferably upright, wearing something semi-formal. I have a couple of rabbit statues here and there in my gardens.

But this, people, this is ridiculous! Last night there were three THREE rabbits in the back yard. Brown cottontail bunnies eating their way through god knows what. The cat only brings home baby bunnies (yes, that bothers me). He has completely disregarded the bigger ones. No doubt they are bigger because they are growing large and healthy on my plants.

I have NO intention of fencing in my property. It's too large. I will also not be putting a fence around my garden, or flower beds. I might attempt the old Irish Spring soap trick. (Does it actually work??) I haven't captured any photos of the little darlings yet, so this will have to do.

Saturday, 20 June 2015

Saying goodbye to a "family member"

This past week we had a very difficult, but responsible decision to make. We had to put our 20 year old Nelly cat to sleep. She was gravely ill, unable to walk, and not experiencing a good quality of life. All family members were around and a wonderful vet, who is a mobile vet and a cat specialist, came to our home and did a thorough, gentle exam. She gave us her best opinion and allowed for us to take the time to make the necessary decision. The vet was able to put her to sleep at our home and she was buried in a little simple coffin which my husband built for her. We buried Nelly in the corner of our lot with a cat statue beside her little "gravestone".

Am I making too much of this event? No. This is a little being who shared our lives for twenty years. We got her when I was pregnant with our eldest. So, both of our children have known this little grey cat their entire lives. She was a constant presence in all of our lives. There were the sweet moments where she purred very loudly and sat on our laps, especially doing her very important job of keeping company with anyone who was sick. There were the ridiculous moments where she was always one step directly in front of us, darn near sending me flying repeatedly. We called her Nelly the Bathroom Cat because she insisted on being with us in the bathroom, rubbing her face on the corner of the wall and purring. Nelly was very vocal. She kept a constant conversation, especially first thing in the morning.

Routine and habits were important to her. A ham sandwich could not be made for lunches without her receiving two small pieces of ham. NOBODY ate a bowl of cereal without her meowing at them, reminding them that she must get the bowl when they were done. When someone sat on the couch and watched tv, a lap had to be provided, but a blanket on that lap was even better. Although she was small, and older, she ruled the roost over our younger, bigger, stronger Samson. She ate first while he waited off to the side. If he walked a bit too close to her, she raised a paw and cuffed him as a reminder of the heirarchy.

And so, we say goodbye. We now have one cat. He is a very different sort. More outdoorsy and quiet, but with his own special quirks. He is currently curled up at the end of the bed while I type this. But later, he will arise and stalk chipmunks and maintain order around the perimeter.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015


I thought I had dodged the frost. I kept my purchased vegetable plants in the mudroom overnight for two nights. I left them out on the porch for another day or two to get them acclimatized. I put my seeds, potatoes and onions in. Then I finally planted my plants. Well, I guess it was still too cold. I lost all of my tomatoes, cucumbers, and zucchini. Also, something ate my kale and my parsley. All I have left are some peppers. Why they didn't die, I have no idea. Also, nothing has germinated.

So... I have supported my little local greenhouse a second time and purchased more plants. I have also replanted beans, peas, lettuce, beets and now I have even thrown in some spinach and zinnias for colour. Tomorrow I will put in my plants.

I remember June weather that was HOT. I remember people getting out their fans in June. I remember people swimming in June. This will be our third cold summer in a row if this continues. I know I am odd in this sense, but I will never complain about the heat. I like the heat. Even humidity doesn't bother me. I was sitting in a sauna with my husband and a friend of ours. The friend looked over at me with disbelief and said, "You're not even sweating!!"

So, c'mon Mother Nature. Give us a summer, please. I live a simple life. I get a lot of pleasure from planting a seed, watching it grow and then enjoying fresh food. I will include in a future post when these newest seeds have germinated. Are things late in your neck of the woods?