Tuesday 28 November 2023

Snow Day / Work Day

 I was scheduled to work this afternoon in a town about 15 minutes away. We have snow squalls in the forecast and this is what it looks like this morning from my porch. 

Pretty isn't it? I got a voicemail from the VP at that same school wondering if I could come in the whole day. On snow days, here, it just means that the buses are cancelled, but a ton of kids still show up at school. Parents bring them in. Even the parents who do not have gainful employment. I let the VP know that I would likely give it a go but couldn't promise I would be there right at 9:00 on the dot. She was fine with any time that I could make it. I think I'll be fine, I'll just chug along carefully. I'm not sure if the roads have been sufficiently cleared yet, (I can't tell from my house) but this is nothing new. It's also about visibility if it really starts to blow. Ahhhh, here we go. 

Edited to add:  Oh well, the whole thing has been cancelled. She got enough people to come in and the meeting that took the teacher out this afternoon (for whom I was supplied to be filling in) was cancelled. It might be a good day to start Christmas decorating, or baking. 


  1. Helloooooooooo, winter! Drive carefully!

    1. As it turns out I'm going nowhere. (I added to the original post). It seems I'm losing a few jobs lately. Oh well, I'll make good use of the time.

  2. Yep, even here buses are cancelled, but the students arrive anyway. Actually I am very glad that you did not have to travel in that weather.

    God bless.

    1. It would have been o.k. I'm used to some pretty bad driving conditions. But, I'll make good use of the day here at home.

  3. It seems the cancellation worked out for the best. If the snow gets deep, driving gets more challenging. Decorating the tree will be great. Sweet Murphy adds to the tree decor.

  4. I love your header pic - what a good kitty with all those tempting targets! Brrrr, snow. I don't miss it much (grew up in Roch NY) but I do miss the pretty of it. Stay safe & warm. Linda

    1. Oh, don't be fooled by that seemingly innocent demeanor!

  5. I'm not sorry it was cancelled. Driving is hazardous in blowing snow, though it did mean losing work hours. But safer at home.

    1. Yes, I was a little disappointed that the whole day got cancelled. I'm looking outside right now and it is quite clear, but it could turn around just as quickly.

  6. I'm glad you did not have to go out in that snow. I'm sure you rather enjoy it looking out your window.

  7. The snow would certainly get you in the Christmas mood

  8. It is only November. Might the weather get worse in the next few weeks?

  9. What a lot of snow!! Hard to imagine for me. Just another snowy winters day to you. It has finally got much colder here and snow has fallen in Northern Greece. Time to light a fire at night and wear a heavier jacket.
    I'm going to make a few Xmas cakes this week

  10. There is much good about living outside of town/city, but it's days like that I'm happy to be in an urban area. I don't envy you driving in all of that. Sorry it was cancelled, but hopefully the roads will be clear when you do need to venture out.

    I didn't notice it the last time I visited, but the header photo is adorable!

  11. I think the cat is in the right place, looks cold, brrrrrr!

  12. We too got snow today, and it was a sheet of ice, so roads were terrible. I stayed inside, other than shoveling. I absolutely adore your blog header photo. Now I want a house cat again lol! I'm glad you didn't have to drive in that weather. Have a fun and inspiring week.

  13. The photo makes me smile. Lynn Ewing

  14. Time to make some mincemeat tarts, methinks!

  15. I am kinda glad you didn't have to go. My granddaughter lives north of us, and they had ice and snow that closed the interstate. She was stuck in traffic an hour and a half, finally turned around to go home and was stuck again. The first snow, hereabouts at least, always causes a mess. I expect you Canadians don't have that issue!

  16. That's the trouble with snow days. They almost always start out with a good few hours of uncertainty.

  17. We got more snow down here in the not really snow belt in Ohio that I cancelled a doctor appointment. Glad you got the day off, too.

  18. Shame about losing a day in a different environment, but possibly not all bad if driving was going to be a trial. More snow might have made getting home even worse.

  19. I grew up with a lot of snow, which in some ways I miss, in others I don't! Here in the southeastern US, even a sprinkling of snow is often enough to close the schools.

  20. We are in Barrie, so get the lake effect streamers from Georgian Bay. The snow plow finally came round this morning and didn't dump a load of snow on the bottom of our driveway, so fingers crossed this is how it's going to be this winter ;0)

  21. wow, that is so beautiful. i live in the tropical country all my life and i wish to experience snow even once in my lifetime.

    anyway, i followed your blog. i'm your follower number #202. Hope you can follow back, too. Thank you.


  22. I know you like going in but I'm glad it was canceled today, especially given that you didn't know about the roads and all. We have a little snow on the ground but nothing like that!

  23. I always kept my kids home on snow days! If it wasn't safe for the school bus, it wasn't safe for me either. Although, school buses do not have snow tires. And was happy to give my kids the joy of a snow day!!

  24. I use to love snow days, we would ride our sled until we were so cold we would come in and put our feet near the fire. I can still fill the burn and tingle when my feet started to warm up. Today for kids it means doing your lessons on the notebook from school. Poor kids. Love your tree!
